"You mean I'll go blind?"
Out of my merciful nature and in the interest of brevity (too late), I'll spare you the blow by blow account of the rest of the conversation. Let it suffice to say that, by the time Vie departed, it had been established that he would arrange for me to step out with a lovely lady of his acquaintance ... one who was in full command of her senses ... sort of (that part still confused me a little) ... and who would not adversely affect my health or senses, but would, if Vie were to be believed, advance my education regarding the opposite sex to dizzying heights.
It sounded good to me. Like any healthy young man, I had a normal interest in women ... which is to say I didn't think of them more than three or four times a day. My lack of first hand experience I attributed to a dearth of opportunity, which apparently was about to be remedied. To say I was looking forward to my date would be an understatement ... a VAST understatement.
However the events of the day weren't over yet.
There was a knock at the door, but this time I wasn't going to get caught making any assumptions.
"Who is it?" I called.
"General Badaxe," came the muffled response. "I was wondering if you could spare me a moment?"
I was more than a little surprised. The General and I had never been on particularly good terms, and it was rare if ever that he called on me in my personal quarters. Casting about for an explanation, it occurred to me that he was probably more than a little upset at the cutbacks I had made in the army and military budget. In the same thought, it occurred to me that he might be out to murder me in my own room ... or, at least, mess me up a little. As fast as the idea surfaced, however, I discarded it. Whatever else the General was, he was as straightforward and non-scheming as anyone I had ever met. If he meant to do me harm, it would doubtless be on the spur of the moment when we encountered each other in the halls or courtyard of the castle ... not by stealth in my room. In short, I felt I could rule out premeditated mayhem. If he were going to kill me, it would be spontaneous ... a thought that didn't settle my mind as much as I hoped it would.
"Come in," I called ... and he did.
It was, indeed, the General of Possiltum's army, and without his namesake massive axe, for a change. Not that it's absence made him noticeably less dangerous, mind you, as Badaxe was easily the largest man I had ever met. Upon viewing him, however, I was a bit embarrassed by my original worries. Rather than the stern, angry countenance I was accustomed to, he seemed very ill at ease and uncomfortable.
"Sorry to interrupt your work, Lord Magician," he said, nervously looking about the room, "but I find it necessary to speak to you on ... a personal matter."
"Certainly, General," I said, trying to put him at his ease. Strangely, I found that his obvious discomfort was making me uneasy. "Have a seat."
"Thank you, I'd rather stand."
So much for putting him at ease.
"As you wish," I nodded. "What is it you wanted to see me about?"
I realized with some chagrin that I was falling into a formal speech pattern, but found that I couldn't help it. Badaxe seemed bound and determined to be somber, and I felt obligated to respond in kind.
"Well ... I'd like to speak to you about your apprentice."
"Aahz?" I said. As far as the kingdom was concerned, Aahz was my loyal student.
"What's he done now?"
"No ... not Aahz." the General clarified hastily. "I was referring to Massha."
"Massha?" I blinked. This was truly a surprise. As far as I knew, Massha and the General had always gotten along fine. "Very well. What's the problem?
"Oh, don't misunderstand me, Lord Magician.
There's no problem. Quite the contrary. I wanted to speak to you taking her hand in marriage."
On a day of surprises, this announcement caught me the most off guard.
"Why?" I sputtered, unable to think of anything else to say.
The General's brow darkened noticeably.
"If you're referring to her less than slender appearance, or perhaps the difference in our age ..."he began in a deep growl.
"No, you misunderstand me," I said hastily, cutting him off ... though once he mentioned them, both points were worth reflecting on. "I meant, why should you want to speak to me about such a matter?"
"Oh. That."
For the moment, at least, Badaxe seemed mollified. I mentally made a note to table any discussion of the two points he had raised until another time.
"It's really rather simple, Lord Magician," the General was continuing. "Though I suppose it's rather old fashioned of me, I felt I should follow proprieties and establish my good intentions by stating them in advance. Normally I'd speak to her father, but, in this case, you seem to be the closest thing to a father she has."
Now I was truly flabbergasted. Mostly because, try as I might, I couldn't find a hole in his logic. He was right. Even though she was older than me, Massha had never spoken of her family at all ... much less a father. What was more, this was one I couldn't even fob off on Aahz. Since she was my apprentice, I was responsible for her care and well-being as well as her training. If there was anyone the General should speak to on matters regarding Massha's future, it was me!
"I see," I said, stalling for time to think. "And what does Massha have to say about this?"
"So far, I haven't spoken to her directly on the subject," Badaxe admitted uneasily, "though I have reason to believe the idea wouldn't be totally unwelcome to her. Frankly, I felt that I should attempt to gain your approval first."
"And why is that?"
I was getting better at this stalling game, and questions were a handy weapon.
The General eyed me levelly.
"Come, come, Lord Magician," he said. "I thought that we had long since agreed there was no need to bandy words between us. You know as well as I that Massha has a great deal of affection for you. What's more, there is the added loyalty of an apprentice to her teacher. While I have never shied from either battle or competition, I would prefer to spare her any unnecessary anguish. That is, I feel it would aid my case immensely if, at the same time I asked her to be my wife, I could state that I had spoken with you and that you had no personal or professional objections to such a match. That is, of course, assuming you don't."
I was silent for a few moments, reflecting on what he had said. Specifically, I was berating myself for being so selfish in my thinking, of only considering the consequences to me in my decision of whether or not to marry Queen Hemlock. Even when I had been thinking of my friends and colleagues, I had been looking at it in terms of my loss of their friendship, not what it might mean to them.
"Then again, perhaps I was wrong in my assumption."
The General's words interrupted my thoughts, and I was suddenly aware that he had been waiting for a response from me.
"Forgive me, General ... Hugh," I said hastily. I had to think quickly to recall his first name. "I was simply lost in thought for a moment. Certainly I have no objections. I've always held you in the highest regard, and, if Massha is amenable, I would be the last to stand between her and happiness. Feel free to proceed with my approval ... and best wishes."
Badaxe seized my hand and pumped it hard ... unfortunately before I could pull it away in alarm.
"Thank you, Lord ... Skeeve," he said with an intensity I had only seen him express in battle planning. "I ... Thank you."
Releasing my hand, he strode to the door, opened it, then paused.
"Were it not for the fact that, assuming she agrees, of course, I expect Massha will ask you to give the bride away, I'd ask you to honor me by standing as my best man."
Then he was gone ... which was just as well, as I had no idea what to say in response.
Massha and Badaxe. Married.
Try as I might, I couldn't get my mind around the concept ... which is a comment on the limits of my imagination and NOT on their respective physical sizes, individually or as a twosome.