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790. Bugera W. Der Antisemitismus der «echten Internationalisten» // Direkte Aktion. September 1994. S. 8,15.

791. Castoriadis C. L'experience du mouvement ouvrier. Paris, 1974. Vol. I–II.

792. Childhood in contemporary cultures. Chicago, 1955.

793. Cultural patterns and technical change. New York, 1961.

794. Daum W. The Life and Death of Stalinism. New York, 1990.

795. de Beauvoir S. The Second Sex. New York, 1974.

796. Dorsey G. The nature of man. New York-London, 1927.

797. Dunayevskaya R. Marxism and Freedom — from 1776 until Today. (With an original preface by Herbert Marcuse.) New Jersey; Sussex, 1982.

798. Dunayevskaya R. Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre, and from Marx to Mao. New Jersey; Sussex, 1982.

799. Family Transitions. Continuity and Change over the Life Cycle. New York-London, 1988.

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807. Fromm E. The fear of freedom. London, 1966.

808. Galbraith J. Economics, Peace & Laughter. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1976.

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814. Herman E., Brodhead F. Demonstration Elections: U. S.-Staged Elections in the Dominican Republic, Vietnam, and El Salvador. Boston, 1984.

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816. Horney K. New ways in psychoanalysis. New York, 1939.

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821. Knox P. School Phobia. London, 1989.

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823. Lane D. Truancy in the disruptive pupil. Conference paper, ILEA. London, 1974.

824. Lee K. The Singapore Story: 1965–2000. From third world to first. New York, 2000.

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826. Lipman B. We make freedom: Women in South Africa. London, 1984.

827. Lukács G. Nietzsche als Begründer des Irrationalismus der imperialistischen Periode // Nietzsche. Hrsg. v. J. Salaquarda. Darmstadt, 1980. S. 78–95. (Впервые опубликовано в 1954 г.)

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829. Malinowski B. Crime and custom in savage society. Paterson (New Jersey), 1959.

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834. Marcuse H. An Essay on Liberation. Boston, 1968.

835. Marcuse H. Eros and civilization: A philosophical inquiry into Freud. Boston, 1974.

836. Marcuse H. One-dimensional man. London, 1999.

837. Marcuse H. Reason and revolution. Hegel and the rise of social theory. Boston, 1968.

838. Matthews G. The philosophy of childhood. Cambridge (Mass.); London, 1995.

839. Mayo B. The philosophy of right and wrong: An introduction to ethical theory. London-New York, 1986.

840. Mayo H. Democracy and Marxism. (With a forew. by Walter Bedell Smith.) New York, 1955.

841. McAdams D. Power, Intimacy, and the Life Story. Personological Inquiries into Identity. New York-London, 1988.

842. Mead M. Coming of age in Samoa. A study of adolescence and sex in primitive societies. Harmondsworth (Middlesex)-New York, 1943.

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846. Mead M. Male and female. A study of the sexes in a changing world. New York, 1964.

847. Mead M. New lives for old. Cultural transformation — Manus, 1928–1953. New York, 1956.

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850. Mishan E. The costs of Economic Growth. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1971.

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853. Novack G. Democracy and Revolution. New York, 1979.

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855. Nove A. Socialism, economics and development. London, 1986.

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859. Olweus D. Aggression in the Schools: Bullies and Whipping Boys. Washington, DC, 1978.

860. Reich W. Passion of youth: An autobiography, 1897–1922. New York, 1988.

861. Reich W. The invasion of compulsory sex-morality. New York, 1971.

862. Roland E. and Munthe E. Bullying: An International Perspective. London, 1989.

863. Schapiro L. & Godson J. The Soviet worker: From Lenin to Andropov. New York, 1984.

864. Seedat A. Crippling a Nation. Health in Apartheid South Africa. London, 1984.

865. Steinberg L. Adolescence. New York, 1989.

866. Thalheim K., Grossman G. Stagnation or Change in Communist Economies? London, 1986.

867. The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy. Cambridge, 2000.

868. The Fate of the Russian Revolution: Lost Texts of Critical Marxism. Volume 1. London, 1998.

869. Ticktin H. Origins of the Crisis in the USSR: Essays on the Political Economy of a Disintegrating System. Armonk, New York & London, 1992.

870. Tirrell L. Language and power // A Companion to Feminist Philosophy. Oxford, 2000. P. 139–152.

871. Toffler A. The Third Wave. New York, 1990.

872. Weisbrod B. The economics of poverty. Englewood Cliffs (New Jersey), 1965.

873. Wiedemann T. Greek and Roman Slavery. London, 1981.

874. Wincze J., Carey M. Sexual Dysfunction. New York-London, 1991.

875. Women in the community. London, 1977.

876. Wiener N. God and Golem. A comment on certain points where cybernetics impinges on religion. Cambridge (Mass.), 1964.