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She'd always wanted a cat, but Jeff had been against it. He didn't want pets or children for that matter. At least not until he was ready.

Christy would have loved a baby, but was willing to wait to start a family. They'd married right out of college, so it made sense back then. Later, when Jeff started getting unpredictable, she realized it might be dangerous to bring a child into a home with his increasingly violent nature. Still, she'd dreamed about a baby, but that dream had been denied her. Hell, the selfish bastard she'd married wouldn't even agree to a pet.

«It's all behind you now, my love.» Sebastian kissed the top of her feline head as he cradled her close. She knew he was sharing her thoughts. She wasn't used to that yet, but it was getting easier. It was comforting in a way, to know she was never alone, and she learned incredible things from looking into his memories. Still, she figured it could take a lifetime-maybe several-before she knew everything about the new man in her life.

And just having a new man in her life was a huge adjustment. The idea was intensely liberating. She almost didn't believe it, but for the new freedoms living with Sebastian brought her. Not to mention the magic.

Sebastian was the purest form of magic to her. He was love. He was hope. He represented everything she'd dreamed of but never had before…and so much more she couldn't even have begun to imagine.

«Are you about ready to try changing back?» He placed her in the center of the large bed, stroking her fur as he lay down next to her.

Her tail moved of its own accord, a sensuous sway behind her body. «I'll try.»

Using images in their shared minds as well as coaxing, coaching words, he talked her through the energy build-up and the change that came with dispersal of the magic. When she blinked, she was looking at his beloved face once again through her own eyes.

And she was naked.

«What happened to my clothes?»

«Who cares?» Sebastian laughed and drew her into his arms. She slapped at his arm to get his attention and he drew back, sighing. «You have to think them back with you when you change back. That's another thing were can't do, but we can. It takes practice, my sweet, but you'll get there. For now though…» he swooped down and nibbled on her neck, «…I like you just the way you are.»

«Mmm. Me too.»

About a week after their first encounter with Cameron, Christy was asked to forego training with Hiro one night and sit with Sebastian and his guests. That was new. She'd been sent to the dojo with Hiro to train every night while the men gathered to plot and plan. She'd used her time well with the vampire sensei, and had skills now she never would have dreamed of before.

But then, everything had changed for her in a short span of time. Jeffs complete loss of control had wrought repercussions he would never fully realize. Christy was still learning about her new life and her new abilities, though she was good enough now with her new skills, she didn't fear Jeffs physical strength anymore. She was way stronger than he'd ever be and intellectually she knew he wouldn't be able to raise a hand against her ever again, but emotionally it was still hard for her. She couldn't completely control her fear when the Master Vampire proposed they move on with the next step in the plan.

She had to confront Jeff for them-and even more importantly-for herself. She had to move forward with the divorce, and get her stuff. There were things in the house she wanted. Family photos and mementos from her childhood and college days. Jeff would relinquish them, she vowed, or he would regret it.

«Are you all right?» Sebastian stood behind her as she paused at the entry to the living room where the men were gathered. «I admire your determination, but you know, you aren't in this alone, my love. I'll be with you. If Jeff so much as looks at you funny, he won't know what hit him.»

She turned and hugged him. Sebastian was her anchor, her safe haven, but more importantly, he gave her confidence she'd never had before. He complimented her shy nature and brought out the backbone Jeff had done his best to grind into the dirt. Sebastian was good for her.

«I love you, you know.»

He kissed the top of her head. «I do. Almost as much as I love you.»

«You guys about done with the mushy stuff?» Matt's voice came to them from the living room archway, making them laugh. He had been a good friend to them both in this crisis. Christy was a little shocked at how comfortable Matt was in their lives-especially after the way he'd been introduced to her. Christy wasn't in the habit of confronting former lovers every time she turned around, but then, she'd only had sex with three men in her entire life. Jeff, the bastard. Matt. And Sebastian.

Two out of three wasn't bad. No, she smiled as she walked into the room on Sebastian's arm, not bad at all.

Matt walked beside her, giving her a little tap on the butt that made her squeak. She sat on the couch between the two men. Matt hadn't been intimate with her since the night Sebastian and she had joined fully, but he'd been around the house. She knew he was guarding her-guarding them both actually. Matt obviously cared a great deal for Sebastian. She'd sifted through some of the memories of their friendship in Sebastian's mind and knew Matt was a very special man who'd faced his own demons. His willingness to put himself in harm's way for his friend spoke a lot about his character.

«Hiro says you've made good progress.» Marc spoke as the meeting came to order. Hiro was seated in an overstuffed chair near the windows leading to the veranda. He nodded as the focus shifted to him, and Christy felt the weight of his approval. It gave her a warm sensation to know this patient, skilled man thought she'd done well under his tutelage.

«I feel good,» she agreed. «I know you want me to go see Jeff and I think I'm ready. He's got some things of mine in the house I want.» She twined her hand with Sebastian's at her side, drawing strength from his solid presence.

«That's good, and it fits well with our plans,» Marc said, motioning to a man walking in from the patio. «Ah, Mr. Hastings, what do you have for us this evening?»

The were detective was bare-chested, but had on a pair of jeans he must've had stashed in the yard.

«We've got taps on the phone lines and a satellite trace on Kinsey's cell phone. If he makes the call, we'll have a decent shot at locating the other party.» Hastings took a seat and Christy could see the lines of fatigue around his eyes. «We've got a positive I.D. on the second man in that photo. He's still going by the name Mario Gonzalez, but like Steel, he's hard to trace. Looks like he hooked up with Steel after the action in Montana, though. We were able to find no connection prior to last Yule, but after that, they show up fairly regularly together and in each sighting, there was something a little more sinister afoot.»

«Such as?» Atticus prompted the man.

Hastings sighed and sat forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. His expression was not reassuring.

«Late last December they hooked up in New Mexico. During the last week in December, a newly mated werewolf couple were found shot to death, execution style, with silver bullets, in their own home. A hefty bounty is still out for the murderer, but there was no trace of entry or exit and the pack scented strong, foreign magic at the crime scene.»

«That's not good.» Matt's face was grim.

«It gets worse. The next time I can confirm a sighting of the two men together is late March in Tampa. A week later, a family of werepanthers were found hanging from a tree in the Everglades. Mother, father, and six cubs of varying ages. Poisoned with silver and strung up to die.»