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The Gaheas are fragmented into several kingdoms, which exist either at war with each other or in a state of uneasy ceasefire. Normally this would make them easy prey to other aggressive civilizations, like the Hope Crushing Horde; however, the Gaheas are deadly psionics. They kill their opponents with their minds, and their destructive potential is devastating.  A single Gaheas of a prominent bloodline can easily wipe out a battalion of invading otrokars.


Full Name: Oond, born in the ray of light shining through the green waters.

Oond is an oombole, a 4-foot-long aquatic species that resembles terrestrial fish.  He is covered in orange scales and has spectacular fins that range from yellow, through orange, to red.  When he activates his bioluminescence, he looks painted with fire. Oond is an Ookarish, a being of extraordinary beauty, who soothes the pain of other creatures through his dance.

Oomboles come in all colors of the rainbow.  Their round heads with a slight overbite, big eyes and brightly colored snail-like antennae give them hilariously comical expressions. A fringe of tentacles sprouting from under their chin enables them to wield specialized tools. 

Oomboles are peaceful creatures, concerned mainly with survival and safety.  They rarely leave their oceans, but when they do, they travel in oversized fishbowls. Oomboles communicate with their fins, which their specialized habitats are able to translate into sounds for the rest of the galaxy.


Full name: Wait for it.

Pivor is a remarkably handsome, stocky man with lemon yellow skin and brilliant green eyes. His wavy brown hair is sideswept in an artful curve. He smiles easily and often and enjoys being the center of attention.

Pivor represents the Murder Beaks.  He was a last-minute addition to their delegation. Midway through selection preparations, the Murder Beaks discovered that their DNA is not compatible with the Sovereign’s genetic profile, so they scrambled to find a suitable humanoid candidate.

Murder Beaks are avian, flightless, and armed with huge beaks and powerful clawed feet.  Their species would’ve given Earth’s prehistoric Terror Birds a run for their money. They have a strong prey drive and kill for sport. The Murder Beaks isn’t a nickname, but a literal translation of what they call themselves.  Their ferocity makes them terrifying opponents, but they lack subtlety, and sometimes the nuances of other species’ behavior elude them.

Prysen Ol

Full name: Prysen Ol, the senior disciple of Great Fiend of Sa Monastery.

Prysen Ol is a lean, beautiful humanoid male with long, silky blue hair, golden skin, and pink-colored irises. He speaks all three languages of the Dominion flawlessly and is possessed of a dignified, quiet calm. He wears a pale blue robe cinched at the waist and a white circlet.  Like all Sa Monastery disciples, he is versed in philosophy, history, and other civil and social sciences. He has a tendency to get lost in complex moral debates and spends too much time looking inward.

Prysen Ol represents the Kai, a six-limbed species from a high gravity world. The Kai thrive on ceremony and ritual and are very methodical, which makes negotiating with them rather difficult since they are also highly hypochondriac. They avoid leaving their planet for the fear of contamination and infection by foreign pathogens and their appearance at the selection is one of the very rare occasions when they travel outside of their star system.

The Kai DNA is incompatible with that of the Sovereign, so they sought the help of Sa Monastery, renowned for their scholars, to find a suitable candidate to represent their interests.


Full name: Surkar, son of Grast and Ulde, Champion of Tribe of Gar.

Surkar is a remarkable example of the Hope Crushing Horde’s warrior. He is tall and powerfully built, with stunning muscle definition and a body that communicates superior strength, speed, and reflexes. He would snap any adult human male in half like a twig. He moves like a large predator and is quite arrogant. Like most otrokars, his behavior is dictated by the rich traditions of the Horde, and as the champion of his people, he is under a lot of pressure to succeed at all costs.

The Tribe of Gar hails from the Southern Tribe faction of the Horde.  Although much has been done to unify the various otrokar tribes, some internal rivalries still exist, and Surkar and his people have an agenda they prefer to keep hidden from Khan and Khanum of the Horde, who are both from the North.

Lady Wexyn

Full name: Lady Wexyn Dion-Dian.

Lady Wexyn is five foot even and voluptuous, with large full breasts, round butt, and a soft tummy. Naturally pale, she has a glowing tan, long dark brown hair, and big dark eyes. She favors diaphanous clothes in vivid colors and frequently wears several pounds worth of jewelry in the way of bracelets and very elaborate hair arrangements. Despite this, she moves with hypnotic, seductive grace. Some describe her as a “free spirit”, but she gives answers of deceptive nuance and empathy.

The Temple of Desire is an enigmatic organization, one of the famed Temples located in the White Rose cluster within the Cassiopeia constellation. Within the Cluster, entire moons are devoted to the worship of universal aspects. The Temple of Kindness, the Temple of Rage, the Temple of Grief… The Temple of Desire explores desire, the urge to obtain something beyond your reach at any cost. Within its walls and gardens, the priests and supplicants ponder the exact nature of desire, whether it is inherently selfish, whether it is just, if it can ever be pure and selfless.


Full name: Unessa of… Creeeeeak hisss hisss creeeeak knock.

Unessa is statuesque and very pale, with long golden hair in ringlets around her shoulders, and big violet eyes. Wears flowing gowns that show off her frame and assets, and she rolls her hips. Aggressive, straightforward and not prone to intellectual nuance, Unessa is cunning and physically very capable. She is strong, fast, and has no hesitation when it comes to resorting to violence.

Unessa is Dushegubs’ response to “humanoids like sex.” The Dushegubs are sapient trees, unable to feel most emotions or form emotional attachments. They are calculating, homicidal, moving trees that feed on animal life, so they view most other civilizations as potential prey. Their first option is murder, their second option is murder, and if that fails, they go straight to murder.

Dushegubs are banned from most places outside of their solar system due to their aggressive nature.


Kosandion ka ret Maggran, Letero Kolivion  — Sovereign of the Seven Star Dominion, in search of a spouse. Caldenia’s nephew.

Resven — Chancellor of the Dominion, who manages the entirety of the Capital palace and is the Sovereign’s right-hand man for all affairs involving domicile and family.

Miralitt — Prefect, head of the Sovereign’s personal security guard, Sislaf with vampire heritage.

Orata — Kosandion’s head of PR, in charge of the broadcast of the spouse selection event and its ratings

Holy Ecclesiarch — religious leader of the Dominion. Required to be present throughout the entire spouse selection process for its validity.


Karat, Lady Renadra – vampire knight of House Krahr, Maud’s best friend.

Dagorkun – a strategist and a general of the Hope Crushing Horde, son of the Khan and Khanum.

Nuan Couki “Cookie” – the rising star of Merchant Clan Nuan, Nuan Cee’s nephew, several times removed.