eye contact ref1
faces ref1, ref2
Faces in the Clouds (Guthrie) ref1
Fairchild, Lydia ref1
fascination ref1 See also unseen gaze
Fearnley-Whittingstall, Hugh ref1
Fludd, Robert ref1–ref2
The Fly ref1
Fore tribe ref1
forgery: art ref1; relics ref1
Francis of Assisi, St ref1
freaks ref1
free will ref1
Fregoli’s syndrome ref1
Freud, Sigmund ref1, ref2
Gaia theory ref1
galvanic skin response ref1
Gammons, Ian and Lynda ref1
gaze: communication through ref1; direct ref1; fascination ref1; unseen ref2, ref3
genes: genetic engineering ref1; and religious belief ref1
genetic engineering ref1
ghosts ref1
Gilbert and George ref1
Gilbert, Dan ref1
The God Delusion (Dawkins) ref1
God is Not Great (Hitchens) ref1
gonads ref1
‘Great Chain of Being’ ref1
Gregory, Richard ref1
groups ref1, ref2
guilt ref1
‘gut feelings’ ref1
Guthrie, Stewart ref1
Gyatzo, Tenzin ref1
Hahnemann, Samuel ref1
Haidt, Jonathan ref1
hallucinations ref1, ref2
Hamer, Dean ref1
Hanks, Tom ref1
Harding, J. R. ref1
Harris, Sam ref1
Henry vacuum cleaner ref1–ref2
hermaphrodites ref1
heuristics ref1, ref2
Hitchens, Christopher ref1
Hitchens, Peter ref1
HIV/AIDS ref1, ref2
Hoffman, Albert ref1
holism see life force
Holocaust, Jewish ref1
homeopathy ref1, ref2
honesty ref1
horror stories: Countess Báthory ref1; Dracula ref1
houses, contaminated ref1, ref2
Hughes, Howard ref1
Hume, David ref1, ref2
Humphrey, Nick ref1, ref2
Hussein, Saddam ref1
ideal forms theory ref1
identity: Capgras syndrome ref1; identical twins ref1; mind ref1 See also life force; soul
‘If you Want to Get Ahead, Get a Theory’ (Karmiloff-Smith and Inhelder) ref1
illusion of explanatory depth ref1
infinitesimals, law of ref1
Inhelder, Barbel ref1
inhibition ref1
intentional stance ref1
intuitive theories ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Iraq war ref1
‘Irish dirt’ ref1
James, William ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Jenkins, Alan ref1
Johnson, Magic ref1
joint attention ref1
Kafka ref1
Karmilove-Smith, Annette ref1
Kass, Leon ref1
Keegan, Karen ref1
King, Brian ref1
Kopi Luwak ref1
kosher categories ref1
Kreb’s cycle ref1, ref2
Kukukukus tribe ref1
Kuru disease ref1
Ladies’ Home Journal ref1
language ref1, ref2
Le Bon, Gustav ref1
Le Loyer, Pierre ref1
Lennon, John ref1
Levi-Leleu, Michel ref1
Lewis-Williams, David ref1
Life ref1
life force ref1, ref2, ref3
Lindeman, Marjaana ref1
Linnaeus, Carl ref1
Little Albert ref1
Locke, John ref1
Lovelock, James ref1
Macbeth effect ref1, ref2
MacDougall, Dr Duncan ref1
magical ideation ref1, ref2
magical thinking, sympathetic ref1, ref2, ref3
Malham, Gareth ref1
mania ref1, ref2
Maori ref1
Marlar, Richard ref1
mass mentality ref1
The Matrix ref1
Mead, Margaret ref1
medicine, alternative ref1
memorabilia: collecting, reasons for ref1, ref2; duplication of ref1; killer cardigan ref1; provenance ref1, ref2; Steve Vee Bransgrove Collectables ref1, ref2–ref3; symbolic value attached to ref1
memory: and Alzheimer’s ref1; cellular ref1; working ref1
Merrick, Joseph ref1
The Metamorphosis (Kafka) ref1
The Mind in the Cave (Lewis-Williams) ref1
mind-reading ref1, ref2, ref3
