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Maddie and Leena had grown up in the lap of decadence and luxury, but they’d also grown up quickly. Classic poor little rich girls, one twin with an aptitude for survival skills and one gifted with a genius for jewelry design.


After that little talent had been discovered by Uncle Rick, they’d pulled Leena into the business almost nonchalantly-oh, here, Leena, an important client wants to buy this million dollar gem from us, please design a piece for it. Then Uncle Rick would swap the gem out for a replica, sell the designed piece to their customer and the gem to someone else, and pocket the cash from both deals with their customer never the wiser.

When Maddie had learned of it, she’d freaked, knowing that when Rick got caught, Leena would go down in flames right alongside him. Maddie also knew that the only way to save Leena was to get her off the island, but every time she planned an escape, Leena would back out. Maddie might have stayed on Stone Cay all these years just to keep watching after Leena if it hadn’t been for that one last fateful night, which had forced her to run hard and fast and never look back.

Staring down at the picture now, Maddie felt the regret nearly choke her. She’d walked away from Leena, left her alone and defenseless.

Seemed she wasn’t so unlike her mother after all.

But the mistakes of her past were just that. She didn’t have to repeat them. She wouldn’t repeat them. Leena had come to her. She was ready. They could do this.


Slipping the picture in her pocket, she left the room to prove it to her sister.

Physical therapist, Brody’s ass. PTs didn’t make house calls, not even to gorgeous liars.

And Maddie was desperate. There’d been many, many times when he’d daydreamed about her being desperate…desperate for his body was his favorite.

But that’s not what she was desperate for now. Nope, she was killing herself trying to get rid of him, and that wasn’t going to happen.

It took him about four minutes to jimmy the lock on the sliding glass door. It would have taken less, but halfway through, Shayne buzzed him on his cell to ask if he’d handled things yet.

“Working on it.”

“What’s taking you so long? You losing your touch with women?”

Brody snarled, and with a laugh, Shayne disconnected.

Anger was a good motivator, but angst was a better one, and Brody slid the door open. Helping himself, he stepped inside. Someone had gone a little overboard with the wild, wild West theme in the place, but even without the cowboy paraphernalia, the interior screamed expensive taste, much like the woman who lived here.

There was no one in the living room, but he followed a low murmur of voices into a hallway, where there was a line of skis and snowshoes that he absolutely could not see Maddie using. She liked cars and planes, things with engines, nothing that required her own steam.

Why was she here, so out of her element?

Then he heard a cell phone ring, and Maddie’s voice answer, low and unhappy. He moved into the kitchen where he found her talking to her cell phone, opened on the counter.

“I’ve been out of range,” she said.

“That’s a problem.” The man spoke in a harsh warning tone. “You need to get back in range.”

“You don’t understand.” Maddie wrung her hands. “I just want to live my life. I want to…travel. I won’t tell anyone what we’ve done, I promise. Just let me go.”

This made Brody even more tense, as did the fact that she was back to being a platinum blonde and wearing the sprayed on jeans.

What the hell? She looked like the kick-ass Maddie he knew, but she did not sound like her, not with the uncertain tone and stance that suggested she could be bullied and intimidated.

The Maddie he knew would never give anything away, certainly not a single vulnerability, and she sure as hell never let anyone bully or intimidate her.


He was missing something, and the niggling of it rumbled through him.

“I know you won’t tell a soul,” said the man through the speaker. “Just as I know you’ll get back here. You have a job.”

“I’m…no longer interested.”

“Get reinterested. Fast.”


“Okay, let me make things clearer. Get back here, or I’ll send someone for you. And you won’t like that, believe me. You know you won’t.”

At Sky High, Maddie would have cut the guy off at the knees, if not the balls, and Brody waited for her to do just that. Instead, she shuddered in fear. “No, please. Don’t.”

Okay, fuck this, he thought and strode across the room toward her.

She whirled and at the sight of him, let out a terrified little squeak that stopped him short.

“Brody?” she whispered, hand fluttering up to her throat like a damsel in distress, which confused him all the more.

“Who’s Brody?” the man on the phone demanded.

Brody slowed his steps, not liking the way she was retreating from him, backing up against the counter. He’d figured she’d slug him or do anything in her usual take no prisoners way. Instead she was cowering to the tile, eyes huge on his. “Brody’s my…”

“What?” the cell phone commanded. “He’s your what?”

“I forgot to tell you. I’m…married.”

Dead silence all around.

Well, except for Brody’s heart, which skidded to a stunned stop, then began a heavy, hard beat that threatened to give him heart failure.


“Yeah,” Maddie said, eyes still locked on Brody. “And he makes enough money for the both of us, so I don’t ever have to work for you again, Rick. And if you’re smart, you’ll just let me go.”

Brody was still on the married portion of that sentence. What the hell was she talking about? She dated occasionally, he knew. He hated it. But he’d always taken some comfort in the fact that when she did date, she rarely repeated a guy.

But married? That required a lot of repeating, and he would have definitely noticed that.

“You’re married,” the man on the phone said in clear disbelief.

“Yes.” Maddie’s eyes were still locked on Brody. “And Brody doesn’t like the islands, so we can’t come back. Sorry.”

Jesus. Why would she say she was married to him?

“You’re the one who’s going to be sorry if you don’t get back here to Stone Cay,” the man said, and the following click, along with the aggression and fury in the sound, echoed through the kitchen, distinctive and succinct.

Brody stared at the woman who his eyes were telling him was Maddie while his brain screamed otherwise, but then she did something even more extremely un-Maddielike.

She put the cell phone in her pocket and burst into tears.

Absolutely struck stupid by all of it, he moved as if underwater, reaching for her, pulling her into his arms.

“Maddie’s going to kill me,” she cried against his chest.

He went still as stone as her tears soaked into his shirt, then stared down at her. Maddie was going to kill Maddie?

What the hell?

But she just leaned on him and sobbed. Only Maddie had never leaned on him, not once. As far as he knew, she’d never leaned on another soul. What she also did was stand her ground, always.

Then something even more shocking happened, if that was possible. Another woman stepped into the room, the mirror image of the Maddie in his arms.

She wasn’t sobbing, nothing close, and he divided a glance between them, suddenly feeling better, a whole lot better, in fact, because he wasn’t crazy, he was simply stupid.

The other Maddie, the real Maddie, walked right up to him, and not quite certain what she intended, he drew in a breath because she had a reputation for leading with her right hook, or a hard smack upside the head.

But she ignored her “husband” entirely and simply pulled her twin out of his arms and hugged her close.