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“Get down on your knees and lick me clean. Don’t get anything on my pants. I want you hungry and on edge all night. Think of me, Ren. Imagine what I’ll do to you when we get home. Or maybe I won’t wait. Maybe I’ll take you right there in my club where anyone could happen on us. Would you like that?”

She went to her knees, hands locked behind her back. He held her chin and guided his cock toward her mouth. He slid inside and rocked gently back and forth until there was no trace of her fluids or his.

Still, he continued, his grip on her letting her know that he was in control. He fucked her mouth for several long minutes before finally he stepped away and tucked himself back into the confines of his pants.

He reached down to take her hand and carefully assisted her to her feet so she wouldn’t trip in her heels. He arranged her skirt so that it once again covered her ass and then he fixed her top to lay over her breasts.

He pressed a quick kiss to her swollen lips. “Go finish getting ready. I’ll wait downstairs for you.”


Lucas drove them to the club in his silver Mercedes Roadster. He whipped into the parking space reserved just outside the private back entrance to the downtown building.

Ren was already anticipating the rush when the thump of the club music invaded her veins.

He got out of the car and she waited for him to circle around to open her door. He was laid back about a lot of things but not when it came to her. He had exacting expectations and whether they were in public or private, he saw to her every need.

He reached in to take her hand and assisted her out, holding her against him for a moment until he was sure she had her footing. It amused her because he bought her a ridiculous number of high heels. He loved them on her. Loved to watch her in them. But he was terrified she was going to fall and break her neck.

They were met by one of Lucas’s bouncers as well as his club manager the moment they stepped toward the entrance.

Though Ren was clearly Lucas’s submissive, the other two men treated her with deference and absolute respect. One of the club employees had once made the mistake of treating Ren as though she was a lot lower on the food chain or as if he had the right to command her as Lucas commanded her.

After Lucas had—quite forcibly—shown him the error of his ways, Lucas had fired him on the spot. It quickly became clear to not only the employees but to the club regulars that Lucas highly valued his woman and would tolerate no disrespect shown to her.

As a result, Ren was kowtowed to every bit as much as Lucas himself was. Perhaps more so. Many had realized that the path to pleasing Lucas lay in pleasing her. Lucas went out of his way to reward those who saw to her every need.

“Good evening, Mr. Holt. Miss Michaels.”

Ren smiled up at the burly manager who had actually once been the head bouncer. “Hello, Duffy. How are things tonight?”

“Isn’t that my line?” Lucas inquired dryly.

“Busy. Just the way we like it,” Duffy returned. “Would you like your usual, sir?”

Lucas shook his head. “I’m going to take Ren around the club. See that my table is available and that a waitress is assigned to me.”

“Should I accompany you?” Craig asked.

Lucas turned to the bouncer. “No. You can wait at my table.”

Lucas wrapped a protective arm around her as they walked through the dark hallway, past the offices toward the doorway leading into the club. She could sense his displeasure but wasn’t sure what had happened in the short period of time since they’d arrived.

Her question was soon answered and it both amused her and touched her.

“Where is the lighting for the hallway?” Lucas bit out to his manager. “I asked that this be addressed two weeks ago. What if Ren falls? It’s too dark. She could trip on anything and never see it coming.”

“The contractor will be out tomorrow,” Duffy said hastily.

As they neared the doorway, the loud thump of bass and the roar of the crowd filtered through the thick, soundproof walls. Or at least as soundproof as they could get with the noise level through the roof.

Lucas reached for her hand and she twined her fingers through his, knowing he wanted her to stay close where he could protect her from anything.

She was happy to move closer into his warmth and strength as Duffy swung open the door and they walked into the cascade of flashing lights, raucous cheers and music blasting from all corners.

They entered close to the dance floor but Lucas led her to the stairs leading up the stadium-like platforms that housed tables on each row. At the top, situated directly in the middle with a prime view of the stage and dance floor, was Lucas’s private table, glassed in on three sides. The only access was from the front, leading up from the dance floor, and to go inside the enclosure, you had to run a gauntlet of three security guards.

Lucas guided her away from his table, though, and over to where a group of men gathered, drinks in hand. They were talking it up with girls that passed their way, flirting madly and having a good time.

Ren recognized a few of them as regulars, men who knew Lucas and who Lucas often invited to his table.

As they approached, three broke away to acknowledge Lucas, promptly turning their backs on the women they’d been courting. Ren found such an action intriguing. A testament to the power Lucas wielded. But he commanded attention wherever he went. He wore such power as comfortably as other people wore shoes.

Lucas released her hand only long enough to lean forward so he could say something to one of the men. Ren was sure she knew his name but then she’d been introduced to the three of them at the same time and it was hard for her to remember who was who.

Daryl. She was pretty sure the taller man was Daryl. The shorter blond guy was Matt and the African American guy to Daryl’s left was Jace.

She saw Daryl nod and gesture toward his friends. The next thing Ren knew, Lucas reached for her hand and pulled her forward. Jace then took her hand from Lucas, startling her. She glanced quickly at Lucas only to catch him nod to her that she was to accept this.

Lucas leaned in, cupped her cheek in a gentle gesture and bent his head so his mouth was close to her ear. “They’re going to dance with you. Go with them. I trust them.”

She wasn’t unused to Lucas having to leave her to make the rounds or to conduct business. What surprised her was him allowing other men to dance with her, or even more, charging them with essentially taking care of her. Lucas wasn’t one to trust others with what he valued. Not unless he was present and overseeing every aspect.

He kissed her cheek and then backed away, leaving her standing with the men. Jace flashed her a sexy smile and then gallantly gestured toward the stairs leading down to the dance floor.

She didn’t glance back at Lucas as Jace guided her down the stairs. To do so would send the message that she didn’t trust him. He wouldn’t appreciate it and she’d die before ever allowing anyone to think she didn’t have complete and utter faith in him.

Daryl came down on her other side and put a light hand to the small of her back while Matt walked behind them, effectively closing her off from anyone who might approach.

The music died for one split second while the DJ stirred the crowd into a frenzy. Jace leaned close to Ren where she could hear and said, “Lucas says you like to dance.”

“I love it,” she said with an exuberant smile.

Jace smiled back. “So do I. We’ll have some fun. Sound good?”

She nodded and relaxed. He seemed perfectly nice, and if he wasn’t, she didn’t harbor any illusions that at least four bouncers weren’t trained solely on her, and that as occupied as Lucas may be for the next little while, he wasn’t watching as well.