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“We dig Leon,” Morris added. “He’s part of the family.”

“Broken Tooth promised to release Leon after the Super Bowl,” he said.

“Do you believe him?” Cory asked.

He hesitated. He wanted to think the Chinese gangster’s word was worth something, but he now knew that wasn’t the case. If Broken Tooth were backing Travis, the Chinese gangster would probably have his henchmen murder Leon just to tie up loose ends.

“No, I don’t,” he said truthfully.

“Can we save him?” Morris asked.

Vegas was a town that rarely gave you a second chance. If Leon’s number was up, it was up. But that didn’t mean that Billy wasn’t going to try.

“First, we have to find him,” he said. “I met Broken Tooth at a restaurant called Big Wong in Chinatown. Big Wong serves authentic Chinese cuisine, and so do a number of other restaurants in town. That’s probably what Broken Tooth and his men are eating while they’re staying here. The more authentic, the better.”

“You want us to check these places out?” Cory said.

“Correct. I’m guessing Broken Tooth is ordering a lot of takeout. Go around lunchtime and see if they come into one of these joints. If you spot them, get in your car and follow them. Hopefully they’ll take you to where Leon is being held.”

“What then?” Morris asked.

He hadn’t gotten that far. He might get a gun and take Broken Tooth out himself and free his driver. Or he’d hire some guys to do it. It didn’t really matter. Once he knew where Leon was being held captive, he’d take the necessary steps to save his driver’s life.

“I’ll think of something,” he said.


Tuesday, early morning, twelve days before the Super Bowl

There was nothing glamorous about shooting a TV show. Early mornings, late nights, endless takes. Mags was working on the day’s scene when there was a knock on her trailer door.

“Can it wait? I’m memorizing my lines,” she said.

“We need to chat for a minute. It’s important,” Rand said.

“Well, then come on in.”

Rand made his entrance. As was befitting a Hollywood producer, he wore designer jeans and a gold T-shirt that appeared glued to his body, along with a pair of sunglasses perched on the tip of his nose. Mags took the shooting script off her lap and tossed it to the floor.

“Whoever wrote this doesn’t know jack,” she said.

“It’s a she, and she’s one of the best scriptwriters in the biz,” Rand said.

“Well, she doesn’t know shit about casinos, and you can tell her I said so.”

Today’s scene had Mags walking through a casino and catching a player slipping a metal slug into a slot machine. The scene was intended to display Mags’s innate ability to spot cons and grifts and was integral to her character as a gaming agent. The problem was, any dummy could spot a slug from a mile away. The scene sucked.

“We have guests,” Rand said. “The gaming board decided to pay us a visit. They caught wind that our show features a gaming agent and aren’t happy about it.”

Her stomach did a flip-flop. She had a history with the gaming board, and it wasn’t a pretty one. For eighteen months, she’d acted as a snitch while being under the thumb of an agent named Frank Grimes. To keep Grimes under control, she’d had an affair with him, a decision she’d come to regret. “I thought you cleared the show with the gaming board,” she said.

“I thought I had. It seems they just got around to reading the script. Be your usual charming self, and everything will go fine.”

“When did you send it to them? Yesterday?”

Rand flashed a phony smile. Mags guessed Rand had delayed showing the gaming board the script because her character moonlighted as a cheat. TV shows were a boon to the local economy, and her producer was banking on the gaming board giving them a pass.

“Have you ever dealt with the gaming board before?” she asked.

“No. What are they like?”

“You’re in for a real treat.”

“They’re waiting for us inside one of the hotel’s restaurants,” Rand said as they entered LINQ. “Please be on your best behavior with these folks. I don’t want them shutting us down.”

“How much of the script have they read?” Mags asked.

“All of it. They even e-mailed me some suggestions. I told them their ideas were great and that I wanted to use them and give them writing credits.”

“Aren’t we clever.”

“I think we’re going to be okay. If not, I’ll offer to send the show’s carpenters over to their houses to do some repairs. That should do the trick.”

“Won’t the studio object?”

“It’s built into the budget. When you shoot on location, you have to bribe the cops or local politicians to cut through red tape and get things done. The best bribe is free repairs. They’re impossible to trace.”

Guy Fieri’s Vegas Kitchen & Bar had more words in its title than entrees on the menu. It was a brightly lit room with as much charm as an army mess hall. Rand escorted her to a corner table where a pair of gaming agents awaited them. One had a shiny butter stain adorning his necktie. It was her old pal Frank.

Introductions were made. The second agent was a stocky Latina named Valles who ran the gaming board’s PR department. Clutched in her hand was a copy of the shooting script with no less than fifty yellow Post-it tabs on pages where the desired changes were to be made. A waitress took drink orders. Coffee all around.

Rand picked up the script from the table and casually thumbed through it. “Is this it? I thought there’d be more,” he said sarcastically.

“We tried to keep things within reason,” Valles replied. “The gaming board plays a prominent role in your series. We’d prefer our agents be showcased in a positive light.”

“The main character in the series cheats the casinos. Is that a problem?”

“We think it is.”

Valles and Rand locked stares the way bulls lock horns. This was not going to be fun. To Mags’s surprise, it was Grimes who seized the moment. “Why don’t Miss Flynn and I move to another table so you two can talk this through? It might make things easier.”

“That’s a terrific idea, Frank,” Valles said. “Nice meeting you, Miss Flynn.”

“Same here,” Mags said.

Grimes and Mags took a table away from the brewing battle. The waitress was on the ball and brought their coffees. Grimes lifted his steaming mug in a toast.

“Congratulations. Here’s to making it,” he said.

“Are you trying to be funny?” Mags asked.

“Not at all. Remember the first time we slept together? I took you to a suite at the Wynn and we ordered room service and screwed like rabbits. When we were done, you told me you were going to make it big one day, and now you have. Not many people do that, Maggie.”

Mags vividly remembered their first sexual encounter but not for the same reasons. It was the first time she’d seen Frank naked. His body was covered in curly black hair and looked like something that had washed up dead on the beach after a low tide. She’d made him turn off the lights and had shut her eyes and imagined she was screwing a young Harrison Ford.

“Thanks,” she said. “So how are things with you? Still pounding the pavement?”

“My boss put in his papers for retirement. I’ve applied for his job. Unfortunately, a lot of other agents in the department are vying for his desk. All I can do is hope.”

“That asshole Tricaricco is finally leaving? It’s about time.”

“Bill isn’t that bad, once you get to know him.”