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Blind Bondage.

"Whatever made you think of yourself as a Mistress?"

Susan's lips returned to Ilona's left nipple while she teased its twin with knowing fingers.

The Mistress sighed, not in perplexity but in simple content. The massive new four poster embraced them lovingly, and Susan was as exquisite in the arts of love as in all else. "It was that girl I told you about." She explained, absently. "It was my first?"

"I bet you didn't want to whip her bottom at all, darling. You wanted to nibble her." Susan gently nipped with small white teeth. "I must be the most nibbled slavegirl extant, and you're quite fabulous at it. I'm climaxed to a climax."

"I'm not a very good Mistress, am I?"

"You're terrible as a Mistress, darling. That is, for a girl like me who needs constant discipline."

"You don't need it at all, you just love it."

"You've got the loveliest nipples, Ilona. I bet you never knew. I bet if I flicked one it would twang."

"Go ahead." Ilona giggled. "You could call it twanging my tit."

"You wouldn't have said that a week ago." Susan judged sagely. "And all the rest of you's grade 'A' too? good enough to eat. I might have eaten you up by now if you hadn't been so busy eating me."

"I keep seeing those workmen's faces." Ilona mused.

"They were in and out of here for three days. They must have guessed something."

"How would I know! You made me sit in the stocks all day and tied me to that bed in what you call my room at night." Susan complained, then amended: "Oh sure, I know I told you it was the best way of disposing of me."

"You looked sweet in the stocks, your feet peeping through."

"I'm terribly grateful, darling, for all the things." Susan held up her left hand.

Around its wrist was the snug shine of a steel shackle. It was heavy, as was the chain trailing across the coverlet to lose itself somewhere on the floor. "This is simply pussy perking, Ilona, I really know it's there. It doesn't just follow, I have to tug. But it let's me do anything? leastways in this bed it does."

"The bed meet your specs'?"

"Mmmmm! It will take us a month to tie me in all the ways it's designed for."

Two girls in a huge bed, both naked, one vividly striped by whipmarks. Both satiated by an orgy of lovemaking that had gone on and on. In the mind of each was a query of the future, a future in which they knew themselves already enmeshed. For Ilona Paisley the publishing house was receding into the distance. For years it had held her captive. Now she beheld other more fascinating captivities of which she had never dreamed. Susan could be a way of life, absorbing her utterly. She stirred responsively under the attentions of lips, teeth and fingers. Heat was again building within her loins. She wondered at the seemingly inexhaustible regeneration the platinum haired beauty had the power to provoke. She had entered a lotus eating land of infinite delight.

"What are you going to do to me tomorrow, Mistress?"

"Love you."

"But, darling, I need discipline. You're using me like a lesbian equal."

"I didn't think they ever were equal."

"Well, not really. But I'm not just a lesbian, I'm a slavegirl. Remember?"

"I can't possibly whip you again. You're still terribly marked. They're lovely"

"You do things for me and let me tell you what to do. You shouldn't, y'know. Right now, with my former Mistress, I'd be sentenced to a hundred lashes, or maybe tied to a post for a week."

"What on Earth for?"

"That's the point, darling, you don't know. When I'm bad you don't know I'm bad.

You're in love with me."

"What's wrong with that?"

"It gets in the way, Ilona. When it comes time to punish me you feel mean and unkind."

"I've got you chained right now, sweetheart."

"My wrist, yes. But you'd have forgotten if I hadn't reminded you."

Ilona Paisley was too happy, too relaxed, to be anything but amused by the bright eyes and pouting lips so close to her own. She was besotted by this lovely girl with platinum hair, lost in the flood of her own pent up sexuality. "Can't we love each other for a few days before I start being brutal to you, Susan?" She asked sleepily.

Susan's heart was easily touched. She was unsure of her own feelings towards this far too liberal Mistress. But the least she could feel was affection. Ilona was so lost, so visibly needing help. She looked down at the lovely nakedness with which she had been idly playing. It was lovely, and it was pussy heating. It was far more provocatively female than its owner realized. For a minute she lowered her lips again to the hard wet nipple before retorting: "Of course we can love, darling. Loving her Mistress is the biggest part of a slavegirl's life. I could love you to pieces no matter how many whipmarks I wore or how heavy my chains."

"Aren't we lucky." Ilona's voice was dreamy with content.

Susan sighed. She had a feeling she was still grappling with Paisley Publications.

Determinedly, she straddled her Mistress's passive nakedness and lowered her wet sex upon an unresisting tummy. Leaning forward, she placed the top of her index finger on the tip of a somnolent nose. Her voice was firm. "After our loving, Ilona, you absolutely must treat me as a slave. Will you?"

"Of course I will. Come and cuddle."

"What I really mean is, can you?"

"Yes I can. Don't be tiresome, sweetheart. Lay beside me so I can get my hand into your fur."

"Now I'm going to tell you of punishments. You must start using them on me in a couple of days. Don't tell me what I'm going to get, you just pick one?"

"You're so sweet. Mmmmm. . !"

"If you won't listen properly I'll cry or throw a tantrum."

Ilona perked. "I'd love to see you throw a tantrum."

Susan pouted. "You wouldn't like me a bit, Mistress. I become a nasty little girl who says the awfulest things and stamps her feet."

"Please throw one now."

"I'm not mad enough. Besides, you're too nice. Now, are you listening?"

"Shall I make a list?"

"Ilona, darling, take me seriously."

"Oh alright. I'll flog you the first day, then you tell me."

"Well. . " Susan had lost steam. "There's hanging me by my wrists, it's very effective. After an hour with my toes off the floor I become delightfully meek."

"Mmmmm. .!"

"Then there's the pillory, my neck and wrists yoked. I'm always terribly grateful when the yoke gets lifted."

"I think you're a masochist, but carry on."

"There's a horse thing you can make me sit on, tied so I can't get off. It cuts a girl's crotch in two and makes her awfully easy to deal with."

"I bet! But doesn't it ruin her pussy?"

Susan sighed again. "Pussies are almost indestructible, Mistress. You'll be surprised. . Ilona, are you listening?"

Ilona giggled. "We were putting your pussy on a painful perch."

"I ought to put your's on one, you might wake up."

Susan sniffed disdainfully. "Anyway, there's also just tying me up. There's so many ways of doing it just a bit painfully so as the hours go slowly by. . ! I was tied tight, standing against the post, all night once. Gee, when I think of all the vows I made about behaving. . ! The rope marks in my skin made me look like an old time convict."

"We must try that one, it sounds cute."

Susan shifted enough to enable her to make a sudden savage bite at an unsuspecting nipple. Ilona yelped. "That was to get your attention, Mistress." The implacable slavegirl settled herself comfortably astride. "The next lesson is to get you to understand all the things I have to be punished for."

"If you say so, dear."

"That remark's no help. D'you want me to go looking for another Mistress?"

"No!" The negative was a small explosion.

"Alright then! Look on me as a pretty plant that has to be nourished in unusual ways. Without discipline I die."