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“Hang on a second, Gray.”

Connor put the phone down to his leg and frowned over at Kane, who was looking out the window. “Something wrong?”

Kane turned around, his lips twitching. “Depends on whether you consider a pool full of naked girls a bad thing.”


Connor got up and strode across the room to look down at the pool below. “Oh Christ!”

He yanked the phone back up. “Gray, mind telling me what the hell your wife is doing over here? And naked, I might add. For God’s sake, man, she’s my sister! My eyes are burning!”

“What the fuck are you talking about? Faith is out shopping with the girls.”

“Uh, no. They’re all in Lyric’s pool. Butt-ass naked, I might add.”

There was dead silence on the other end.

“Look, I got to go. I need to handle this,” Connor said. And before Gray could respond, Connor cut the connection.

“Looks like a hell of a party,” Kane murmured.

Connor followed Kane’s gaze to the clothing draped from one end of the pool area to the other. Hell, there were panties dangling from the shrubbery. He closed his eyes. “Why me?”

“Clearly I don’t have your issues,” Kane said in amusement. “None of them are related to me.”

“You just keep your damn eyes to yourself,” Connor growled. “They’re all attached. Very attached.”

Kane raised an eyebrow. “Oh? I hadn’t realized Lyric was taken.”

“Fuck you,” Connor muttered.

He turned and started down the stairs, trying not to focus on the fact that five very naked, very beautiful women were swimming in the pool. Or how the hell he was going to fish them all out. Preferably before their very pissed-off husbands showed up.

He found the kitchen in turmoil. Every single one of the kitchen assistants was busting his nuts to be the one taking trays out to the pool.

He stopped them with a single glare. They retreated into the kitchen, nearly stumbling in their haste to avoid Connor.

He stalked toward the door leading to the patio and pool area. As soon as he opened the door, the air was filled with chatter and laughter. Music reverberated through the air, and to his horror, the girls had taken up a game of volleyball, using an imaginary net.

Nothing, however, was imaginary about the way they came out of the water to hit the ball back and forth.

He quickly scanned the patio but found only Sam, standing legs apart, arms over chest, his gaze focused on an area much higher than where the girls were swimming.

“Anyone mind telling me what the hell is going on here?” he demanded.

Five women simultaneously slid under the water until only their noses were visible.

“Well hell, don’t hide now. Not like everyone in the house hasn’t seen you by now.”

Lyric scowled. “Sam alerts us when anyone steps out of the door. Or he did anyway. Somehow you got by.”

“Uh-huh. And the security team, which is charged with your safety, mind you, are all getting an eyeful as we speak since they can’t very well not protect you and watch out for you just because you decided to have a party. Which, I might add, was completely unauthorized, and you were specifically told you couldn’t have company. Nor were you to so much as take a piss without mine or Kane’s knowledge.”

Julie giggled. Then Serena joined in. Angelina snickered and Faith sighed.

“Okay, okay,” Faith said in resignation. “So he totally does have a stick up his ass.”

The four other women burst into laughter. He glared at every one of them, not that it did a damn bit of good. They laughed and kept laughing until tears ran down their cheeks.

“I’m glad you find this so damn amusing,” he growled.

Lyric swam over to the side of the pool where he stood, and before he could react, she pulled herself out and stood before him, naked as the day she was born, and goddamn if he didn’t react to the sight of her dripping wet, beads of water running over some very strategic areas. Goose bumps immediately dotted her flesh, causing her nipples to tighten as she shivered in front of him.

“For God’s sake,” he said hoarsely. “Where are your damn clothes? You’re going to freeze to death.”

She stuck out her bottom lip in an exaggerated pout. “We’re having fun, Connor. The guys are looking out for us, right? What could possibly happen? Are you expecting a team of assassins to swoop in and murder us all in the pool?”

“That’s not the point and you know it.”

“Look, I didn’t know they were coming, but I wasn’t going to tell them to go away. I enjoy their company. You and Kane were off doing your thing. I was happy to have them over. I like them.”

“We like you too, Lyric,” Faith called.

She turned and grinned over her shoulder.

“And you have a very nice ass,” Julie said solemnly.

Connor closed his eyes. “For the love of God . . .”

“If I was a lesbian, I’d totally do you,” Serena offered.

Connor sighed. He stared at the women suspiciously. “Just how much have you girls had to drink?”

“Uhm, you’ll have to talk to the chef. Or the bartender. Yeah, the cute young guy. He makes the most yummy drinks,” Faith said.

Connor rubbed a hand through his hair. He glanced over at Angelina, who was tucked behind a float. “You okay, sweetie? You haven’t been drinking, have you?”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Oh, for Pete’s sake, Connor. I’m fine.”

“Can I get back in now or are you shutting us down?” Lyric asked.

“Would you listen if I said no?” he asked dryly.

She smiled cheekily. To his surprise she leaned up on tiptoe and kissed him full on the mouth. He was so shocked he just stood there with a blank look on his face as she pulled away.

“Probably not.”

With that she turned and hopped back into the pool amidst cheers from her very inebriated accomplices.

His cell phone rang and with a groan he pulled it out. “Yeah,” he said shortly.

“Is my wife over there? And more important, is she naked?” Nathan demanded.

“Hell,” Connor muttered.

“Get her some damn clothes. I don’t want the whole security team looking at what’s mine.”

“Too late.”

Nathan cursed. “What the hell are they thinking? Are they crazy?”

“You’re asking me?” Connor asked in exasperation. “They’re demented. But they’re not my damn responsibility. Only one woman is. You think I like seeing my sister in the buff? I’m going to have nightmares for a week.”

“I heard that!” Faith yelled. “Asshole.”

“I’ll kick his ass for you,” Julie said.

“You tell Julie to stay her ass in the pool,” Nathan said, overhearing Julie’s exclamation.

“Look, I’m not getting into this,” Connor said wearily. “They’re having some kind of goddamn party. Sam is here. I assume he’ll make sure they all get home okay. I’ll drive them myself if I have to.”

Before Nathan could argue further, Connor hung up. He surveyed the girls again, glad that dusk was falling and it was more difficult to make out their nudity in the water. But it was also getting cooler and they were just drunk enough not to figure out they risked hypothermia gallivanting around wet and naked.

“Let me guess. No one knows where you are.”

Serena snapped her lips shut and slowly shook her head.

“Nice. Throw me under the bus. Now all your husbands will be pissed at me,” he grumbled.

“You need to get that stick out of your ass,” Faith said darkly.

He stared at her in surprise.

“I’ve defended you long enough. You need to chill the fuck out.”

Connor’s eyes widened. “Uhm, Faith? Just how much have you had to drink tonight? I’m not sure it’s a good idea for you to be in the pool. It’s too chilly out here. You’re all going to get sick.”

“Sam’s acting as our lifeguard,” Julie pointed out. “Besides, the pool is heated. It’s only cold when we get out.”