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«That's horrible!» Christy couldn't help the shudder of horror that passed down her spine. «Who would do such a thing?»

«Venifucus are ruthless, ma'am,» Hastings answered, grim resignation in his eyes. «I hadn't seen it before in my lifetime, but these murders match up to descriptions of things done in the distant past. These aren't the only incidents. Were clans and tribes from around the world have reported an increase of murderous deaths in the past year when I sent out the request for information. Normally we don't have all that much interaction, but now that the red flag's been raised, the current Lords are going to do something about it. They're calling a Gathering.»

«That's going to be dangerous.» Matt looked truly upset.

Hastings nodded. «Which is why I'd like to have this matter cleared up before the leaders come together. If we can eliminate at least this one threat, perhaps we can make the Gathering that much safer.»

«When are they meeting?» Marc asked quickly, then held up a hand. «I know you won't give me specifics, but we need a round estimate so we know what our parameters are here. And I want one of you to carry a message back to your Lords.» Marc's stern gaze passed from Matt to Hastings and back again. «I want a meeting. Venifucus threaten both our people. I'd like to work with the were to counter that threat.» Marc laughed at the shocked looks on both were faces. «It's not unprecedented. Read your histories, boys. Elspeth was banished before only when all supernatural races worked in concert against her. I, for one, won't wait until I'm looking into her damned eyes to form an alliance. You tell your Lords, I'm looking to broker a deal between us for mutual cooperation and protection. The sooner we get comfortable working together, the better we'll be able to face the coming threat.»

Sebastian nodded in agreement. «Marc's right. This situation is a case in point. Working together, we'll be more of a match for whatever's coming than if we each try to work separately. I think it's a good idea.»

«All right,» Hastings said, his expression wary, «I'll try to set up a conference call.»

«Thank you.» Marc looked relieved, if Christy was any judge. He leaned back in his chair, more at ease. «Now, what other terrible things have followed Steel and his buddy, Mario, around?»

Hastings shook himself, getting back to his report and Christy feared what he had to say by the look in his eyes. «Outside of Boston, May of this year. A week after Steel and Gonzalez were confirmed in the area, a den of vampires were staked out in the sun. Twelve in all, mostly women and two young.»

«Good Lord!» Sebastian's hand squeezed hers as the news hit him hard.

«And in July, after the last confirmed sighting, a very strong magical attack was made against one of your kin, Cameron.» Hastings nodded toward the back of the room where Cameron had snuck in at some point without her realizing it.

«Who?» he demanded.

«Duncan,» Hastings sighed, «but his vamp buddy, Dante d'Angleterre, was there to help and he escaped mostly unharmed. Just a bit singed from what I heard. Turns out, since the action up North with the WereLords and their Lady, Dante and Duncan have been hanging around together. Good thing for your kin, in this case.»

«I last saw Dante decades ago,» Atticus mused. «I had no idea he'd hooked up with a fey.»

«Half-fey,» Cameron corrected. «Last I heard, Duncan was banished to the Isle of Nevermore for pissing off Queen Mab. Had to be some pretty powerful magic to get him into this realm.»

Hastings nodded. «The new priestess brought him here. She's formidable, from all accounts.»

«So are you, my love.» Sebastian's voice sounded through her mind as his fingers squeezed hers in reassurance.

«All right. This is good to know. We need to take this threat as seriously as possible and we all might just live through it.» Marc took charge of the meeting once more. «We need to catch these two. We need to know if Steel is the Venifucus or if Gonzalez is the infiltrator.»

«Or both,» Atticus put in dryly from the side of the room.

«Or both,» Marc agreed. «But we need to find them first. That's where you come in, Christy. If you're sure you're up to it.»

Swallowing hard, Christy sat up a little straighter. «I'm up to it. I need to face Jeff and set the wheels in motion. I want a divorce and I want my stuff. It's as simple as that.»

Sebastian folded her hand into his and held it against his chest. «Then it's a good thing I asked my lawyer to come here tonight. She's already started the paperwork and I want you to sit down with her and go over the particulars.» Christy was surprised, but she read the real shock on Matt's face when Sebastian turned and spoke to him. «Would you be so kind as to let her in, Matt? I believe she's coming through the forest as we speak. Show her to the gold guest room. She sent her things ahead.»

«She's a shifter?» Matt's expression screamed curiosity, as did the expressions of some of the other men in the room. «You been holding out on me, old friend?»

«She's a long-time associate who's been hiding out, more or less, for the past several years. I respected her right to inform the were community of her presence when she was ready. It appears, that time is now.» Sebastian sighed. «She's been my lawyer for the past five years, but I didn't want her connected to me publicly, for her sake. So far she's managed to live under everyone's radar.»

Christy was curious about the woman she could now see in her lover's mind. He felt a fondness for the girl, but it was more like fatherly interest than that of a man for a woman. She looked a bit deeper and realized Sebastian had played a large role in this woman's life, rescuing her when her family was killed and supporting her while she finished high school, then college and eventually law school, all from behind the scenes.

She saw more about the woman in her mate's mind and a smile spread slowly over her features. Matt was going to be in for a shock.

Matt's head lifted and he sniffed the air, zeroing in on the big patio doors. Quickly he stood and opened the nearest one.

Head and tail held high, a sleek Florida panther padded daintily into the room, surprising everyone but Sebastian and Christy. The cat stood on the threshold, seeming a little skittish when faced with so many people. Matt crouched down and held out one hand towards her.

«Where've you been hiding, little lady?» Christy saw Matt wink, his charm coming to the rescue. «I'm Matt. If you'll follow me, I'll take you to your things.»

With a regal nod of her feline head, the cat assented and followed silently after the big man. Sebastian smiled indulgently, waving once to the cat, before turning back to Christy.

«Give her about five minutes, then go save her from Matt's curiosity, will you?» A smile played about his handsome face. «You two should discuss the legal aspects of your divorce in private.» «Plus,» he added in her mind, «as you can probably guess, she's shy around other supernaturals, especially shifters. I'd rather not everyone here see her human face so she can retain at least a little anonymity in this.»

«I understand.» Christy leaned in to place a soft kiss on Sebastian's cheek. «You're a good man, Sebastian. Morgan is lucky to have you for a champion.»

«Morgan?» Matt's triumphant tone sounded through their minds. «So that's this little panther's name? Sebastian, you realize she could be under cougar clan protection, right? She's a related species. A cousin, more or less.»

«That's up to her, Matt.» Sebastian's voice was firm. «She's been through a lot and doesn't have much trust for anyone. Not even her fellow shifters.»

«That's a shame, Sebastian. Truly.» Matt sounded genuinely upset at the idea. «But I'll have to tell my brother Grif. He could at least keep an eye out for her from a distance, if nothing else.»