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Sitting beside Jon in the quiet cab made Patti feel even more flustered. She wasn’t sure how it was possible that he could affect her from where she was sitting, but somehow he did. She looked straight ahead, her body rigid with pent-up energy. The kiss they shared and its intensity hung in the air between them. Allowing only her eyes to move, Patti dared to look at him.

 With one hand gripping the wheel tightly, the other resting on his muscular thigh, Jon looked about as tightly wound as she was. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were focused so intently on the road he didn’t even blink.

 He must have felt her watching him. Turning his head, Jon caught her eyes and a smile grew across his face. “What?”

 Patti bit her lip, blushing at having been caught. Thankfully, it was dark enough that she didn’t think he could see the heat she felt seeping into her cheeks. “I was just thinking,” she said softly.

 His eyes dropped to her mouth and Patti’s did the same. “Oh yeah? About what?” he asked, his voice growing thick with want.

 Patti swiped her tongue across her bottom lip. The way Jon’s eyes darkened emboldened her. Reaching across the limited space that separated them, Patti ran her fingertips down his forearm and took his hand in hers. She placed their clasped hands in her lap. With her other hand, she stroked the soft skin on the underside of his wrist and delighted in the almost imperceptible shiver that tracked through him.

 “I was just thinking about how good it felt to kiss you,” she said, feeling stupid and sexy all at once. She’d never been very good at communicating her feelings, so each word confessed felt like a small, albeit awkward, triumph.

 Jon’s hand tightened around hers. “Kissing you was amazing. I don’t think a woman’s lips have ever tasted so good.”

 It was impossible to restrain her smile, so Patti didn’t bother trying. Instead, she grinned like a loon out the window the rest of the way home, thinking about the turn around her week had taken. She’d started out losing her job and her boyfriend, and then she’d had her car smashed by a reckless driver only to end up on a date with said offender, who turned out to be hot, intelligent, and an incredible kisser. Maybe it was fate, or maybe it was a simple act of chance, but all Patti knew was that she was going to grab on with both hands and see where this ride took her.

* * *

When they reached her house, Patti felt her stomach flutter in anticipation. She wasn’t sure where the night would lead them, but she was certain that she wasn’t ready for it to end.

 Jon jumped out of the truck the moment he put it into park, and shut off the engine. Patti watched through the rain-streaked windshield as he ran around the front end to her side. Prepared to make a run for it, Patti held her purse tight to her side and turned in her seat with her muscles tensed.

 “Ready?” Jon shouted over a roll of thunder. He held out his hand to her and she took it, jumping down into a giant puddle. Water soaked through her strappy shoes, almost completely submerging them. She didn’t let it stop her.

 Still holding her hand, Jon ran for the house, pulling her along behind him. Once they reached the shelter of the porch, they took one look at each other’s saturated clothing and burst out laughing.

 “I guess I should have checked the weather before I left,” Jon chuckled. He swiped the front of his shirt as though the action would somehow get rid of the excess water.

 “That probably would have been a good idea,” Patti agreed. “But it was such a nice day earlier...” She looked down at her own waterlogged outfit and thanked the gods that she wasn’t a designer brand kind of girl. Otherwise, she’d be looking at one hell of a dry cleaning bill.

 Beneath the soft yellow porch light, Patti couldn’t help staring at the picture Jon made. His wet clothing clung to him, exposing every inch of solid muscle beneath. Her mental checklist went wild. Tall? Check. Hot? Check. Built like a warrior? Double check. Beside him, she felt like a delicate flower. If she wasn’t already wet from the rain and the heart-stopping kiss he’d laid on her, she was sure the sight of him standing there looking like a DQ model would have been enough to make her completely drenched.

 “I should probably go—”

 “Would you like to come in?”

 They spoke at the same time and Patti ducked her head, smiling bashfully. “You go first,” she offered.

 Jon’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he wanted to object. “I should probably take off,” he said instead. Disappointment replaced Patti’s excitement and she felt her spirits drop. She tried to shake it off and smile through it, but Jon was too perceptive. He closed the gap between them and brought his hands up to cup her face. “Hey, don’t do that,” he commanded in a firm but gentle tone. “Make no mistake, I want to stay.”

 “Then why don’t you?” Patti stuck out her bottom lip in a purposeful pout.

 Jon captured her lip between his teeth and nipped it. “Because if I do I’m afraid you won’t respect me in the morning.”

 A laughed escaped her. “I guarantee that if you stay, I’ll respect the hell out of you.” She looked up at him, imploring him with her eyes. “At least come in long enough to dry off.”

 “I have a feeling that could take all night,” he whispered against her lips.

 Patti tipped her head back to kiss him, but he pulled away, staying just out of her range. “You’re such a tease,” she accused.

 Jon lifted a challenging brow. “Did you just call me a tease, Ms. Jacobs?”

 Patti mirrored his look with an arched brow of her own. “Maybe I did, Mr. Bradshaw. What of it?”

 The dangerous growl that rumbled up from deep within Jon’s chest sent a thrill through Patti that traveled an unerring path straight to her core. Without hesitation, Jon bent down, grabbing the backs of her thighs, and lifted her up. Patti wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders, pulling herself in for a tight fit against his firm chest. Her back hit the side of the house next, the narrow wooden slats digging into her flesh, but Patti couldn’t care less. She’d probably have bruises the next day, but a small amount of pain was worth it if it meant she could keep him between her legs as he was now.

 “I’ll show you a tease,” Jon growled, then took her mouth in a punishing kiss that made Patti’s head spin.

 She felt the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her. She tightened her legs around his, pushing her hips against his and forcing her pussy to press harder against it.

 His hips jerked against hers, driving his cock into her heat. Patti gasped into his mouth and Jon took the opportunity to plunge his tongue deeper inside. He licked and sucked at her tongue, drawing her inside of him the way she wanted him inside of her. “Jon,” Patti panted, tunneling her fingers through his short hair and wrenching his head back just so she could dive in and take control.

 Jon let out a hiss of pleasure, but he didn’t allow her to drive the passion forward. With hard hands, he tore her head back, breaking their lip lock in a brutal fashion. The bite of pain from her hair being pulled made Patti cry out, but the sound was quickly swallowed up by the storm.

 “Jon, please,” Patti begged as he leaned in to run the flat of his tongue up the column of her neck. His teeth scraped across her jaw at the same time his hips thrust against hers, while driving his cock deeper until it parted her delicate folds, taking her silken panties with it. The action bordered on pain, but Patti loved it.