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Another handsome man entered carrying a tray—were there no ugly men on the premises? While it was nice from a feminine perspective, it seemed a bit unrealistic. But then this place was all about fantasy.

Cole took the tray and dismissed the young man with a simple gesture. As he carried it to the bed, he met her gaze with a questioning glint in his eyes.

"Want company or would you prefer to eat alone?"

She looked down. "Well, now that I'm not naked, I'd prefer company unless you have other debaucheries to attend."

He laughed and settled onto the bed beside her. "I like you a lot, Julie. You're different. So many woman—and men—come here, most curious, a few rubberneckers, most having no idea of themselves. You, on the other hand . .."

"Oh, don't stop now," she said as she slathered creamy cheese spread on a cracker. "I've always wanted to be psychoanalyzed in a den of iniquity."

"You present a man the best kind of challenge."

She rolled her eyes. "Please don't give me the line about wanting to chase down and subdue me."

"Nope. A different sort of challenge. The challenge is to meet your needs and expectations."

Her eyebrows went up. "Ah now, that challenge I can live with. What woman wouldn't like the thought of a man busting ass to please her?"

"I have a feeling many have tried and failed."

"Hmm I'm not so sure about the trying part but yeah, plenty have failed all right."

She licked her fingers and then reached for the bottled water on the tray. She drank thirstily, closing her eyes in pleasure. When she opened them, Cole was staring at her with quiet intensity.

"You're coming on to me, aren't you?"

His expression didn't change but a hungry gleam entered his eyes. "If I am?"

She cocked her head to the side. "Doesn't it strike you as odd to be having this sort of conversation after I've just fucked two strange men and plan to fuck them again after intermission? That would bother most guys."

"I'm not most guys. All you have to do is say the word and it'll be you and me. Only I'd prefer to take you away from the den of iniquity, as you put it."

She stared back at him, considering all he'd said. He was truly a gorgeous man. And she just knew he'd be a generous lover. But. But what? What the hell could possibly be holding her back?

With a disgusted sigh, she recapped her water and shoved it away.

"The truth is, I don't know what I want right now," she said quietly. "Furthermore, I don't want to have to make decisions. I wanted to chase a few fantasies, dust myself off after making an ass of myself over a man. That's why I'm here. So far I'm not complaining."

"Fair enough," Cole said with a nod. "But when you're done with your chasing, you know where to find me. I can be a patient man, particularly when the outcome is worth waiting for. And honey, just so you know, you should never have to make a fool of yourself over any man. There are plenty of us only too willing to be the fool for you."

Wow. Just wow. What the hell was she supposed to say to that?

"You make it damn hard to not be all self-centered," she said.

White teeth flashed as he grinned. "I want you to be self-centered. Indulge while you can, because if you ever come knocking on my door, I'm not likely to let you out of my bed. Ever."

"I do love a selfish man," she said mournfully.

He checked his watch as she slid the last piece of fruit between her lips.

"Your guys are waiting, I'm sure. As I would be if I were in their place."

She pushed the tray away and stretched sensuously.

He stood by the edge of the bed and ran his finger lightly over her cheekbone. "At least let me help you undress again. It's the least you can do for rejecting my advances."

She laughed. "You seem so sure my rejection will stand."

"I think your interest is held elsewhere. If I didn't think it, I would be a hell of a lot more persistent."

Crap. Now she was a walking transparency. Nice. Damn

Nathan Tucker. He was ruining her love life and he wasn't even around.

She held up her arms in supplication, too disgruntled to argue with Cole. The fact was her interests were held elsewhere. No matter how hard she tried, Nathan Tucker still occupied her mind. She was even pretending it was him making love to her. Thanks to the blindfold.

Cole's gentle smile of understanding just further served to show her what an idiot she was being. He tugged away the sleeves, and his appreciative stare warmed her naked skin as the robe fell away.

"I'll replace the blindfold," he said as he reached for the sash. "But first I want to taste. Just one taste."

He hesitated long enough for her to protest if that was her wish before he lowered her to the bed until her back pressed against the rumpled covers. There was a hungry, almost primal look to his eyes that puckered her nipples long before he lowered his mouth to take one.

Warm and light, his lips circled the straining knot. He sucked lightly at first and then harder. His tongue lapped over the tip but he never broke suction.

Her belly knotted and desire ran crazy circles in her belly and slithered lower into her pelvis. Her clit puckered, her pussy clenching and straining.

"You don't play fair," she groaned.

His eyes gleamed. "Never forget it."

He kissed her lips, not waiting for her to respond in kind before lifting away from her again.

He secured the sash around her eyes, and the room went dark once more. He touched her gently on the cheek and then retreated, his footsteps sounding farther away until the door opened and he left the room.

She only spared a brief moment of regret, interrupted when the door opened again. Her breath caught as a quiver of excitement slipped down her spine.

They were back.

Chapter 18

Nathan strode in the bedroom after glaring holes through a departing Cole. Having to stand outside while Cole put the moves on Julie, his Julie, and pretend that nothing was going on had him busting a nut.

Micah nudged him and shook his head. In other words, calm the fuck down.

He held his hands out in front of him and stared as if he could will himself to stop shaking. He didn't want to touch Julie while so much anger rushed through him.

Possessive. Who knew he had such a possessive streak? If asked, he'd have never thought he was the jealous type. Too much mental energy involved. And what woman was worth that kind of aggravation?

He sucked in several breaths and focused his attention on the bed where Julie lay. Instantly his anger was replaced by a red-hot haze of lust. All he had to do was look at the woman and he was a walking hard-on.

He snuck a look at Micah who, while not unmoved by the sight of Julie, didn't exhibit the insanity that Nathan felt. No, Micah was Micah. Cool as a cucumber. Which was fine with him, because he'd rather Micah not feel the same rioting emotions toward Julie.

It was for that reason that he'd been able to watch Micah touch her.

Micah glanced back as if seeking permission, and when Nathan didn't press forward, Micah reached for Julie's hand.

Curious as to what Micah had in mind, he stood back as Micah pulled Julie to her feet to stand beside the bed. He could see her trembling from his vantage point, and he wanted to soothe her, to let her know he wasn't going to allow anything to happen that she didn't want. But then he realized it was excitement, not fear, when her nipples beaded and formed hard points.

She clutched Micah's hand trustingly as he guided her toward the middle of the room. He stopped her and lowered her hand to her side. He touched her cheek and held a finger over her lips in a signal that they'd be just a moment.

Then he stepped back and looked over at Nathan as he reached for the fly of his jeans.