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"No need to call her. It'll be okay. It always is, honey."

"But I think you should call, Bull," Mary said quietly.

"You want Jack to come here? Why not go to his house?"

"I just think I'd like him to come here. He hasn't been here for quite awhile."

"All right. Finish drying your dishes or whatever you're doing and I'll make the call."

She kissed me again and went back to the kitchen while I went to the phone. I made the call, spoke briefly to Jack and hung up. I didn't say anything about going to his house. I simply implied I would go there. To tell the truth, I was more interested in going back to the hotel and seeing the young schoolteacher, provided she was still there.

An hour later Jack showed up at, the side door and Mary let him in. I was in somewhat of a quandary. If I didn't go to Jill's everyone would find out about it later and there might be hell to pay – from everyone. On the other hand I didn't want to see Jill. As I said before, I wanted to see the schoolteacher – I had been thinking – about her warm, lush body for days now and the more I thought about it, the hotter I became. I said hello to Jack and put on my hat and left through the front door. Walking across the street, I turned the corner and headed for Jill's house. First thing I knew I was standing on her front porch without being aware of where I was, so far off in another world had I been. She opened the door without my knocking and pulled me inside of the house and kissed me, closing the door with her foot apparently, though I couldn't see her doing this.

She pulled away "Hi, baby. Ready for some hot meat, huh?"

I grinned. Jill was really something else. An idea hit me and I wondered if it might work.

"Jill," I said carefully, "do you remember that girl who came to the door the last time we were together, when we were at my place?"

"Yeah. What about her?"

"She's staying at the hotel. I've got something to tell you. I've been there. I laid her, gave her the works. I think she liked it. In fact, I know she did. I was just thinking… "

"I know. You want to get her, bring her here and the three of us will have a sucking-bee."

I laughed. "A sucking-bee. Where the hell do 'you get all these odd names for things?"

"Make them up, smarty – what else? Besides, that's what it would be. One cock, three people. It had to be a sucking bee. Okay, baby. Go and get the little miss and I'll wait right here for you."

"Do you mean it, Jill?"

"Hell yes, you know me. I'm always ready to try anything new."

I put my hat on, kissed her cheek and practically ran all the way to the hotel.

I went up to the second floor and to my relief saw that the old lady wasn't on duty behind the desk. I walked straight to Nora's room, turned the doorknob and found the door unlocked. I stepped quickly into the room even as she sprang up from the bed, fear in her beautiful dark eyes.

I grinned. "Don't be afraid, Nora. It's me, Bull Horton. I want you to come someplace with me. Will you, please?"

She half arose from the bed, then sank down on it and regarded me with those dark, lovely eyes of hers. She was wearing a square-at-the neck nightdress and I couldn't help noticing how long it was. Suppressing a grin, I stared back at her but made my look as gentle as I could. She sighed and lifted one leg.

"You did it to me… the last… time you were here, Mr. Horton… didn't you? Her voice was very soft.

"Yes," I replied. "I did. I hope you… enjoyed it, Miss Doans."

She had averted her eyes while speaking and now she turned back to look at me.

"Enjoyed it? Why… what a beastly thing for you to say. I have been ill ever since… thinking about the way… you got on… top of me… and forced your… thing into my body." She made a face and averted – her eyes again, her cheeks reddening.

I moved a step closer to her, but she didn't shrink away, so I moved one more step toward her. "Miss Doans… Nora… I'm sorry if you've been ill, but there's no reason for you to feel this way… to be ill, I mean. I only did to you what any normal male would want to do to such a lovely woman."

She turned her face toward me and I saw her features were contorted. "You filthy man," she said. "You have made me a filthy woman."

I shrugged. "Okay, if you insist on sticking to that slob talk, do so. But let me tell you something. You're a goddamned phony. You're slobbering now that I make you ill by fucking you, but the truth is that you had a ball with me at the time it happened. Don't kid me, Miss Doans. I'm not going to offer you false sympathy. I'm not giving you any sympathy at all." I turned about and locked the door. "Tell you what I will give you – I'll give you a hard shaft up your cunt. What do you say to that, baby?"

"If you touch me I'll scream!" she cried, but I knew she was only pretending.

"You wouldn't dare to scream," I told her roughly "If anyone found me here with you, you'd lose your job teaching school. Besides, you have no intentions of screaming. This is just a phony act you're putting on."

Tears began to run down her cheeks. "Please Mr. Horton… please go away. I don't want you here. I'm afraid I will… "

I nodded. "You're afraid you'll get hot pants again. Right? You're afraid you'll want me to ram my cock up your twat again, aren't you, you phony?"

She jerked her head around. "How dare you talk that way to me? Who do you think you are?"

"Who do I think I am, Miss Doans. I'll tell you not only who I think I am but who I actually am. I'm the guy that fucked you a few days ago… for the first time in your life you acted like a woman instead of a weeping, little female jerk, and for two cents I'd fuck you again right now, whether you want it or not."

"Get out of my room, damn you," she said, surprising me with what for her was rough talk. "I hate you," she moaned. "I simply despise you."

"No, you don't. That's just more of your act. Why you feel you have to put on an act is beyond me. I fucked you. You loved it. Why can't you accept things as they are?"

"Will you please get out of my room?" she cried fiercely.

I shook my head. "No, I'm staying right here. I wanted you to go someplace with me so you could have a good time, maybe the best time you've ever had in your life. Now I see that is hardly feasible. So… I'll stay here until you stop acting like a child."

"If you think I'm going to allow you to fuck me… " She broke off in evident confusion and embarrassment.

I laughed. "I knew you had it in you to say the word, Miss Doans. You aren't as innocent as you pretend, are you? Now then, suppose I take my clothes off and you lift that silly old-fashioned nightdress over your head so we can view each other's nudity?"

A look of alarm came into her dark, pretty eyes. "Don't you dare remove your clothing in my room. And I shall not take off my nightdress. What do you think I am-a woman of the streets?"

I sighed and taking my hat from my head, tossed it to a chair. "Well, baby, you can leave your nightdress on if you like, but me I'm undressing. In front of you. If you don't want to see my bare body, then shut your eyes and keep them shut."

"Please," she sobbed. "Please don't do this to me. Please go home. Go away. Go somewhere. I'm not the kind of woman you evidently think I am."

"How the hell do you know what I think you are? I haven't really told you yet.

However, I'm about to show you the kind of woman you really are."

She shrank back from me, crawling across the bed backwards, her dark eyes riveted on my now unzipped fly. "Don't you dare take your pants off, Mr.

Horton. Don't you dare expose your… your… "

"My cock, Miss Doans? Is that the word you're hunting for, Cock? I definitely am going to show you my cock. What's more, after you have seen it, I'm going to make you suck it for a while. Then I'll push you over on your back, lift that goddamned awful-looking nightdress of yours and bury said cock in your cunt all the way to the goddamned hilt. Then, my dear Miss Doans, I am going to fuck the loving piss out of you."