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Ilona made the swift backward swing. It was true! A female did shed inhibitions with her clothes. She had never felt so vigorous or so free. With the lithe motions of nudity she cut another vivid etching on virgin skin.

Susan did not scream, she did not kick. Her only tribute to agony was a controlled sinuous undulation to the tune of pantingly suppressed gasps. As the first wickedness of pain subsided she volunteered: "I'll scream next time. But I have to do this now and then just to tell myself I can." She looked back apologetically. "Don't you think you should lift my arms a bit more, Mistress?"

It was easily done. Ilona gasped at the effect. Susan's breasts were taut, her bel y was taut, her rib cage beginning to manifest itself. The girl was superb. Ilona struck the wealed twin curves once more. Susan's scream was the peal of nightingales.

When the seventh mark had been placed upon the tender rounds, Ilona took her tautly stretched slavegirl in her arms. Their kiss came close to a lasting bond.

"Shall I let you down now, sweetheart?"

"Mmmm. . of course not. My bottom's just had the prelude, now you move on to the symphony." Susan rubbed an affectionate cheek against Ilona's.

"But aren't you tired, and your wrists hurting?"

"Of course they are, silly! Ooops, there I go again! I'll tell you how to punish that later. But being tired and having hurting wrists is part of the package, I've been naughty."

"You couldn't be naughty, Mistress. It's one of the precepts you have to remember.

All pretty girls are whippable. Doesn't seem fair to the homely one's."

"You want a rest though, don't you? How about a cocktail?"

"Mistress, you're hopeless. Punished girls don't get cocktails. They're lucky to get a drink of water."

"Just this once, this first time?" Ilona snickered. "I could use one myself."

"Alright, darling. You're sweet. But don't do it again. Slavegirls absolutely must NOT be spoiled."

Ilona Paisley felt like a teenager again. The publisher had vanished. She was a vibrant young woman who held a platinum beauty captive and was about to whip her back. That she would do so under the guidance of the victim herself added piquancy to a situation already incredible. Busily, she slopped the spirits and the mix. The drinks were strong.

"I'll get tipsy on this, darling." Susan opined as she sipped from the tilted glass.

"I'll tell you to do the most atrocious things to me."

"I won't do them, sweetheart."

"Some of 'em sound so innocent you won't know. Look, darling, while I'm still sober can I give you a couple of helpful hints about whipping my back?"

"Go ahead. Your back's very precious to me."

"With a whip you have to sort of get the range. It doesn't matter about the tip snapping on my back, backs are like bottoms they're designed for it, but it's so easy to overlap, and then the tip snaps on my breasts or my bel y or my hip or across my bottom rib." Susan grinned apologetically for being verbose, and took several more quick sips. "If my front has to be whipped sometime there's other kinds of whips, not the one we're going to use now."

"I'll be careful, sweetheart. How about I put your bra' back on? Would it shield?"

"I'm not supposed to wear a bra: while I'm whipped." Susan chuckled. "And my bra' wouldn't even shield my nips."

"Gosh, darling, I don't know how you manage to be so carefree about something that hurts so much."

"The secret is to not believe it will happen 'till it happens. The other thing to watch, darling, is how hard you whip me? there's such a range. . ! Al the way from a love stroke to a slash bad enough to cut me in two."

"But you're going to guide me?"

"Sure I am. But when it gets to hurting bad I may get a bit biased. Watch out I don't cheat."

Ilona did not care. This lovely creature could cheat all she pleased. Susan might be calm, but she herself was quivering at the prospect of what she was about to do.

"How many should I give you?" She asked breathlessly.

"How about ten, Mistress? One extra for calling you silly makes eleven. Hurry up, darling, I'm starting to tremble."

How beautiful she was! How exquisite the white back across which the thin white line turned pink, then red, its skin rising in tribute to the blow she had just inflicted!

Ilona stared at her work in awe, while Susan responded in the, now recognizable, sounds and motions of extreme pain. Choosing the strained shoulders, the Mistress cut her second stripe across their breadth.

After the scream, the futile kicks, and all her acknowledgements of agony had run their course, Susan gasped: "I expect that's about right, Mistress. Gollies, it hurts!

But still. . ! Darling, there's something else?"

"I don't want to hurt you any more."

"It's sort of part of the same, Mistress? oh, and are my marks nice?"

"They're lovely. . redly graphic. They've made me all wet."

"I'm so glad. Now, a bit to each side, there's a ring in the floor. Tie my ankles out to them so as to spread my legs wide apart."

"But what's the need, Susan, you're helpless?"

"Just do it, darling. . Please!"

Ilona obeyed. It was a thrilling enough task. The separation of her slavegirl's legs created a new beauty all its own with Susan's nudity. Her hand automatically went to the damp junction of her slavegirl's thighs. She kneaded it with a wet palm while she kissed its owner's lips.

"Mustn't indulge me, darling, that's enough. Now stretch my arms up some more."

"But, Susan dear, tying your ankles out the way I've just done has the same effect.

You look awfully tight."

"Well, yes I am. But you can give me the other nine quickly and get them over with. I'll scream a lot but that doesn't matter. If you have me stretched so I can't twitch you'l have seen the whole range of this position. Stretched like you're going to do me I'll be in the ultimate helplessness, open for whatever you want to do."

"Aren't I doing enough?" Ilona clicked the switch but almost instantly clicked it back as Susan's nakedness snapped into a tension to make the ropes and straps creak in protest. "I'm going to hurry. Then I can let you down."

"Darling, out of nine strokes slip three of them inside my spread legs. A girl's inside things are gorgeously sensitive, and you can snap one up into my pussy."

"Susan, I can't!" Ilona was shocked.

"Yes you can, and you will. Remember I'm running this one. That's why I had you tie my feet apart, so's you experience the whole range."

"But your pussy! Sweetheart. . !"

"Do it, Mistress, do it!"

Miss Ilona Paisley did it with a joyous competence in which she felt much shamed.

Long afterwards when their kiss ended and their mingled sweat had dried in their embrace, Ilona guiltily exclaimed:

"I forgot, I've left you stretched while?"

"It doesn't matter, darling. It's another Must. You leave the whipped girl as she is for an hour or two to think over her sins and their penalty. It's frightfully potent."

"But you're hurting so terribly??"

"I'm managing to bear it. But, O.K. let me down a little while we talk."

Ilona could not get at the switch fast enough. Happily, she watched Susan's nudity lose its graphic delineation of bone and sinew and return to normal. The bar and its strapped wrists kept the bare arms raised but with elbows bent. Susan could not free herself but the stress was gone.

"I'm longing to see my marks!" The irrepressible Susan giggled joyously. "Please, Mistress, don't keep me here more than a couple of hours."

But the Mistress had sunk to her knees between the slavegirl's spread thighs. In a desperate hunger for female communion her face was buried in Susan's pubic hair.

Chapter Three