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"You so-and-so!" she cried out. "You're making me madder by the moment."

"Help yourself," I said. "Throw a tantrum if you like. Who cares?"

I felt something falling on me then like a ton of lead. It was Mary. She had thrown herself on top of me out of sheer anger, but it didn't work out as she had evidently hoped. Instead of hurting me it hurt her, but only a little I soon learned. Her butt was in my face and as I, even though I had been startled and slightly angered by her action, felt her warm flesh against my cheek I playfully ran my tongue over her ass and dipped it into her cunt quickly. She moaned and went limp.

"Oh honey," she moaned, "keep on doing that. Boy, does it feel good."

I stopped it. "Sorry," I said softly. "I can't very well tongue your cunt if you're going to sleep in the guest room." Sure, I was being childish myself now. I knew it. The hell with it.

She found my lips and kissed me wetly. "Honey, I was just kidding about sleeping in the guest room. Please tongue me off. Your tongue up my cunt drives me absolutely wild."

"I know it," I said, and turned away from her. "I've had my tongue in your box couple a hundred times lately."

She stroked my shoulders and arms gently, beseechingly. I liked it. "Please, honey. Put your head between my legs and make me come. I'm so dreadfully hot I think I'm going to die if I don't get some satisfaction."

"Go in the guest room and masturbate," I said, roughly. "I'm tired."

She was silent for a long time while I waited for her outburst, but it never came. Instead, she rose from the bed swiftly and finally and walked out of the room, stumbling somewhat over shoes and other objects on the floor. I heard her swear once or twice, but she said nothing to me. She was gone then and I waited a full minute before turning on the light.

"You acted like a goddamned kid, Bull Horton," I muttered. "You big ass. Now go in to her and apologize for being a fool." Though I spoke the words and knew I should do this thing, I didn't. I continued to lie on the bed, my brain awhirl, though for some reason I didn't feel as tired now and I wondered about this. A few minutes before I had been almost exhausted, but now I wasn't, so I got up from the bed slowly, standing beside, it for several minutes, thinking. I was hoping Mary would come running back to me to tell me she was sorry for having gone to the guest room. No such thing happened. Finally, I sat down heavily on the bed, lighted a cigarette, took two drags on it and snubbed it out. Hell with smoking. Smoking was for punks.

"Mary," I called out loudly. "Come back to the room. I want you."

I waited for all of five minutes, perhaps longer and then got to my feet again and walked down the hall to the guest room. It was dark in the room as I called softly to her. There was no answer. I switched on a light and saw she wasn't in the room. The bed was slightly mussed, but there was no Mary in it. I saw a closet door standing ajar and looked behind it. I wouldn't have known if any of her articles of clothing were missing, but so far as I could tell, none were. I went down the hallway, down the, stairs and tried the front door. The lock wasn't on. This meant she had gone out-she had done this before when we had fought. I shrugged and started to return to the bedroom upstairs when a thought hit me. I stepped out of the house and crossed the yard and glanced in the direction of Jack and Jill Burn's house. There was a light on upstairs, none down. This meant nothing in itself. Perhaps Jack was taking a shower before going to bed. Who could say? I certainly couldn't, except for one small thing, that is. The small thing was a nagging thought and the thought was that Mary had gone to the Burns place to be made by Jack again.

This wasn't playing the game according to our rules.

I went upstairs and dressed quickly and left the house. When I arrived at the front door of the Burns place, the door swung open and a light (a small, dim one to be sure) came on in back of her.

"Hello, Jill," I said, trying to sound light and airy. "Here I am again."

"Crazy," she said laughing. "Mary is here already. She came just a minute ago.

I was about to call and have you come over. The four of us… well, three of us would like to… would you?" She took my arm, drew me inside and locked the door. "Four-way fuck-feat, baby. Interested?" She looked up into my eyes sexily. "Makes me hot as hell just to think about it. I hope we start right off with the sucking bit."

"Mary and I had a bit of a fight, Jill," I said slowly. "I'm not sure she'll even speak to me at the moment."

"Oh, I'm sure she's over that now, baby. She told us something about it, how she got mad and went to sleep in the guest room, but because she had hot pants, decided to come here, hoping you'd follow her so all four of us could have some fun."

"No kiddin'? Did she really say that?" I asked.

"Well… words to that effect, baby. Come on, Jack and Mary are lying on the carpet in the rec room waiting for us. Incidentally, they're naked, waiting for us to… well, you know what, baby."

"Hell with it," I said irritably. "She ran out on me. I'm griped. I'd rather just have you. Let her and Jack wait for us, baby. Let's you and me go to your bedroom and fuck. Let's fuck for a long time. I feel like it."

She squeezed my arm and laughed, her long, blonde hair flopping about her head as she turned it, her large blue eyes flashing up lust at me, her bosom doing considerable heaving and looking very suckable indeed.

"Think I'd like to suck on your titties, baby," I said suddenly. "Is that okay with you?"

"You can suck anything I have, Bull, if you want to. Want me to stand right here and let you suck my titties or shall we go to the bedroom?"

"Makes no difference to me, but maybe the bedroom would be the best place."

"Hey," she said, regarding me very seriously with those large blue eyes for a moment. "I thought you said earlier you were tired."

"I was tired, Jill. I really was, but for some crazy reason I got over it. I'm ready to ball now."

She regarded me suspiciously. "You aren't wanting to corn-hole me again, are you? Gee, I hope not. My asshole is so sore from that big whang of yours I can hardly sit down. Please confine your prodding's to my cunt, will you?"

I moved away from her, feeling very hot now, and bowed low in mock fashion. "If Madame doesn't wish her asshole to be stabbed by the gentleman's brutal whang, then the gentleman promises not to ram it up that particular aperture. However, should Madame evidence a change of mind regarding the gentleman's ramming procedures, will the Madame kindly permit the gentleman to share this knowledge with her?"

She giggled and pulled her titties out of her pajamas – they being the one-piece type – "Oh, you silly thing," she laughed. "Why don't you just bury your face in my tits and start sucking while we walk to the bedroom?"

"My pleasure," I cried, and placed my arm about her shoulders while at the same time taking one of her titties into my mouth. I sucked it savagely, so savagely that she slapped my face playfully.

"You brute," she said. "You make me come in my pajamas. Come on, let's get in bed quickly."

"Mmmmm…," I said, my mouth being too full of tit flesh to speak distinctly.

I removed the breast with my hand and rubbed it momentarily. Glancing into her blue eyes, I saw the wild lust she had for me. Grinning tensely, I unzipped my pants and she pulled out my stiffened, quivering penis. It was as hard as any rock.

"How very nice," she murmured, her eyes bulging. "I do believe I shall suck you off, Bull baby. Would you mind?"

Chapter 3

Of course the sensible thing to have said would have been, "Why naturally, I'd love to have you suck my cock," but I didn't. Instead, I tilted her chin up and said something else. "You mentioned a four-way fuck-fest. That happens to be what I'm interested in, baby." I laughed. "Let's get it started, the four of us, shall we?" I watched her eyes carefully.

"Please, Bull," she whispered. "We can have the fuck-fest later. Right now I'd like to take your whang into my mouth and suck it till it explodes. I seem to be obsessed with wanting to suck you off. Was I ever like this before? This much, I mean?"