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«Is that why you turned him?»

«I knew Hiro as a mortal, before I found him dying on a battlefield, fighting for what he believed in and to protect the innocent. Knowing him as I did, I couldn't leave him to die. I liked him too much, but more than that, I respected him. He comes from a long line of martial arts masters. His father immigrated to the United States and married an American woman. It wasn't easy for either of them, but it was especially tough on Hiro. Even with that, when innocents were attacked, he stepped forward to help defend the people of his country and for that he nearly died.»

«I can tell how much you love him.» She patted his arm, understanding.

«He is like a brother to me.» Sebastian smiled crookedly. «Sometimes a pesky younger brother, but still a brother. It's nice to have family again. After so long alone, it's good to have family to care for.»

«Do you have any other progeny around that I should know about?» She chuckled as she gazed over at the trickling water draining through a series of bamboo pipes. The garden was peaceful and made her more relaxed than she could ever remember feeling.

«No, sweet.» He kissed the top of her head as she leaned back against the seat, his arm around her shoulders. «Only you and Hiro. Generally speaking, we don't make many offspring that way. When you turn someone, you are responsible for them, and you risk much if you don't know the measure of the person. If they turn bad-if they kill innocents or act so rashly they threaten the secrecy of our existence-the Master of the region will demand their death for the good of all. Then it falls to their maker, or one of the enforcers to do the deed.»


He absently stroked her shoulder with his thumb. «You've met Ian Sinclair, haven't you?»

«Once. At Lissa's.»

«Ian is one of Marc's most trusted enforcers. Marc LaTour is Master of this region. The two of them are very old. Ian was a knight during the Crusades, if you can believe it.» He tugged her closer, so she rested against his shoulder. «He's been assigned to watch over your friend Jena, since she knows about our kind now. Marc decided she had to be watched, lest she somehow betray her new knowledge to the wrong people. There are those in the world who still hunt our kind, and those who watch us, whose intent is unclear. We have to be vigilant to protect the secrecy of our race and ensure our continued existence.»

«They won't hurt her, will they?» Apprehension filled her for Jena, the smartest of her college friends who'd gone on to medical school. She knew Jena had done all she could to save Christy's life after Jeff nearly killed her. She loved her like a sister and didn't want her in danger.

«I doubt it. She didn't strike me as the kind of woman who'd sell out her friends by trying to tell the world about immortal vampires.»

«No. She wouldn't. She'd probably do her best to try to figure you out, though. She's a true scientist at heart. She loves riddles and puzzles of any kind.»

«Well, she won't get much of a chance to study any of us. She'll just have to be content knowing we're out there.»

Christy laughed softly. «That'll drive her nuts for sure, but she's not reckless, and she's a steadfast friend. She'll keep your secret.»

«I had to bite her, you know.» Sebastian stilled, as if he were holding his breath. «I'm sorry. She wouldn't let me help you until she was sure what I proposed wouldn't hurt you more.»

Christy turned to face him, the moonlight gilding his handsome face. «It's okay, Sebastian. Both of you were only trying to protect me.» She reached up and kissed his cheek. «Just don't ever do it again, okay?»

He dipped his head and took her lips with a languid kiss. «It's a deal, milady.»

They lost track of time as the moon rose higher over the trees shrouding the backyard oasis of calm. Sebastian kissed her with drugging thoroughness, leaving no millimeter of her mouth unexplored, no nerve ending untingling. The man was a talented kisser and a devastating masculine presence.

Dimly, Christy heard a soft rumbling purr and suddenly a warm, furry, and very large body pressed against her legs, rubbing lightly. It startled her enough to pull away from Sebastian's hot mouth. Looking down, she stared into the sparkling topaz eyes of the biggest cat she'd ever seen.

«Don't let him frighten you. It's only Matt.»

«Matt?» Suddenly, it all made sense. She knew Matt was a werecougar, but before last night she'd never even suspected such things were possible. Soft, tawny fur covered Matt's large body and tickled her hands as he rested his head in her lap and snuffled at her fingers. A long, wet tongue licked out to rasp over her hand, making her laugh. Emboldened, she reached out and scratched behind the cougar's pointed ears, luxuriating in the feel of his thick pelt under her fingers. It was one of the most sensual and exciting things she'd ever experienced.

Matt settled one big paw on the stone bench, right between her legs, forcing them wider. His nose fell unerringly to the juncture of her thighs, sniffing playfully. She pushed him away, but he would not be deterred, sending that long tongue out to press between her thighs, causing almost unbearable pressure as his purr grew louder.

«There are better places for this than outdoors on a hard stone bench, you creature of mischief.» Sebastian pushed at the cat with a good-natured shove, freeing Christy. She stood quickly, unwilling to be pinned by the cat again, though she wasn't scared so much as excited.

Sebastian ushered her inside, the cat following close behind. Once indoors, Matt moved up next to her, putting his large body under her hand as he led her through the house to another room she hadn't seen before. This room was as decadent as the dojo was austere. A giant sectional couch filled one wall and looked like the most comfortable nest she'd ever seen. The opposite wall was covered with what looked like a movie screen with all kinds of electronic gear set in built-in cabinets all around. This was obviously some kind of high-tech media room and it was built for comfort as well as style.

The colors were bold, but pleasing to the eye and the furniture looked both adaptable and functional. Of course, it would be useful for more than just watching movies. If the building rumble in the cat under her hand was anything to judge by, tonight the main attraction in this movie theater would be her.


Sebastian watched Matt, in his furry form, hop up on the leather sectional.

«Mind the claws, you mangy alley cat!»

Matt paused to send a disdainful look over his shoulder as he stretched out in a boneless heap. Relaxing on the couch, he let the change take him.

Christina's gasp called Sebastian's attention back to her. No matter how many times he saw the shift from were to human, it still amazed him. He could only imagine how Christina must feel, seeing it for the first time. When he looked back at the overstuffed couch, Matt lay there in all his naked human glory, staring back at Christina with lust clear in his eyes. For a moment, Sebastian had to work to hold his temper in check.

He had to remind himself, this was what he wanted. He'd asked Matt to help her. More than that, he needed Matt to give Christina some of his speed, agility, and strength. That he'd agreed to do so was unprecedented, but Sebastian had a very special relationship with this particular werecougar. Sebastian had been there for Matt and his brothers after their sister's brutal death at the hands of her crazed mate. Sebastian had helped them hunt down the cougar and dispense justice for his crime. Because of his sister's tragic death, Matt had a soft spot for any woman like Christina, who'd been abused and betrayed by a man who'd promised to love, honor and cherish her.

As a general rule, the various supernatural races didn't mix. Most vampires disdained the were and vice versa. Were blood was a delicacy to vampires, though Christina was too young to realize it. The consumption of were blood allowed them faster healing and much more energy than regular mortal blood, but it was damned near impossible to get. The were had ample means to protect themselves even from ancient vampires, and it just wasn't worth the trouble for a momentary high.