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Hawkins stared at her like a horny kid who was about to lose his virginity as he hastened to remove his own clothes. Sheila sat motionless, watching him. When he got his shorts off, she was amazed to see the size and hardness of his cock. It was much bigger than she had imagined, and suddenly she was eagerly awaiting the feel of his stiff prick in her cunt. But she controlled her eagerness and only moaned slightly when he began slobbering wet kisses over her naked skin. He chewed on her tits for a while as he fingered her cuntlips. His hands were shaky and cold, but yet the feel of his touch turned her on. It was like she were allowing herself to be raped, and it gave her a thrill that caused her cunt to chum with excitement.

Finally Hawkins dragged her to the floor. She had to fight with herself to keep from panting out loud as he kissed her inner thighs and then began slurping at her cunt. Sheila couldn't believe it. The puny, sexless-looking banker was really turning her on. She tried to understand why, and finally decided that it was the sheer perversity of the whole scene. It was the idea of letting the unattractive man ravage her body that thrilled her.

Sheila felt her cunt begin to spasm as Hawkins pressed his tongue between her wet pussylips and found her cunt. The little bud of flesh throbbed under his touch. Sheila was fighting to hold herself back, but the lust within her body couldn't be controlled. She knew she was going to come with Hawkins, even though she had promised herself that she wouldn't. She had heard that whores have to fake orgasms with their customers, but she wondered why they had to. If a scrawny old man like Hawkins could make her come, then anybody could.

Then she knew it wag really going to happen. Hawkins was really going to fuck her. Right there on her own living room floor. His cock was probing the juicy entrance to her cunt. Her cuntlips parted as the tip of his rigid rod eased into her body. Hawkins stroked her pink cunt walls slowly at first. Sheila wanted to wrap her naked legs around his thin body and buck her hips upward to meet him, but she didn't want to let him know how horny she was.

Hawkins' pummeling of her body caused her rubbery asscheeks to grind against the soft, thick carpeting. She spread her legs and opened her asscheeks to let the furry carpeting brush against her asshole with each lunge of Hawkins' body. His rampaging cock was sending lustful currents of raw heat through her. He had been fucking her for several minutes, but he showed no signs of coming. Again and again he jabbed his cock into her to the hilt. Her cunt walls were becoming raw from the constant friction. She thought he was never going to come.

Each time he embedded his cock deep within her, she felt her cunt walls convulse. She wanted to turn loose the orgasm that was locked within her, but she forced herself to hold back. At last, Hawkins began to pant and groan like an animal. Harder and harder he fucked her until she was afraid he might have a heart attack. He was gasping for air and his eyes looked wild. What if the bastard conked out right on top of her? Sheila wondered. The thought terrified her.

But just as she had convinced herself that something terrible was going to happen, Hawkins shot his load into her waiting cunt. She bucked her hips upward to meet him just once, letting her orgasm erupt within her body and quench the flame that burned with perverse lust.

Hawkins collapsed. He rested on top of her for a moment and then got up and dressed.

Sheila jumped up and pretended to be ashamed of her nakedness. She grabbed a coat from the hall closet and threw it on. She faked a few tears and mumbled something about having too much to drink and "feeling just terrible" about what had happened. She wanted to make sure that Hawkins left with plenty of guilt feelings.

He just stood there for several minutes without saying anything. He tried to put his arm around her while she sobbed softly, but she wouldn't let him touch her. Seeing there was nothing he could do or say, he quietly opened the door and left.

Sheila smiled wickedly to herself as she peeked through the curtains and saw him plod out to his car and drive away. She hung her coat up in the closet and gathered up her clothes from the couch. Moments later she was standing nude under the warm spray of the shower.

Everything had gone perfectly, Sheila decided. She had lured Hawkins into a situation that was half seduction and half rape. Hawkins was now cast in the role of a boss who had taken sexual advantage of the inebriated wife of one of his subordinates. She had done her part, now the rest was up to Brad.

There had only been one surprise. That was herself. She was shocked at the immense pleasure she got from leading Hawkins on and then letting him paw over her naked body. It had been strange, but she had loved it. He was the worst lover she had ever been with, yet she had enjoyed every moment of it.

She was standing naked in front of the minor brushing her hair when she beard Brad's key in the door. She grabbed a shortie robe and hurried to meet him. The robe was still open as she threw her arms around him and they kissed. She didn't bother to tie the robe as she stepped back from his embrace. She wanted him to see her nakedness.

"Well, how did it go?" Brad asked impatiently. He still wasn't used to the idea of Sheila using her body for anything but fun.

"Just like clockwork. He picked me up in the bar and tried to get me drunk. I let him think I was getting smashed and he put the make on me. I more or less let him rape me."

She told Brad everything that had happened. Every detail. Including how long it had taken Hawkins to reach a climax. She debated with herself on whether to tell Brad about the perverse sense of pleasure she had gotten from the whole scene. But why not? she thought. She told him how she had held back her orgasm to wait for Hawkins and how being naked in front of the aging banker had turned her on.

Brad looked at the naked front of her body as she talked. She really was a sex object, he realized. She liked sitting around naked, talking about fucking. Her lifter frankness and candor about sex appealed to him. She knew she was exciting him, and so she reached over and unzipped his fly. His half-hard cock straightened to a full hard-on under her touch.

Without any preliminaries, she encircled the head of his cock with her red lips and began sucking. Her tongue bathed the smooth head of his stiff prick while her lips sucked harder and harder. She moved the skin of his prick up and down his shaft while she worked on the head with her mouth.

Deeper and deeper she sucked his throbbing cock into her mouth. His balls bulged as they prepared to unleash their load. His prick felt hot within her mouth. She loved the taste of his cock as she slid her tongue over it again and again.

Brad's cock throbbed violently as he erupted within her mouth and filled it with his white cum. She tasted the sticky jism as it splashed over her tongue and trickled down her throat. She sucked him harder and drank every last drop of his hot cum.

It was precisely ten o'clock the next morning when Brad Tomlin opened the door of Gordon Hawkins' office and strode into the room. He had wanted to catch Hawkins' off guard and the startled look on the older man's face told Brad that he had done it. Brad could see that Hawkins was expecting a showdown. He stuttered, hardly able to get out an audible "good morning" as Brad sat down in the chair in front of Hawkins' desk.

But Brad had guessed that Hawkins would be fearing a head-on confrontation, and so he had devised another plan. Instead of even mentioning the previous night's fuck scene, Brad immediately launched into a long discussion of the problems of the audit that he had been working on. Brad watched Hawkins closely and could tell that the older man was hardly listening. He was visibly shaken by Brad's presence.