"Would you consider doing a little work for Karenta while you're doing the job you have already? Wouldn't cost you much time and shouldn't take you out of your way."
He looked like he wanted to argue.
"I did my so-called patriotic chore," I declared. "Five years of my life making sure their gang of thieves didn't get one up on our gang of thieves. There is no way I'm getting onto that treadmill again."
A thought occurred to me. That happens occasionally. He saw it spark.
"I might work a trade." I had the priest to sell. "If you tell me where to find Kayean Kronk."
"I can't."
"I never heard of her till you came in yesterday. She's no one who's ever interested this office."
"I guess that's that, then. Thanks for your time and courtesy." I headed for the door.
"Garrett. Drop by when you get back from Fort... " He glared at me like I'd almost tricked him into revealing the Emperor's secret name. "Drop by when you get back. We may have a story or two to swap."
"All right."
I got out before he decided to look at me a little closer.
It was too nice a morning just to head for the inn to pick up Morley so we could visit the civil city hall again. It seemed a day made for lying around sniffing a clean seabreeze. I headed for the waterfront.
The triplets probably needed help watching for their relatives, anyway. They would be so hard to spot.
I found them doing exactly what I planned to do, sprawled in the sun atop a mountain of army grain sacks awaiting transport to the forts in the Cantard. I'd never have spotted them from the harbor side. I clambered up with a cold keg under my arm. I sent it around once before I asked, "How's it going, Dojango? Any sign of the family?"
The keg was half weight by the time it got back to me. I took a good long guzzle before I passed it on.
"Actually, Garrett, your timing is perfect. Come here." He drew on the keg before he moved.
They had shifted a few sacks so they formed a parapet of sorts. They could watch from concealment yet could claim the shifted sacks made pillows for the grolls if anybody asked.
"Some of your cousins, I think."
A ragged old coaster lay about thirty feet in the lee of the only pier space available. Lee was the very operative word. The ship was taking the breeze on her beam. About fifty guys were pulling on hawsers, trying to haul her in.
She was not coming.
In fact, she was winning the tug-of-war.
"Why don't I go trade this empty in on a full keg?" Dojango asked.
"Yeah. Why don't you?" I gave him some money.
A guy could work up a powerful thirst watching that much grunting and cursing and sweating and yelling for help.
The ship was interesting because Vasco, Quinn, and some other old friends were stomping around her deck in a storm of frustration.
I thought about canceling Fort Caprice and just watching them instead, on the chance they would lead me to Kayean. I looked at that from a couple of angles, then rejected it. They had not come to Full Harbor to see Kayean. They had come to keep me from seeing her.
I studied the striped-sail for a while. It seemed deserted except for the short and wide thing, who was napping in the shade cast by the low sterncastle. Dojango arrived with the keg. We soon had another dead soldier. Dojango ventured the suggestion that we send for reinforcements again.
"I sadly fear we have to go to work. Do your cousins know your brothers?"
"Not by sight, actually. But they must know you're traveling with grolls."
"They aren't the only grolls in the world." I stripped down while I explained what I wanted to do.
"I think it's insane, actually. But it might be fun to watch." His part would be to observe and guard the valuables.
"Tell the boys."
Below, a gust caught the coaster. She heeled. Men yelled. Four or five went into the water.
"They know what to do."
"Let's go." I tumbled down the front of the pile. Doris and Marsha tumbled after me, grinning their great goofy groll grins. They trotted to the ends of a couple of hawsers and started heaving. I grabbed another. I wish I could say my strength made the difference.
That coaster fought like a granddaddy trout, but in she came.
Vasco and Quinn must have gotten my stage directions. They spotted me as the dock hands started swarming around Doris and Marsha, trying to slap their backs. Somebody yelled. I faked big eyes as men came leaping onto the wharf.
I lit out.
I did not see Dojango atop the sack pile as I raced past. That meant nothing had changed at the striped-sail ship. I whipped that way with a herd of boots pounding behind me.
Hard right turn onto the yacht's gangway.
Short, Wide, and Hideous opened his eyes and hit his feet. I made the deck before he could head me off. Then he spotted the pack behind me.
He stopped.
I did not. I pulled straight ahead and dove over the far rail. I groaned on the way down.
The water was so slimy I'd be lucky if I didn't bounce.
We joined up again back at the inn. After I ordered a keg to celebrate, Dojango told me what he had seen.
Vasco, Quinn, and four others had chased me. That I did not need to be told. They had started up the gangway when they had spotted Short, Wide, and Hideous. They had stopped dead. Then they had scattered like roaches surprised by a sudden light.
"They didn't even go back to their boat for their stuff," Dojango said. He laughed and drew himself another beer.
"What about the guy on the yacht? What did he do?"
"He ran inside."
"And nothing, actually. Nothing happened at all."
"Something will," I prophesied.
We killed the keg while we waited for Morley.
Morley was a long time showing. When he did, I knew he had not been running from anything—unless it was himself. He wasn't scared of anything else.
"A little trot to settle your meal?" I asked.
"Started out that way. I came back here, you weren't in yet, so I thought I'd get in five or ten miles while I had time. I've gotten out of training since we left TunFaire."
He seemed a little pallid for Morley Dotes. "Something happen? You get yourself into trouble?"
"Not exactly. Let me catch my breath. Tell me what you did."
I did. He seemed mildly amused by my gambit on the waterfront.
"Your turn," I said.
"First a conclusion, then two sets of facts which may support it. My conclusion is, you're in over your head, Garrett. We keep cutting the trails of people with big clout. And they're starting to notice."
"And the facts?"
"My run took me out near the Narrows. I decided to see if my tribute to the vermin had earned me anything but scorn. Wonder of wonders, they had something. Zeck Zack is back in town. He arrived early this morning. The comings and goings started an hour later. I gave them a bonus and told them to keep an eye on him."
"One set of facts, Morley. How about the set that has you spooked?"
He did not argue, which was proof enough that he was nervous.
"I decided to drop in on Father Rhyne. I figured I'd go in the back way so I wouldn't inconvenience anybody, what with a rowdy service going on in the main hall."
He was stalling getting to the point, which meant it was something that did not please him.
"He came up dead, Garrett. Sitting at his writing table, dead as a man can get, still not cold."