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When she finally let him slide from her mouth, he gathered her face in his hands and kissed her forehead, then her cheekbones. His lips slid higher to kiss each temple as he stroked her hair. The gentle kisses melted her heart. He took such care with her.

Carefully the man at her ass withdrew and she found herself being turned onto her back, her legs parted and warm lips nuzzling between her thighs. The other man laced his fingers with hers and held them to the mattress at her sides. They seemed so determined not to let her touch them.

Her clit spasmed and jumped almost painfully as he licked at the still-quivering nub. When she would have protested the sharp, post-orgasm sensations, the man at her head bent and kissed her softly on the lips.

She forgot everything but the two mouths on her, drinking and sipping as they coaxed her down from the bomb burst of just seconds ago.

Her second lover's tongue lapped lightly at her pussy, going lower, delving into her opening, covering every inch of sensitive skin.

She moaned into her first lover's mouth, allowing him to drink up her sounds as he licked over her lips. He nibbled lower, biting gently at her neck, grazing his teeth in little short arcs.

Chill bumps rose and danced across her skin, racing from breasts to pussy. Before he ever got to her nipples, they were taut. Upright and straining like little beads awaiting his kiss.

His mouth closed around one so carefully and reverently she nearly died on the spot. Amazingly, as soon as his lips made contact with the puckered crest, she felt the stirrings of another orgasm, curling deep and rising like a thin smoke plume.

"Yes," she sighed. "Oh yes."

She felt him smile against her breast and an indescribable thrill ran through her at the thought of him being pleased with her.

The licks at her pussy became firmer, drawing her higher and closer to her orgasm. He seemed to know a woman's body so well, taking care around her most sensitive parts and being harder in the places she wanted him to be more assertive. He didn't ravage her clit, and seemed to realize just how supersensitive she was after that first orgasm. He took such care, sucking ever so gently, holding it in his mouth as he flicked little light licks over the center.

She wanted to box both men up and take them home with her. She'd never leave her bedroom again.

"Harder," she whispered to the man at her breast. "Just a little harder."

He readily complied, sucking more urgently at her nipple. He went to the other, giving it equal treatment. Then he pressed her hands more firmly into the mattress and tapped her wrists in warning. His message was clear.

Then he released her and palmed both her breasts, kissing one and then the other. While he caressed one, he suckled the other, driving her mad. She wanted more, needed more.

The mouth at her pussy became more demanding, licking and sucking with just enough pressure to make her insane with wanting. She reached for the orgasm lurking precious inches away.

Bucking and bowing her body up in mindless need, her hands started to fly up, but she let them fall back in quiet acceptance of her lovers request. It should have irked her to no end, but he hadn't demanded. And he'd been so good to her, so gentle. She wouldn't deny him the one thing he'd asked of her so far.

And then, shockingly, the man between her legs picked up his head just as the other man slid down her body, his chest pressed to her belly as his mouth covered her pussy in a hot rush. She exploded instantaneously, coming hard in a hot liquid rush.

He drank her greedily as she came on his tongue. He sucked and lapped like a man starving, and it gave her such an erotic thrill that yet another mini orgasm rushed on the heels of the second, a sharp, painful burst that left her screaming her release.

She lay weakly against the bed, her legs limp. Exhausted, she rested there as he kissed and licked between her legs.

She wanted to say something, but the words lodged in her throat. She didn't want to come across as needy. This was sex. Good sex, but sex nonetheless. No way in hell she was going to get all girly and emotional.

Her first lover moved off her and she wondered if he would leave now, but no, he carefully arranged her body like he wanted her on the bed and then tucked her against his hard form. His heart beat fast and furious against her back as he spooned against her.

Softly and soothingly, his hand ran over her body, petting and caressing her as he kissed the curve of her neck.

And then he pulled her even closer, twining his legs with hers as he wrapped an arm securely around her waist. Did he intend for her to stay? She reached for her blindfold, but he took her wrist and lowered it back to her side.

He sighed. In regret? He kissed her neck again, letting his lips linger for a long moment. Then he rolled away, and she bit her lip to keep from calling out, to apologize for breaking her own rules. She had her reasons for wanting things to be anonymous, and evidently so did he. It wasn't fair for her to change the rules now.

His footsteps mingled with those of the second man, and then the door shut softly, and she was left alone. She lay there for a long moment before finally reaching for the sash covering her eyes.

The lights had been turned low, and she blinked to bring the room into focus. Empty, but then she'd known they'd left. It was what she'd asked for, but had she not reached for the blind-fold, would he still be here, holding her? And why did she want him to?

She snorted in disgust and rolled from the bed, putting shaky legs over the side. She hurriedly dressed, not wanting Cole to come back while she was naked, although he'd seen her already. Before she'd been expectant. Cocky almost. Now she was shaken and disheveled and she definitely needed some recovery time to think about what the hell had gone on here. She damn sure didn't want to do it in the buff with a gorgeous man looking on.

A knock at the door startled her, and she bolted around as it opened a crack and Cole stuck his head in.

"Everything okay?" he asked gently.

She nodded.

"Damon arranged for a car to bring you home. One of his men will drive your car. He thought it better if you didn't drive yourself."

She smiled. Had Damon known how the evening would affect her? That her mind was mush and she had the muscle tone of an overcooked noodle? She would have to remember to thank him for his consideration and needle Serena some more about making the poor man wait for her to accept his marriage proposal. If girlfriend didn't want to marry him, Julie might reconsider her strict no relationship vow and marry the man herself.

Cole reached for her hand and squeezed when she placed her fingers over his palm. He didn't say anything else as he led her from the room, and for that she was grateful.

Even when he handed her into the waiting car, he merely nodded before backing off. As she rolled away from the stately mansion, she wondered about her two mystery lovers. Leaning her head back against the seat, she closed her eyes and relived those erotic moments when their mouths and hands worked over her body. She'd had good sex before, but this? This went beyond a quick, sweaty fuck, or even the more sensual lovemaking she'd indulged in. And she couldn't figure out why.

Sure, it was a new experience, and damn, but she knew what sweet little Faith saw in the kink. But her first lover ... he was something special. It hadn't just been sex to him, and it galled her to be so damn girly right now and say mushy shit like that, but the man hadn't fucked her. She'd been around enough to know the difference. Lover number two had fucked her and fucked her hard. Lover number one had made sweet, bone-melting love to her, and damn, but she wanted to know why.

Chapter 8

“So are we ignoring what happened?" Micah asked.