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“You don’t have to justify yourself or explain yourself to me, Lyric,” Connor said gently. “I’ve slept with my share of women. Not at the same time, mind you. I leave that sort of thing to my friends. What’s past is past. It’s the future I’m more concerned about.”

“I know. But I wanted you to know that I’m on birth control and that I’m safe. I mean, I always insisted on condoms. That doesn’t make me miraculously safe, but I’ve always been careful and I have regular checkups and tests. I even made R.J. and Trent both have thorough checkups before I’d allow them in my bed.”

He squeezed her to him. “I’m glad. I’ll be even happier if I’m the only man in your bed from now on.”

She stopped breathing for a moment as his words settled over her. He couldn’t mean what she thought he meant. Or did he? It sounded so . . . permanent. Permanent was for women like Faith. Wholesome. Girl next door. Women like her screamed commitment and happily ever after. She was the kind of woman a man brought home to his family.

Oh God, Connor was bringing her home to his family today.

“Tell you what,” Connor said casually. “Why don’t we go have checkups together? We’ll get everything out in the open so there aren’t any surprises. We’ll find out together that we’re perfectly healthy and able to start something new and lasting. Then we’ll burn the box of condoms and have hot, sweaty sex and I’ll get you all sticky and then you’ll complain about the fact we aren’t using condoms anymore.”

Her body shook with laughter and she swatted playfully at his chest. “You’re a nut. But yeah. That sounds great. Let’s make an appointment.”

He raised his head and she turned to meet his kiss.

“It’ll be one of the many things I plan for us to be doing together from now on,” he murmured.


Holy hell in a bucket,” Connor muttered when they turned down the street where the music store was located. “Is this normal?”

Lyric surveyed the cordoned-off street, the throng of people outside the store, at least three police cars and a slew of people carrying cameras. With a puzzled look she shook her head. “No. I mean, I draw a crowd, but it’s never like this. Are you sure nothing else is going on?”

“You’re it, babe. I’m damn glad Kane went ahead of us to set up his team. This is going to be a fucking nightmare.”

She clasped her hands nervously in her lap as they glided to a stop. They were immediately besieged by people shoving their way to the car, cameras flashing, microphones shoved forward. She blinked in bewilderment and Connor swore.

“Drive,” he barked at the driver. “Make the block, circle. Do something. We’ll have to come in a different way. No way I’m letting her out in this.”

Connor snatched up his cell phone as the driver pulled away. “Kane, what the hell is going on out there? Where are you? I can’t let Lyric out in that.”

Lyric only half paid attention as she stared back at the mass of people.

“Okay, we’ll wait fifteen minutes, then circle around to the back. Be waiting and make damn sure the scene is secure. I don’t like this, Kane. I don’t like it at all.”

Connor hung up and reached for Lyric’s hand. “Don’t worry, baby, okay? I’ll cancel the damn thing before I let you go into an unsafe situation.”

She smiled. “I’ll be fine, Connor. It’s a part of the job.”

He scowled but didn’t comment further.

Several long minutes later, they traveled down the alley. Two police cars had blocked off the street and had secured an entryway for Lyric into the store.

“When we stop I want you out and into the store, no delays. Don’t stop for anything, okay?” Connor said. “I’ll be with you the whole way.”

She nodded as the car pulled to a stop. As he’d directed, she bolted from the car, he right behind her. Kane was at the door holding it open for her as he spoke into a receiver close to his mouth.

Once inside the store, she breathed a sigh of relief until she remembered the horde of people out front waiting to come in. She hoped to hell the store was prepared for the onslaught. A tall, blond woman strode briskly toward Lyric, her hand outstretched. Lyric recognized her. Sort of. She just couldn’t remember where she’d seen her before.

“Ms. Jones. Leslie Burke from Cosmic Records. I’ll be here to make sure things go smoothly for you today. I’ve already spoken with the store management and everything looks great. You’ve got quite a crowd out front but we have plenty of security.”

“We’re working in cooperation with the police officers here,” Kane interjected. “We’re only allowing so many in the store at one time and the press won’t be allowed in at any time. It’s solely your choice whether you want to go out and address them or answer questions, but only fans will be allowed inside for the meet and greet.”

Lyric pondered for a moment and then glanced at Leslie whose expression said she was willing to let Lyric make the call. “That sounds reasonable. Maybe it will keep the reporters from doing anything stupid if you tell them I’ll make a brief appearance after I’ve met with fans.”

Kane nodded. “I’ll let them know.”

Connor brushed a kiss across her temple. “I’ll be standing right beside you. If at any time you need me or you want to stop, just let me know.”

She smiled. He really was too sweet. She was touched by his caring and concern. It sent a pang of longing through her. How wonderful it would be to have him with her all the time.

Kane held up a hand from the door to signal five minutes. Since many of the fans would want photos, a tall signing table had been arranged that allowed Lyric to stand so she wouldn’t have to continually sit and get up.

Leslie did a quick check of the promotional material, spoke quickly to two of the store employees and then moved to stand a few feet away from Lyric while they waited for the signing to start.

A few minutes later, the doors opened and people began to surge inside. Here at least, Lyric was in her element. She fielded questions. Took photos. Signed shirts, CDs, iPods, pants and even a few body parts. Although you could have broken a stone on Connor’s face when one particularly beefed-up guy stripped off his shirt and asked Lyric to sign low—very low—on his abdomen.

She complied laughingly and grinned when Connor glared holes in his back.

After an hour, Connor forced water into her hand and waited as she drained it. For a second she leaned against his side, grateful to have a moment’s rest.

“Okay?” he murmured.

“Yeah, thanks.”

She greeted the next fan in line and began all over again. After three hours, she was dead exhausted as the last of the line filtered through.

Kane walked over and stood until the last person finished with Lyric, and then he leaned over. “We’re shutting down the line. The signing is officially done. Police are herding people away. The reporters are still out front. Want to just slip out the back?”

She shook her head. “No, they kept their part of the bargain. I need to keep mine or next time they might not be willing to wait. I can’t imagine what I’ve done lately to merit such attention from the press, but I’m sure it’s juicy whatever it is. Maybe they’re still buzzing over my supposed arrest.”

Connor scowled. “They can kiss my ass.”

She grinned and slipped her hand through his. “Okay, give me fifteen and I’ll be done.”

Leslie caught Lyric’s eye and then nodded toward the entrance. She walked ahead of Lyric so that she could make a brief statement before Lyric spoke.

Kane and Connor flanked her protectively as she stepped to the door. Kane paused when he saw the police barricade and the fact that there were several police officers doing a good job of keeping the crowd under control.

“I’ll go back and get the car,” Kane said as he turned to Lyric. “We’ll be in back. I want to make sure you have a clear avenue to the vehicle from the back entrance.”