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I went down the hall to the door of the rec room and pushed it open. I stared at what I saw on the carpet. Mary was naked and sleeping on her side. Jack was also in the nude and on his side, facing her. He was without question sleeping soundly. I looked about for Jill, but she was nowhere in the room. Puzzled somewhat, I closed the door and returned to the front room where I helped myself to some of Jack's Scotch. I shook my head. "What in hell is the use in swapping partners if all you do is sleep on the carpet?" I muttered, asking myself a question I had thought about asking the other time, the time Jill and I had found them sleeping naked on the floor.

I had another short drink and went to the bedroom where Jill and Jack slept. I opened the door and saw her lying on her back crossways of the bed. She, too, was sleeping soundly. For some strange reason, this irked me. "Hey," I cried loudly. "Wake up, sleeping beauty."

Jill's eyes came open, she saw me and sat upright quickly. "I must have fallen asleep," she said. "Damn it. How did you make out with the broad? I wanted to go back, sneak in and watch you."

"False alarm. She really wanted to rent a room. I made a face. "She's a weirdo.

Wouldn't doubt it if someone told me she's never had a guy.". I made another face. "Christ! I can't stand such women. She was like something out of a nineteen-twenty novel."

Jill rubbed her eyes. "Of course she was, baby. That's what got me so excited.

I could tell immediately that she was a virgin or dose to it. That's why I wanted you to put the make on her so I could watch."

"What do you mean, you thought she was a virgin or close to it. How can a woman be close to it?"

Jill laughed and yawned at the same time, the yawn shutting off the best part of her laugh. "Never mind me, or what I say. I'm half asleep. Speaking of being close to it, I'm fairly close to your cock, baby. Like a little French job on it, huh?"

"What's your other hobby?" I asked, grinning. "The one besides cock-sucking, I mean?"

"That's my only one, baby. I admit it. I'm a cocksucker and I love it. I could suck ten cocks a day with hell on Sundays, provided I could find that many men willing to let me."

"I'll let you for starters, baby," I told her, a wave of desire sweeping over me. The way this woman was talking to a guy… hell, he couldn't help getting a hard-on just from listening to her, not to mention looking at her lush body.

She was really something, this Jill gal.

"Stick your prick in my mouth, baby," she begged, closing her eyes and thrusting her head forward. "Stick your prick into my mouth and blow your wad, baby. I want to feel the old goo squirting down my throat. Man, do I ever love the feel of it striking the inside of my mouth."

I got down on my knees and removed my erection from my pants. Her lips were parted, so I did as she had begged me to do – I rammed my cock halfway down her throat. She fairly pounced on it, sucking and licking it wildly. I could have blown off immediately had she not stopped sucking it.

I was disappointed. "Why did you stop?" I asked, frowning at her.

"You're choking me, baby," she gasped. "I swear that thing gets larger every day."

I pulled it away from her face and reaching down, parted her legs. "I think I'll just ram it up your box this time. Sometimes I like it better this way.

Come on, open your legs farther."

She spread them wide and looked up at me with the most extremely wanton look. I believe I had ever seen in a human being. "Fuck my cunt, baby," she moaned.

"Pretend it's that schoolteacher and fuck it good."

It was the following evening while Mary was out of the house that I heard someone knocking on my front door again. It was just after dusk and I had the house lights turned on. When I heard the knocking I thought it might be the paper boy – he often came at this hour to collect for a two-week period. I went to the door, after hesitating a moment, and opened it. There was no one there.

I stepped onto the porch and glanced about. It was, of course, rather dark outside but the street lamps offered me some assistance when I scanned the area thoroughly. There was no one except a pair of teen-agers across the street.

They were laughing and half hollering at each other about whatever it was that took their fancy. Neither of them, however, could have been the one knocking on my door. I frowned and returned inside the house and picked up the newspaper which I had been reading. From time to time I would glance through a front window in the hope of seeing someone, and it was a full five minutes before it dawned on me whom I was looking for – the schoolteacher, Miss Doans. For some crazy reason I thought she had been the one doing the knocking on my door.

I lighted a cigarette, considered having a drink, but dismissed this after a moment's thought. I waited. Waited some more. Finally, I turned out the light over my head, put the paper aside and simply sat there, having lighted another cigarette. I was sure, again, for some crazy reason, that Nora Doans would return to my door and repeat her knock. All right. I wasn't sure. I was hopeful. Put it that way. Hopeful as hell. My cock was as hard as it could get and this was somewhat unusual. Generally, I need to be with a woman before my cock grows that rigid; I suppose it happened because of my musings about the schoolteacher, Nora Doans. There was something about her that had me all caught up. She wasn't only beautiful, and sexy-looking in her own way, but she had a certain quality about her that I found difficult to pin down, to describe. It could have been, of course, that she was a "natural born" teaser type. Every guy has met women of this type, though they are few and far between, and when he meets one of them, he knows how much he wants to get into her pants. So it was with me. There was no apparent reason why I should be caught up with her -and I mean "caught up" in the sense that she made me terrifically hot and bothered from merely thinking about her – but I knew I was. Somehow or other I had to find her and put the make on her. I knew I'd never rest until I had at least made the attempt. Sitting there in the chair, I now recalled her brunette beauty, her dark eyes, her tanned skin (maybe it wasn't tanned, but that was the effect it gave; maybe it was merely dark). I could picture her long shapely legs and how they had looked encased in the stockings she had worn. (This gal could have worn support stockings and appeared sexy.) I remembered her red lips, how full they had been, how perfect they would be for sucking a long hard cock.

I went off in my pants like an idiot.

I swore and got to my feet and then grinned and went upstairs and changed my under shorts. That had been the first time I had gone, off merely from thinking of a certain woman since I had been a young teen-ager.

I returned to the downstairs part of the house and looked through the front windows again, hoping to see her standing on the walk, perhaps. She wasn't there. I swore and grinned at the same time again and went back to my chair.

Picking up the paper, I tried to read the sports page but couldn't concentrate on it. There was nothing there to interest me. There was but one thing that could interest me at the moment and that was fucking a certain schoolteacher named Nora Doans. I even considered calling the principal of the school – the Hill school I believe she had called it – and attempting to discover her place of abode. The more I thought about this, the more convinced I became that if I didn't attempt it I would never forgive myself. I found myself at the phone, some minutes later, and dialing the school principal's number. He, wasn't at home, but his wife, after I had inquired where Miss Nora Doans was staying, offering the fib that I was an old friend of hers from out of town, looked up Nora's address and told me she was staying at the local hotel temporarily.