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"Yes," I said. "I was, if you want the truth. I like that three-way thing. In fact, I'm thinking of having Jack and Jill over and making it a five-way fest."

Mary stopped her giggling. "Hey, honey," she said, breathing hard. "What a gas that would be. Five of us on the floor, each sucking the one next to him.

Brother, that would really be a… gas," she finished, apparently not able to find the last word, the one that she had been hunting for, and substituting "gas" for it. "What time is your Miss Doans coming, honey?" she wanted to know then.

"About eight o'clock."

"I'm going to call Jill and tell her to get her ass over here, honey-Jack, too."

"Fine. I'm going upstairs to take a bath."

Jill and Jack came early, about a quarter of eight, and all four of us had drinks while we awaited the arrival of Nora Doans. Jack was terrifically excited about her (that is, about my plans for a five-way feat) and told me repeatedly about how great he expected it to be. At exactly eight-thirty, when I had just about given up on her putting in an appearance, she came to the front door and I let her in quickly. I was so damned excited I could scarcely think straight, so quite naturally I did a stupid thing – I introduced her to everybody; everybody already knew her. I took her coat and hung it up all right without locking myself in the closet, and when I returned to where all four of them had been standing I discovered they had moved into the large room – the one that had the soft, thick carpeting on it, the room I planned on having our five-way thing in.

I entered the large room and noted they were all with drinks in their hands. (Someone had given Miss Doans a drink.) I went back to the first room and got my own glass and returned to the large room.

"It's so nice. of all of you to have me over," Nora Doans was saying. "It's terribly lonesome in a strange town when you hardly know anyone, anyone except another teacher, that is." She lifted her legs and crossed them, revealing much of her upper thigh region. I could see, from where I stood, that she wasn't wearing panties and this astonished me.

Minutes passed and nothing of any importance happened. More minutes passed and we all had two or three more drinks. Then (I don't know which of the girls got it started) the girls were taking off their under things, which, of course, meant they had already taken off their outer things, which was fine with me, and, as I could tell, by looking at the flame of lust in his eyes, fine with Jack. The girls, all three of them, sat naked on the carpet while Jack and I, still dressed; stood drinking from our glasses.

Mary spoke: "Aren't you guys going to strip off and let us see your pricks?"

She winked when she spoke the words.

Jack unzipped himself and pulled out his dick. He was only half hard. "There you are, ladies, not much to see yet" He tucked it back into his pants and turned to me. "Let's have another drink before we join the ladies in the suck-fest, Bull. Okay?"

"Fine," I said, and grinned. I had already seen Jill playing with Nora's titties and Nora, in turn, had turned to cup her hands over Mary's. Mary, not to be outdone, grasped Jill's titties and the three women sat there on the carpeting fondling one another's tits. It was a wild but wonderful sight, one that I'll never forget. While Jack went to the front room to get two more drinks, I watched the girls as they grew ever more lustful. Nora Doans, much – to my surprise, started the ball rolling by inserting her fingers into Mary's cunt. Mary then did the same with Jill while Jill practically shoved her entire hand up Nora's twat. All three of the girls began to "kitten" one another – "kitten" being the female equivalent of jack-off, or so I was told later by one of the ladies.

Jack seemed to take a very long time in getting those drinks, so I glanced into the front room to see him sitting by the bar, his drink in his hand, his eyes fixed on Nora Doans, and, I would have sworn, getting all set to cuff himself.

"Jack," I said sharply, "what's with you, man. Bring that thing into the large room. Come on."

He hadn't bothered to get us-two more drinks and when I spoke to him sharply, he jerked his head around, saw me, grinned sheepishly, and getting down from the stool, walked into the room where the rest of us were, his dick standing straight out and up, as hard as a rock, judging from its appearance. This, for some reason, caused me to become hard all over again and I quickly dropped my pants to the floor and removed my under shorts.

I was ready for anything.

Jack sat down on the floor, removed his trousers and placed them over a chair.

He took off his under shorts, exposing his now very rigid cock to all of us.

Nora Doans moaned and her removed her fingers from Mary's cunt and started rubbing her own. Jack grinned and bumped across the carpet on, his ass until he was sitting next to her. Nora bent her head quickly, not even looking about to see if anyone was watching, and took Jack's dick between her lips. She moaned and began to suck him while he doubled up his fists and leaned backward, his arms holding him up, his face turned toward the ceiling and bearing an expression of complete – rhapsody. I crawled around behind Miss Doans and started to insert my cock into her from the rear.

"Wait a minute, honey," Mary said. "Isn't this going to be a five-wayer?"

I nodded and tapped Nora on the back. She stopped sucking Jack's prick and looked at me dolefully. "Nora," I said, "we want it to be a five-way thing. Can you hold up a minute while We figure out the best way to accomplish this?"

"Hey," Jack said sharply. "What's wrong with the little lady sucking my prick?

I liked it."

"Sure sure, Jack. She can go ahead with it. Just give everyone a minute to think things out."

"Think?!" Jack bellowed. "What's to think? Just grab a cunt or a cock and start sucking. That's the way it's done."

I had to admit he had a point there. However, Nora Doans appeared to be the prize of the group because she wasn't one of us swappers, and I had to point this out to Jack and explain that it was unfair of him to allow her to suck him off when there were three others present who might or might not want the "prize."

"Oh, okay," he growled. "Just when I was enjoying myself, too."

"Seems to me," Nora said, "that it should be left up to me this first time. It so happens that right now I'm interested in… doing it to Mr. Burns. Later on, we can switch partners and everyone can enjoy everyone else." Her eyes sparkled and she said what she probably thought was a very sophisticated thing to say, "How does that suit all you swinging swappers?"

I tried not to grin and I could see that Jack was struggling, too. I didn't glance at Mary. Her inscrutable eyes – somehow I knew they would be inscrutable at this precise moment – would have broken me and possibly offended Nora Doans considerably. I didn't want her to be offended – I wanted to get my whang into her cunt later on.

She commenced, or probably I should say recommenced to suck Jack's dick while I worked on her box (with my mouth) and Jill and Mary did what they were doing before. After a time I felt Jack shudder, felt his body give a jerk, there were three or four more shuddering movements and then he grabbed my arm like a vise.

"Christ!" he cried out "Oh… brother… what a… goddamned… hell of a … sensation. Man oh man oh man." He kept on muttering in this vein until I saw Nora pull her head away from his crotch and wipe her lips with her fingers.

I had stopped lipping her box and now I saw that Jill and Mary had also stopped and were both smoking cigarettes. It would appear that our first attempt at a five-way deal had satisfied only one person, Jack. Possibly two. Jack and Nora.

From the look on Nora's face it was difficult to ascertain if she had obtained any gratification or not. My guess was that she hadn't – not much, that is.

"Why don't we all have a drink and rest awhile," I suggested.

"I think that would be grand," Nora said. (She was, incidentally, the only one in the group who would have used the word "grand.") "Jack," I said, "how about it? You want to pour the drinks or shall I?"