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Nicole patted her hip. “Tell me about it.”

She returned behind the counter where Maggie waited. “You know them?” her employee asked.

“I met a couple of them last night at the football game.”

Maggie had worked at the bakery for years. She and Nicole were friends, so a simple questioning look got the point across.

“I don’t know what I was doing at a high school football game,” Nicole admitted. “Raoul plays. He asked me to go. I wanted to be supportive. He introduced me to Brittany, his girlfriend. She’s a cheerleader.”

Maggie started laughing.

Nicole glanced at the kids. “Stop it. Nothing about this is funny.”

“It is to me. You’re popular.”

“Great. It only took ten years of being out of high school for that to happen.”

Nicole went in the back and told Raoul he could leave early. According to Sid and Phil, he was doing a great job. She appreciated having her instincts validated. She was about to leave herself when Maggie found her.

“You have a gentleman caller waiting out front.”

Nicole winced, even as her heart started thundering in her chest. Hawk? Was it Hawk? She hated how much she wanted it to be him. “No one talks like that.”

“I do and he’s gorgeous.”

Definitely Hawk.

“Thanks,” Nicole said. “I’ll go see what he wants.”

Maggie patted her hairnet. “If you’re not interested, ask him if he’s into older women. He’s what, in his mid-thirties? That’s only twenty years.”

Nicole grinned. “You’re happily married.”

“Don’t remind me.”

Nicole returned to the front of the bakery. The teenagers were gone. Hawk stood by the counter, looking more tempting than anything in the bakery. She would take him over chocolate lava cake any day.

Without wanting to, she remembered their kiss from the previous night. How he’d left her both wanting and afraid. Maybe she’d exaggerated the fear. If they kissed again, she would know for sure.

“Hey,” he said, giving her a slow, sexy smile that sent her heart into a healthy aerobic state.

“Hey, yourself.”

Low blood sugar, she told herself. It was low blood sugar. Or the flu. It couldn’t be the man. She refused to be nothing more than a quivering mass of nerves over a guy.

“I wanted to stop by and thank you for last night.”

Nicole heard a snort behind her and knew that Maggie was listening. She ignored her friend.

“Thank me?” He couldn’t mean the kiss, could he?

“For taking those kids to the pizza place and hanging around. For listening. You’re a great role model. Older than the students, but not a parent. You’re successful, together, someone they can look up to.”

Which all sounded nice but couldn’t she be his sex slave instead? No, wait. She wanted to be successful and together. Sex slave wasn’t her most comfortable role. She’d always been the girl-next-door type. Something told her that wasn’t Hawk’s style.

“You didn’t come out here to thank me,” she said, wondering if he was playing her and how long it would be before she trusted a man again.

“That’s part of why I came by.”

“And the other part?”


She flashed to a very big bed with rumpled sheets, naked bodies and someone-hopefully her-moaning with pleasure. That was a dessert she could get into.

He pulled a sheet of paper out of his back pocket. “We’re talking about thirty-five guys, a couple of parents, some friends. So say fifty people. Nothing fancy.”

She blinked. “You’re here to order dessert for fifty?”

“Uh-huh. Sunday afternoon we review the films from the game Friday night. It keeps them focused on the prize. I like them wired up on sugar. That way no one falls asleep. I’ve been using another bakery, but I like yours better. So what have you got?”

Disappointment made her want to snap at him, but she didn’t. No point in letting him know how pathetic she was.

“You won’t want a cake,” she said, stepping behind the counter and reviewing the contents of the case. “I would say cupcakes and cookies. I can put a selection together.”

“That would be great.”

“Any flavor requests?”

One of Hawk’s eyebrows raised slightly. “What do you suggest?”

No way she was falling for that, she told herself. “The usual cookies. Chocolate and vanilla cupcakes. They’re frosted but not decorated. Probably better that way.”

“You’re resisting.”

“What?” she asked.

“My charm.”

“Were you being charming?”

“You know I was.” He handed her a card.

She glanced at it. There was a logo for the high school, the address, his name and a phone number with an extension.

“This is?” she asked.

“Where I need everything delivered. About two-thirty tomorrow. The meeting room by the gym. I wrote the directions on the back.”

“I’m not delivering this stuff.”

“I have nowhere to store it. Or a way to get it there.”

She looked past him to the big truck parked in front of the bakery. “That would hold a lot.”

“Probably, but if you brought the dessert, you could stick around for the films.”

“I already saw the game once.”

“Not with me explaining what happened.”

Why on earth would he want her there? “It’s Sunday.”

“Do you have plans?”

“No, but that’s not the point.”

“Sure it is. Come on. You’ll have fun.”

She was confused, and not being in control always annoyed her. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because if you spend time with me, you’ll like me.”

“And that matters why?”

“You need to like me so you’ll want to sleep with me.”

Nicole was grateful for the cane. It helped keep her upright. “This is all about getting me into bed?”

“Naked,” Hawk added in a mock whisper. “Don’t leave out the best part.”

She totally understood her attraction to him. He was amazing looking and kind of funny and maybe nice, even if he was a playboy. Obviously there was a chemical thing going on, but that only explained her end of things. She wasn’t making it easy, which begged the question…

“Why me?”

“You intrigue me. You’re not easy.”

That was it? He couldn’t say he thought she was pretty or interesting or sexy? Intriguing was as good as it was going to get?

“I’m not sure about your standards,” she muttered, feeling slightly sick to her stomach.

She turned away. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back so they were facing each other and suddenly much closer than they had been.

“I can’t stop thinking about you,” he said, staring directly into her eyes. “I want to see you again. Naked would be my first choice, but I’ll deal with clothes if I have to. Despite what those women you were talking to might have said, I don’t do this a whole lot. There’s something about you, Nicole. I can’t figure it out, but I will.”

And then what? He would be over her?

She didn’t know what to say, what to think. What was he asking? To date her? To have sex? Both?

She wanted to say yes, but the fear returned. The chilling emotion that warned her that, while she might be over Drew, she wasn’t over being hurt and she wasn’t ready to get involved or even play. Not that she’d ever been much of a player.

“Say yes,” he told her.

“I can’t.”

He leaned in and kissed her. It was hard and hot, his tongue pushing into her mouth. He took what he wanted and left her breathless. She kissed him back, feeling her blood heat. It was a battle of wills. Based on the way they were both breathing hard when they pulled apart, there was no clear winner.

“Say yes,” he repeated.

If only she could.

He sighed. “Bring dessert.”


He released her and was gone. When her head stopped spinning, she saw he’d left a hundred-dollar bill on the counter, which would cover a whole lot of cookies and cupcakes.