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Cringing a little at how needy the question sounded, she nodded.

«I dare not. For one thing…» he squeezed her shoulder, «…I am your maker. I must be your teacher in these early days until you learn your limitations and strengths, and can stand on your own with no uncertainty.» She liked the sound of that. He stroked down over her arm and took her hand. «For another, I greatly fear that once I have you, I'll never be able to let you go.» He kissed her hand in a gallant, old world gesture that made her womb clench.

His eyes were hot, his expression tight. «I've watched you for a long time, Christina. Longer than you might realize. And I've wanted you from the first moment we met, but you were already claimed. You'll never know how much I wanted to tear your husband limb from limb when I realized what he'd done to you, but it's not my debt to repay. Not yet anyway. Not until I know for sure whether you could truly be my One.» He released her hand and rose, his gaze filled with regret. And promise. «The only way to learn the truth of it, is to fuck and feed. I dare not do either with you until you've gained the strength Matt's blood can grant you. I want you to be strong, Christina. I want you to know that no one will ever be able to hurt you again. Not even me.»

«Why?» She was puzzled by his words and nearly overcome by the sexual tension rising like a sudden conflagration between them.

«By feeding from Matt, you'll gain an echo of his were traits for the rest of your immortal life. Your senses would have been sharp, but with Matt's blood in your system, they'll be as sharp as the cat that shares his soul. You will probably also gain some of his cougar cunning, agility and strength. Vampires are powerful in many ways on their own, but few have the coordination to be able to use their abilities effectively when first turned. I'm hoping you will. I'm hoping you'll be so fast, agile and wily, you'll be able to evade even me, though I have three centuries of experience on you.»

She was amazed. But still puzzled. «Why? Why would you want me to be stronger than you?»

His eyes darkened. «So you'll never be afraid. So you'll know-for certain-that you'll never be hurt again. So you can never be hurt again.»

Christy's breath caught and tears filled her eyes, but Sebastian moved away, toward the door.

«This room has an attached bath and you'll find some workout clothing that might fit in the drawer over there. Come downstairs when you're ready. We have much to do this evening before Matt arrives.» Sebastian walked to the door as he talked in a business-like tone.

«He's coming back?»

Sebastian turned at the threshold and she could see his eyes glint in the darkness. «After tonight, you'll be more powerful than I, Christina. I know in my heart, you will use your abilities wisely.»

She was floored. «How can you have such faith in me?»

Sebastian looked away. «I know your heart, little one. There is no other I would trust with such power, but you need it. You now know what it is to be defenseless against those physically stronger than you. Tonight, with Matt's help, that will change forever.»

Sebastian left her and she had a moment to savor the new knowledge flooding her mind. She perceived things in much greater detail on a sensory level, but what he'd told her about his motivations and the consequences of what he'd set in motion completely floored her.

But the question remained…why?

Why would he go so far out of his way to make her stronger even than himself? Why would he want that? Why would he send her into the arms of another man to accomplish it?

Did he love her?

Did he pity her? Did she dare find out?

Christy cleaned up and dressed in the sweatshirt and loose pants she found in the drawer. They were a bit too large, but by rolling the cuffs, she made it work. She headed out of her room and toward the faint sounds in one of the downstairs rooms. Her hearing was so acute it was hard at first to discern one sound in the old house from the next.

The ticking of multiple clocks in rooms all over the large place had her covering her ears before she discovered she could tune them out or turn them down with a thought. She heard the creak of each floorboard as she moved slowly through the space, the swish of water through the pipes, even the soft hum of electricity flowing through the wiring in the walls. It was incredible, and it only got stronger the more she thought about it.

Just as she could turn the sounds down by thinking about it, she discovered. It was like magic.

Then again, she'd done a lot of things that would have been out of character for her just a few days ago. She'd fantasized about some of the sexual excesses she'd participated in last night, but they'd only been fantasies. She never thought she'd have the nerve to try anything like that, but the new fire in her blood seemed to spur her on.

She followed the soft sounds of moving feet on a wooden floor to a room in the lower part of the house that surprised her yet again. Hovering on the threshold, Christy was surprised to find another man with Sebastian. Both were wearing traditional martial arts uniforms that looked as if they'd seen a great deal of use. They were worn, with lighter spots on the elbows and knees, and comfortable looking. The soft swish of cotton greeted her ears as the two men moved side by side in some sort of pattern that took them through various defensive and offensive moves.

She knew a little bit about karate, having once taken a semester of it in college. She'd enjoyed the class even though she was bad at it. She'd wanted to take another semester, but right about that time, she'd met Jeff and been dazzled by the young man whom she eventually married.

On trembling legs, Christy stepped forward into the peaceful room she now recognized as a dojo-the place to study and practice martial arts. It had smooth wooden floors and beautiful Japanese tapestries hanging on one of the walls along with framed woodblock prints and a few black and white photos. There were mirrors on the entire wall to her left, and to her right, the opposite wall consisted of several glass doors that opened onto a lovely stone garden complete with fluttering bamboo and trickling water. It was beautiful.

Near the door were a few wooden benches. Remembering to bow as she entered, a formality her college sensei had insisted upon, she left her shoes outside the door, next to two much larger pairs, and took a seat on the bench. She watched in awed silence as the men spun and kicked in the patterns of the most difficult kata – a sequence of defensive and offensive moves done in a choreographed pattern she'd ever seen.

Their concentration was absolute, but she knew they were aware of her presence. They completed the kata and both bowed, signaling the end of the pattern. Sebastian smiled at her as they moved nearer and his expression put her at ease.

«Christina, please allow me to introduce Hiro Yamamoto, a long-time friend and one of those I've asked to help teach you.»

Christy held out her hand to the tall, dusky-skinned man. She could tell by his features that he wasn't fully Asian, though his name sounded Japanese. He took her hand with a firm grip, but his strength was tempered and his manner non-threatening. This was a man who knew his own measure and didn't need to prove how strong he was, unlike her husband.

Resolutely, she shook off thoughts of Jeff. She wouldn't allow his darkness to shadow her new life. She'd been given a second chance and she was going to run with it as fast and far as she could.

«It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Yamamoto.» She smiled and was gratified by the man's return grin. It lit his dark eyes and made him seem somehow less scary.

«Please-« his voice held no trace of accent, «-call me Hiro. You've been in a dojo before, haven't you?»

«I took a Shotokan class one semester in college. I loved the history and grace of it, but I was terrible. No coordination at all, and some boy accidentally punched me in the nose during our first sparring practice, so I was a little afraid to do much after that.»