“Took some time, but we hit fifty thousand points last night. You’ve been in mint condition waiting. On ice, so to speak. Proverbial Sleeping Beauty.”
“Beauty, huh?” Lily asked, a small hint of amusement in her voice.
“Obviously. I’m making the rounds and going to start bringing people back. It’ll take some time, but we’ll get everyone back up on their feet.”
“Good. What ever happened to our money?” The sound of shoes squeaking on the ground was a good sign she was getting close to being done.
“Oh. That. It got unfrozen pretty quick after word spread that Legion eliminated the Guild of Heroes and everyone a part of it. The car auction went very well to boot. We’re flush with money and buying up as many new heads as possible to get our points up, so I can bring back our people.”
“Where’s Andrea? Or Victoria?” Lily asked from directly behind him.
“Andrea is in number forty-two, Victoria in thirty-two,” Felix said, pointing at the shelves in the wall. “I haven’t brought them back yet.”
“Wait. Am I first?”
Felix turned his head to the side, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. “Ioana was first. Felicia wouldn’t have left me alone until she was back with us.
“And to be fair, it was her tactics and doctrine that saw our people trained so very well.
“You’re first after Ioana. Andrea will be tomorrow. I miss her. Far more than I feared I would. She kept everything fun. Happy. Energetic.
“Today though, I needed my Lily. Hard to run this place without you.”
“Oh,” she said, eyeing him.
“That and you owe me a date. You’ve kept me waiting long enough.”
“Oh,” Lily said again, grinning now. “Everything is okay, then?”
“I wouldn’t say okay, but we’re definitely back on track. Only a matter of time now.”
“Which means we can go on our date tonight?”
“We can definitely go on our date tonight.
“Right after you hel—”
“Nope. Date first. Tonight. Work tomorrow.”
Felix shook his head with a smile and relented.
“Date first. Work tomorrow.”
“Now, where are you taking me? I expect to be spoiled. Spoiled rotten. I haven’t eaten in weeks. I’m sure I’m famished.”
Thank you, dear reader!
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