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Simon pulled his claws from Livia’s flesh. His eyes returned to their normal dark brown and his fangs receded as he approached Becky with a wicked smile and a purposeful stride.

“Um, down, kitty? Good kitty?” Becky grinned weakly as Simon reached for her. Simon gently picked Becky up and walked out of the garden. He headed straight for the cars parked in front of the Friedelinde’s mansion. And unless Becky missed her guess, they weren’t headed to Halle General.

Her hands went to his shoulders, his dark brown hair brushing over the back of her hands. She suppressed a shiver at the feel of that dark silk sliding over her skin. “Let me go, Simon.” Becky frowned, struggling slightly as she tested his hold on her.

“Not happening. Stay still, baby.”

Becky flopped back in his arms, wincing when her neck and stomach protested. The big lug barely noticed, just tightened his hold slightly. “Great. Just great. I get to trade in my GP for a vet.”


“General practitioner. As in my human doc. Geez, if you have to explain the joke it just isn’t funny anymore.”

Simon rolled his eyes. “No, you won’t have to trade in your GP for a vet. Where do you come up with stuff like that?”

Becky’s disbelieving stare merely caused his shit-eating grin to blossom. “I got bit by a werecat, Brainiac. Traditionally that now means I get to wear a flea collar and pee in a sandbox.”

Simon was shaking his head before she’d even finished speaking. “Nope. We have to deliberately change someone. I’d be able to smell it if she’d done it, and she didn’t. You’re not going to change.”

Becky sighed in relief.


That single word held a dark promise Becky did her best to ignore. He was scanning the large driveway like he expected an ambush. When Belinda stepped out from between two of the parked cars, Becky smiled cynically.

“Oh, look, it’s Bondage Barbie.” She ignored his snort of laughter as she remembered the way the blonde had been all over him during the masquerade. “Simon, your date’s here, you can put me down now.”

His only answer was to tighten his arms around her.

“Not now, Belinda. Becky’s hurt.”

Belinda’s horrified gaze fastened on Becky’s stomach. “Livia did that?”

Simon turned on the other woman with a low, warning growl. “If I find out that you had a hand in helping Livia hurt my mate I will kick your ass so hard you’ll shit out of your mouth after I have you cast out of the Pride. You understand me?”

Becky groaned, “She’s one too?” just as Belinda gasped, “Mate? Her?

“I said, do you understand me?” He drawled out the syllables as if Belinda were an idiot.

“She can’t be your mate.” Belinda looked horrified.

“Damn straight.”

Becky jumped when Simon pressed a quick kiss on her forehead. “You shut up.” His voice was oddly affectionate as he looked down at her. His gaze, when he turned back to Belinda, was sharp. “I expect my mate to be welcomed by the Pride. Do you understand me?

Belinda sniffed. “She’s not even one of us.”

“She will be.”

“Will not!” Becky tried to straighten up and glare at him but the pain made her gasp and settle right back down. Note to self: stomach wounds and sit-ups don’t mix. Ow.

“Will too. Now shush.” His gaze never left the woman in front of him, but Becky knew he was well aware of her glare.

“Ass wipe.” She folded her arms across her chest with a sniff.

He looked down at her and frowned. “What did you just call me?”

“You heard me. You have been, and always shall be, an ass wipe.”

“But… I thought we would mate.” Belinda’s voice was shaky with unshed tears.

“What on earth would make you think that?” Simon looked totally confused.

Becky saw a shudder pass through Belinda, and wondered just how much the other woman loved Simon. If she did, she felt sorry for her. Simon had never been the type to settle down. Although he did call me his mate… Better not go there. That way leads to heartache a la Belinda. “Put me down, Simon. I’m bleeding and I need to go to the hospital.”

“Good point. Good night, Belinda.” He strode away, Becky still held firmly in his arms.

Over Simon’s shoulder she saw the other woman lower her head into her hands. An unexpected wave of pity went through her. Belinda was a pain, but she’d never been as bad as Livia. The fact that Simon had dated her off and on for years had probably contributed to the other woman’s belief that he was meant to be hers.

They reached Simon’s truck. “C’mon, put me down. Seriously. I can go to the emergency room. It’s just chock full of people docs.”

His eyebrows rose in disbelief. “And how will you explain your wounds?” Simon put one foot on the running board and propped her butt on his leg, thus freeing a hand to dig out his keys. “Hello, I got bit by a werepuma, can I have some stitches and a rabies shot? Or will you send the county on a cougar hunt?”

“Considering who bit me, maybe a rabies shot isn’t a bad idea.” She winced when he had to shift her slightly.

He stared down at her, waiting patiently for her reply. She rolled her eyes and gusted out a sigh. Simon took that for the surrender it was. He opened the truck door and gently placed her in the passenger seat, putting her seat belt on with infinite care. He removed her bandit mask and put it in his pocket. He got behind the wheel, put on his own seat belt and removed his Zorro mask. He started the truck and drove carefully out of the mansion’s driveway.

She didn’t even realize where they were going until he pulled into his own driveway, and by then it was too late.

Chapter Two

The dark green wooden siding and gray slate of Simon’s craftsman home was topped by a dark gray A-line roof supported by the traditional pillar and post design so common to the architecture. His favorite part of the house was his open, extended front porch. It ran half the length of the house and well into the front yard, making it more like a small deck than a porch. He’d installed a wooden porch swing off to one side where he could sit, beer in hand, and think after a long, hard day. The glass insert in his front door was his own design, a stylized cat’s head with jade green eyes just like Becky’s. The house was deeper than it was wide, with the two-car garage towards the back of the house.

Simon pulled up into his driveway, content for the moment to have his mate beside him despite the scent of her blood. He pressed the button to open the garage doors, pulling the truck in and killing the engine.

He pressed the button again, closing the garage door and sealing Becky in his home. The Puma in him purred, knowing their mate was now in their den, even if it was only temporary.

Her bleeding had slowed; if it hadn’t, he would have bitten her before they left and to hell with who saw what. Her well-being was the most important thing in the world to him. Seeing Livia crouched over her, Becky’s blood smearing her lips, had driven that fact home forcibly. If he’d had any doubts that Becky was his mate that little scene in the Friedelinde’s garden had set them to rest permanently.

The bitch was lucky Becky hadn’t asked for her life, even jokingly. Simon would have killed her without a second’s hesitation for spilling his mate’s blood. And with the Alpha present he would have been well within his rights. Jonathon Friedelinde wouldn’t have batted an eye. As the old Alpha he’d seen his fair share of bloodshed.