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It hurt, it burned, it was magnificent.

She reached for the pain, embraced it, reveled in its darkness.

“I can’t stop,” she panted. “I’m going to come.”

“Me too, Angel girl. Come with me. Let’s go together.”

He increased his pace until he was pounding against her, hard and urgent.

Her mouth opened, but her scream was muffled by the comforter. Her entire body bowed, writhed, and she came completely apart. Spasm upon spasm rippled through her belly until the tension was more than she could bear.

She could no longer feel him in his frenzy. His hands gripped her ass, and she knew she’d wear his fingerprints for a long time to come.

Then he collapsed forward, driving them both onto the bed. His pelvis twitched against her as he flooded into her. He continued pumping against her in short, jerky motions until finally he stopped and his harsh breathing rasped against her ear.

“I think you killed me,” he groaned.

“I think that’s my line,” she gasped.

He stirred against her. “Don’t move.”

“As if I could,” she muttered.

He carefully lifted his weight off her and withdrew. Warm semen slipped down the inside of her leg.

Instead of going for a towel, he simply picked her up and carried her toward the bathroom. She cuddled against his chest, grateful he hadn’t made her walk. Her legs had the consistency of putty at the moment. She’d be lucky not to fall on her face in the shower.

She needn’t have worried. He took care of her completely, holding her against him while he washed every inch of her body. After he’d washed and rinsed her hair, he stepped out and dried her from head to toe.

“Come into the bedroom. I’ll finish drying your hair and then I’ll brush it for you.”

She smiled and leaned into him for a moment. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.

He’d vowed not to give her any part of himself. Just fucking. All he could offer her was sex. He’d lied, and she wasn’t even sure he’d realized it yet.

Micah took his time, first drying her hair and then combing through each strand. He was infinitely tender, his hands sorting through the heavy tresses. Every once in a while, he pressed his lips to the curve of her shoulder or the column of her neck.

When he finished, he patted her on the behind.

“Are you sore, baby?”

She shook her head.

“Good. I want to put a plug in so you’ll be ready for tonight.”

Her stomach fluttered in response, and she swallowed rapidly.

“Lie down on your stomach.”

She rolled away from him and stretched out as she’d done before. He moved from the bed, and she heard him rummaging in one of the drawers. He returned a moment later and ran his hand over her ass.

“Just relax, just like you did earlier. It might be uncomfortable at first.”

She sucked in her breath but didn’t hold it this time. Cool gel slipped between her cheeks, and his fingers carefully probed, spreading it inward.

His hand left her and was replaced by the blunt tip of the plug. Thick and plastic feeling, it was hard and unyielding, more rigid than his cock had been.

Her opening stretched and she willed herself not to tense. He pulled back, allowing the tip to retreat. He added more lubricant and then eased it forward again, stretching her more this time.

It was several minutes of patiently working the plug in before he finally sent it all the way. She flinched away when the broad base sunk into her ass, but he placed his hand on her back and rubbed soothingly.

“Take a deep breath. It’s over.”

She shuddered and went limp, closing her eyes as she processed the bombardment of sensations. Her ass pulsed and quivered around the plug. Edgy and restless, she couldn’t remain still. Need curled in her groin, and she ached for release already.

“Turn over,” he commanded in a quiet voice.

She maneuvered over, taking care with her throbbing ass.

“Spread your legs for me, baby. Let me see your pretty pussy.”

She parted her thighs and watched as he took position beside her. Their eyes met. Their noses were just inches apart. She sighed softly just as his lips took possession of hers. His hand slid down her belly to her pussy. He rubbed his fingers over the folds, delving inward to find her clit.

She arched immediately into his touch. God, she was so close to orgasm already and all he’d done was put the plug in.

As his mouth made love to hers, he fingered her gently to orgasm, swallowing her cry of pleasure.


Angelina lay on the couch in the main social room downstairs while Micah went to answer the door. He’d arranged her almost artfully. She was positioned on her side, her long hair over her breasts, but her nipples peeked from between the strands.

He hadn’t told her much, just that some friends were coming over to watch the football game. But she knew what would happen.

Voices in the hallway had her breaths coming fast and erratic. A moment later, Micah appeared in the doorway followed by three men.

Holy hell.

She tried not to stare and instead studied their entrance from underneath her lashes.

They walked in but came to a complete stop when they saw her. They stared openly, their eyes glittering with appreciation. As her gaze traveled from one to another, she recognized one of the men. Cole. The man who’d flogged her that first night Micah had seen her at The House. The other two she didn’t know, but she seemed to remember seeing them around the premises on the nights she’d come to play.

Micah walked over to stand by the couch. He reached down and tangled his hand in her hair, gently rubbing her head. Then he trailed his fingertips over her shoulder and down to cup her breast.

“This is Angelina. She belongs to me. Tonight she is yours to do with as you wish. There are conditions, however. You will show respect and care for her. If I tell you to stop, you stop. If she tells you to stop, you stop. You’ll protect her by wearing condoms. This is nonnegotiable.”

“She’s gorgeous,” one of the men said hoarsely.

“Yes, she is,” Micah agreed. “She’s new to anal sex. I’d ask that you treat her gently. Other then that, she enjoys pain. She craves it.”

He put a finger under her chin and lifted until she looked up at him.

“Angelina, these are friends. You know Cole, I believe. Next to him is Rick. On the end is Chris. You’ll obey them as you obey me. You’ll see to their pleasure as you do to mine. Understand?”

She nodded.

“Come to me,” he said.

She rose to stand beside him, conscious of the male stares from across the room. She wasn’t shy, nor did she have any hang-ups about her body being on display. The stares warmed her skin, and she enjoyed the appreciation she saw reflected so clearly in their eyes.

They were handsome men. Rick was tall. Blond-haired, muscular, with a great tan. He wasn’t GQ good-looking. Not polished or pretty. He looked like he worked outside a lot. Maybe construction. With his build, it was obvious he did a lot of physical work.

Chris was shorter and stocky. A football player’s build. He had broad shoulders, legs like tree trunks and bulging biceps. If he didn’t indulge in bodybuilding, then he was blessed with extraordinary genes.

Cole. Quiet, observing Cole. She always saw him watching. Rarely participating, and then only on a superficial level such as when he flogged her. But she never saw him having sex. She’d never even seen him without his clothes on. He was the last person she’d have expected to be here, but he watched her now with such quiet intensity that she shivered. Of the three men, he would be the one to push her the most.

Micah led her to the middle of the room, just to the side of where the couches and chairs were positioned in front of the big screen.