mind design: definition ref1; cause and effect ref1; children, development in ref1; evolutionary psychology and ref1; experiences with ref1; obsessive behaviour ref1; patterns ref1; and prehistoric art ref1; wishful thinking ref1 See also brain
Minsky, Marvin ref1, ref2
Mister Rogers ref1
Montague, Read ref1
morphic resonance ref1
mosaicism ref1, ref2
My Bed (Emin) ref1
natural selection theory ref1
newborns: blank-slate metaphor ref1, ref2; brilliant ref1; reflexes of ref1; world experienced by ref1 See also babies; children
Newton’s Laws of Object Motion ref1
‘The Numskulls’ ref1–ref2
obsession ref1, ref2
‘once in contact, always in contact’ principle ref1
The Onion ref1
Opie, Peter and Iona ref1
oxytocin ref1
Paracelsus ref1
patterns: apophenia ref1, ref2; of events ref1; Gestalt psychology and ref1; missing square ref1–ref2; randomness of ref1
Pavlov, Ivan ref1
Penfield, Wilder ref1
Perera, Dr Samson ref1
phobias ref1
Piaget, Jean ref1, ref2
Pinker, Steven ref1
placebo effect ref1, ref2
plants and Doctrine of Signatures ref1
Plato ref1, ref2
Plimmer, Martin ref1
Plutarch ref1
Polidori, Dr John William ref1
The Prestige ref1
psychic secretion ref1
psychology: evolutionary ref1; Gestalt ref1, ref2
psychotic disorders ref1
Quinn, Marc ref1, ref2
quintessence ref1
Quirkology (Wiseman) ref1
rape, African children ref1
Raynor, Rosalie ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
reality: confirmation bias of ref1; dissociated disorders ref1; drugs, distortion by ref1; ideal forms and ref1; intuitive theories and ref1; ‘out of sight, out of mind’ ref1; psychotic mania ref1
reasoning ref1, ref2
reflexes, babies: grasp ref1, ref2, ref3; startle ref1; stepping ref1; sucking ref1;
religion: afterlife ref1, ref1; Christian fundamentalism ref1; church attendance ref1; creationism ref1; supernatural connection ref1; Dawkins’ condemnation of ref1, ref2; God’s ‘Great Chain of Being’ ref1; parasite, compared as ref1; relics ref1; rituals ref1; of scientists ref1, ref2; supernaturalism, as form of ref1; twins ref1;VMAT2 genes and ref1
rituals: athletes ref1; control, feeling of ref1; and culture ref1; exorcism ref1; Hongi ref1; obsession with ref1; religious ref1
Robocop ref1
Rogers, Fred ref1
Rozin, Paul ref1, ref2, ref3
Russ, Charles ref1
Saatchi, Charles ref1
sacredness ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Sanner, Margareta ref1, ref2
SARS virus ref1
schizophrenia ref1, ref2
science: advances in ref1; genetic manipulation ref1, ref2; and morphic resonance ref1; religion supernatural overlap ref1; secular beliefs of ref1; view of, public ref1
secular supernatural beliefs (Gallup poll) ref1
The Selfish Gene (Dawkins) ref1
Self (Quinn) ref1, ref2
Seligman, Martin ref1
Seuss, Dr ref1
Sexton, Jacob ref1
sex: cultural influences on ref1; physical responses ref1; sexual chemistry ref1; virility improvement ref1
Sheldrake, Rupert ref1
Shelley, Mary ref1
Shermer, Michael ref1
similars, law of ref1
Singer, Isaac Bashevis ref1
Skinner, B. F. ref1
Skinner, Deborah ref1–ref2
Smuts, Barbara ref1
somatic marker ref1
soul, the ref1, ref2, ref3
Spelke, Liz ref1