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She couldn't make it. She hadn't sufficient strength.

I grinned and crawled on top of her while she gasped and closed her eyes and made a face, all three things happening at the same time.

"You filthy beast," she cried. "I hate you, hate you, hate you, hate."

"Why not stick a couple more 'hate you's' on the end of that," I grunted in her ear. "It'll do you as much good as anything."

I inserted my penis into her then as she moaned and went limp, which was the way I wanted her to be. I thrust it into her by stages, a little at a time because I didn't want her to scream her head off from the pain of it. In fact, I didn't want her to scream for any reason. Screaming made it look too much like rape, which, of course, it was, almost. I say "almost" because I remember the look of lust she had had in her eyes for a brief moment earlier. This woman was ready to be fucked – she simply needed a strong man who would force her over the brink. I was in the process of doing that and now, as I sank my prick ever more deeply into her cunt, I could feel little spasms of muscles jerking on her body. She even sighed once when I plunged my whang still more deeply and once she, of her own accord, spread her legs farther apart to better receive my quivering rock-hard tube.

"Oh…, she moaned.

I began to pump her cunt, slowly and carefully at first, while she continued to moan and clutch at my back, her fingernails ripping open the flesh from time to time, and thee I increased the speed and depth of the pumping. Her cunt made suction-like sounds each time I pulled up from her. It was as though her cunt was anxious about my whang leaving her body altogether, which I had no intention of allowing to happen. I finally placed my hands under the cheeks of her wide butt and holding her thusly, proceeded to sink the shaft in as far as it would go and as quickly, too. She moaned, she groaned, she twisted this way and that as if in mortal pain, but she always managed to remain flat on her back, her thighs spread widely, her stomach flat, her titties standing straight up and being in constant danger of becoming crushed by the weight of my chest on them. I fucked that woman for a good twenty minutes before the peak hit me unexpectedly and then I increased the speed and wildness of my pumping until I shot my wad into her cunt and at the same time felt her wrapping her legs about mine and moaning fearfully but in ecstasy, too.

She liked it. Make no mistake about it. This woman liked it.

The moment I stopped my action she timidly began to pump my prick with her cunt.

"Oh, you want more, do you, honey?" I rasped. "Well, that's not the way we do it the second time. The second time we get things started with our lips.

Understand me, Nora baby?"

Her voice was very soft. "Yes… sir."

I pulled it out of her, wiped it on the sheet and then I placed my hand behind her head and pulled her face down to my penis. My penis had gotten soft on me and as I rubbed her face in it, I spoke, "Take it in your mouth and suck it, baby. Suck it nice till it gets real hard and strong again."

She did an odd thing. She kissed my penis and then jerked her head from my grasp. "I can't do a thing like that, Mr. Horton. Why that would be a filthy thing to do. How can you ask me to do… such a thing?" Her cheeks were very red just as they had been earlier.

"Very well," I replied. "No suckie, no fuckie. We'll just forget about having the second go at it." I reached my hand under her blouse and when I discovered she wasn't wearing a bra, began to fondle her breasts. She let me do this, her face turned away, her eyes averted from my bold stare. I undid her blouse and pulled it half off her so that I could get a better look at her titties and believe me when I did get a better look, I was astonished and delighted by the beauty and size of them. They were tremendous in scope but better than that, they were wonderfully shaped, pointed, sloped just perfectly, each having a very tiny red nipple. I had often judged a woman by the smallness of her nipples. Any man knows, that a woman who has had her tits sucked on time and time again has larger nipples and the fact that this woman's were so very tiny made me extremely hot and bothered. If I hadn't known it the moment after I bad thrust my finger up her cunt, I knew it or suspected it now. This woman had been a virgin at the time I had fucked her. I had got a first for myself.

I felt very good about this. It is a good feeling, believe me.

I lowered my head to her titties and began to run my tongue over them, first one titty and then the other. She moaned, lay back, arched her back and began to run her fingers sensuously through my hair.

"Oh… I love… you… so… much," she murmured.

It figured. A first-time gal always has to tell the guy she loves him. This compensates for whatever loss of esteem she may be experiencing or thinks she will experience later on. Big deal. "Do you, really?" I asked softly. "Then take my cock between your lips and suck it, honey." I began to fondle her titties more earnestly than before in the hope this would stimulate her to throw out her inhibitions and begin sucking me off. She moaned and threshed about on the bed but didn't offer to go between my legs. Very well, I would go between hers, reversing my body as I did so, and if she didn't then offer to suck me off she was an idiot and I wanted no part of an idiot female, fuckable or not.

I turned about and pulling my pants open, began to kiss her bare tummy wetly, running my tongue in and out of her navel in the most sexy manner I could devise. She stirred her loins about and much to my surprise she hooked one of her knees over the back of my head, pulling me down, in effect, to her cunt. I kissed her wet place and then, as she spread her legs apart pantingly, I dipped my tongue into her slit and heard her cry out wildly even as she stiffened her body until it was as taut as a bowstring. I lowered my rigid penis to the vicinity of her head and felt, to my great pleasure, her nibbling at the end of it though fitfully. She evidently was fearful of taking my cock all the way into her mouth. Perhaps the taste of it was so foreign to her mouth that it repelled her for a few moments.

At any rate, a few moments later I felt her going down on me in a half-hearted manner and I stepped up the passion of my cunt-sucking, and sucking was what it was, not lipping. This nearly drove her crazy, it appeared, for she managed to cry out, suck my cock and turn me over on my back all at the same time. Her head then buried itself in my damp crotch and she began to cock-suck in earnest. I had never in my life been as passionate as I then became with this strange woman. I don't believe she had cock-sucked me more than ten seconds when I squirted my first offerings down her throat. It didn't repel her, didn't stop her, but in fact, appeared to spur her on. She sucked my cock then – even as I ran my tongue through her furry bush – as savagely as any woman ever had, and quite possibly more so. She hit a peak at the identical second that I did and the two of us struggled to complete the pleasure of the other's love zenith. It was difficult for me and I daresay it was even more so for her – I in particular was so hot and bothered I wanted to lie still and let her do all the work but knew this would be grossly unfair to her – this young, shy woman into whose room and bed I had forced myself, so I continued on until she had apparently obtained every last bit of gratification from me.

The two of us then lay very still and for a long time.

Finally, I got up, dressed quietly and went home without a word being spoken by either of us.

It was nearly a week later when Mary came into the front room bending over, kissed me on the cheek quite unexpectedly. "Honey," she said, "I think I'd like a bit of Jack tonight. Would you mind?"

I pretended I had misunderstood her and reached into my pocket. "How much will you need, dear?" I asked gravely.

She giggled. "Oh, come off it. You know what I mean. I mean Jack Burns. I want to have him over tonight. Will you call Jill and see if it's okay with her… and with Jack, of course?" she added quickly.