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“I know about contraceptives,” Patti said glumly. “We just forgot to use them I guess.”

“You forgot?” If at all possible, Jules’ voice had raised another octave. Patti was fairly sure that by the time the car ride was over, she would have lost a good portion of her hearing. “Patricia Jacobs, what would your mother say?”

“She’d tell me to suck it up and get a job because she didn’t raise a quitter.”

“I would slap you, but I make it a point not to hit pregnant women.” Jules glared at her. “I just don’t even know what to say right now.”

Patti turned to look out the window. “Then don’t say anything.”

And she didn’t. They spoke not a word the rest of the way to her house, which were both a blessing and a curse. It meant that Patti had way too much time on her hands to think of how her life had taken so many turns in so little time. It was nauseating. Or maybe that was the pregnancy hormones kicking in?

Once Jules had her inside and in her own bed, tucked under the blankets, fussing over her like a mother hen, Patti felt like she’d aged twenty years.

“I hope you don’t mind if I take off,” Jules told her as she walked back into the room with a glass of water and a couple of aspirin for her aches and pains. “I have so much to do tomorrow to get ready for Piper’s baby shower this Friday, which you are coming to, right?” She directed a pointy fingernail at Patti’s face and arched a thin brow, daring her to find an excuse.

“I wasn’t aware she was having one.”

Jules rolled her eyes. “I sent you an invitation days ago. You were probably too busy screwing Jonny Boy’s brains out to even notice.”

“Touché.” Reaching for the pills and glass, Patti dumped both down her throat. “Of course I’ll be there.”

“I know you will. So,” she clapped her hands together and an excited look stole across her face. “What are we going to name this kid?”

“I’m barely pregnant,” Patti laughed. “I haven’t even gotten a chance to think about it.”

“Yeah, I guess I can see your point. But, if it’s a girl, I vote for Jules.”

“We’ll see.”

Crossing the room, her friend enveloped her in a hug. “I love you, momma.”

“Love you, too.”

Jules patted her stomach. “Bye, baby! Call me if you need anything.” She waved as she walked toward the door. “Can you believe I’m going to be an auntie?” She squealed and danced out of the room.

“Can you believe I’m going to be a mom?” Patti asked herself, looking down at her flat stomach. Other than her best friend, she didn’t have anyone to share her joy. At least, not the one person she wanted to share it with most.

She had a whole other person growing inside of her, but she had never felt more alone in her life.

* * *

Jon sat at his parents’ dining room table wondering what the hell he was doing there. His sister, Casey, had brought her boyfriend home with her to meet everyone. There was an understanding between him and his father that all boyfriends, foreign or domestic, had to go through the Bradshaw test before he could be welcomed into the family with open arms. Unfortunately, only one person had ever passed that test, and he was married and expecting his first child in a matter of days.

Jon looked up to catch his father sending him a curious look. “Are you okay, son?”

Jon stabbed his fork into the mound of mashed potatoes smothered in butter and sour cream, and shoveled it into his mouth. He passed his father a droll look. “I’m fine.”

He noticed then that everyone had stopped talking to look at him. Swallowing his food, he took a long drink of milk to wash it down with, and then turned his steely blue eyes to Mike, his old pal, who was likely screwing his sister, and asked him, “So, what are your intentions with Casey?”

Mike cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with the shift in conversation. Jon wished he knew what they’d been talking about before…actually, he didn’t. He wasn’t even in the mood to be delivering the third degree, but a promise was a promise, even if it were pulled from him at the ripe age of eight upon having a squirming baby girl thrust in his arms.

“You’re going to help your dad look out for your little sister, right? Help me make sure she finds a boy worthy of being called a Bradshaw?”

He wanted to laugh at the memory, because as much as Mike had hung around as a teenager, he didn’t think the guy knew the first thing about his family. If he passed the test, if down the road he decided to marry his sister, Casey wouldn’t become a Sawyer. Rather, Mike would become a Bradshaw. His father was very serious about passing down the family name.

The guy had his work cut out for him. The question was, how bad did he want his sister?

“I know it’s probably come as a bit of a shock that we’re dating,” Mike started. He leaned to the side and pecked Casey on the lips. “But I love her.”

Jon stared openly, galled by the open display of affection. How dare he molest his sister right in front of them? His jaw clenched. “You’ve been dating for, what, all of a month?”

“Two, actually,” Casey chirped, shooting Mike an affectionate smile.

“Oh, two?” Jon’s eyebrows shot up in mock surprise. “Well, I stand corrected. So, Mike, since you and my sister are so clearly in love, and have spent two whole months fostering it, I assume that you’ll be buying a ring soon?”

Mike coughed into his fist. “Well, I thought we’d wait a little while before we decide to make any big decisions.”

“But I thought you were in love? Why wait? You’re not getting any younger.”

Jon’s mother leaned across the table and covered his hand with hers. “Sweetie, are you feeling all right?”

“Why does everyone keep asking me that?” Jon questioned to no one in particular. His grip on the fork tightened. “I’m fine.”

“Actually, your father is the only one who’s asked, but you look stressed. Is everything okay at work?”

“Work is great. I thought we were here to interview Casey’s boyfriend of the month.”

“What?” Casey gasped. “Is that what you’re doing?”

“Oh don’t act so surprised,” Jon snapped, glaring daggers at his sister. He almost couldn’t stomach looking at her rosy cheeks or her jubilant smile or the damn sparkles she had in her eyes every time she cast a coy look at his former friend. “You’ve known since day one what these dinners were all about.”

“Jon,” his father said sternly. “Enough.”

“What? We didn’t even get to the good parts yet,” Jon protested.

“Jon, what is the matter with you?” Casey asked, looking hurt.

He blinked, realizing how on edge he felt. “I’m sorry. I’m not feeling myself today. If you’ll excuse me.” He got up from the table and headed for the front door before he said anything else he’d regret. He never should have come tonight. His mood wasn’t right for any of this, and he wasn’t fit to be around people. The past few days had been torture for him. Without Patricia to look forward to, everything looked bleak, dull, lifeless. Pointless. He knew he was falling into a depression, but he wasn’t inclined to try to pull himself out of it this time.

How was he supposed to trudge through the days when he didn’t even care if he woke up in the morning?

“Jon?” His mother called out to him, jogging toward the truck.

Jon settled himself behind the wheel and closed the door. He wasn’t in the mood for the lecture he knew was coming, or a heart-to-heart, or anything else she might have in mind. All he wanted to do was go home, crawl in to bed and sleep. He was so unbelievably tired.

Setting her foot on the runner board, she pulled herself up and propped her arms on the open window frame. “What happened in there?”