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«Get inside, Lis!» Christy yelled as she jumped behind the low stone wall of the patio. Lissa was nearer the door. Christy felt relief when Lissa ducked inside.

But whoever was lobbing fireballs at them was still out there. Allowing her senses to expand, Christy searched the night with her enhanced vision, hearing and olfactory senses. A movement behind the third pine tree on the right. She knew the magic user was there, but she wasn't sure what she could do to distract him until the cavalry arrived. She knew without question that Sebastian was already on his way. He would've felt her terror, even over the miles that separated them, but neither wanted to distract the other with the effort of speech at the moment.

When no further fireballs were forthcoming, Christy gambled on engaging the stranger in conversation. It might help her keep track of him and perhaps she could learn something useful while she stalled for time.

«Who are you? What do you want?» she called into the woods.

Silence met her query.

«What's with the fireballs? And who the hell are you?»

A man stepped from behind the third tree, as she'd suspected. He had a dark complexion in the murky light, but she could see him clearly with her enhanced vision. He wore a smug look on his face, his dark eyes eager.

«Don't hide, little witch. I promise to make it painless if you give yourself up now. Don't make me come after you.»

«Sebastian, I hope you're close. This guy means business.»

Atticus and Sebastian knew the instant their mates came under attack. Miles away, they shot to their feet, and headed outdoors.

«What's wrong?» Hastings asked behind them, but neither of the vamps wasted any time on explanations. Matt knew what was going on. He explained to the rest.

«The women are under attack at Atticus's place. I think our mage, Mario, just showed himself.»

«How do you know?» Marc demanded.

Matt shrugged, speaking quickly. «I'm connected-a little-to Sebastian and Christy. I heard her scream. I'm hearing what she's telling Sebastian. A man came out of the trees and started lobbing fireballs at her and Lissa while they sat on the back patio at Atticus's house.»

Marc nodded grimly and headed out the door, after his friends.

The vampires were nowhere in sight. They'd transformed and flown away at top speed for the vineyard. Behind him, Matt heard the rest of the group moving uneasily in their seats. He spared a moment to look back at them.

«I don't know about you, but I'm going over there. We need to stop this asshole before he kills again.» Matt shed his clothes, shifted, and then bounded out the door after the vampires.

Cameron stood and rubbed his hands together. «I'm heading over there too. Werefolk, I suggest you aid your brethren. My senses tell me we'll be too late to capture Mario this night, but your skills might yet be needed.»

Steel was fascinated to see all the shifters take off at high speed. There were a few raptors that simply flew out the door and a large number of wolves and big cats that loped off after Matt. Steel wasn't sure what to do. He had no way of keeping up with the animals or vampires, but he wasn't out of the fight. He caught Hastings' eye before the man shifted.

«Tell me where. I'll take a truck.»

«Go right out of the drive, then about ten miles to Mill Road. Go left and up the side of the mountain about halfway. You'll see the vines. The house is set back in the middle of the fields. Take the gravel road on the left. It's marked Private.»

«Got it. I'll be there as soon as possible.»

Hastings nodded then shifted and flew out the door after his brethren.

A large hand settled on Steel's shoulder. Turning swiftly, he saw it was Cameron. «Mr. Steel, will you accompany me? I prefer not to travel magically unless I have no other choice. It attracts too much attention.»

Unsure exactly what the fey warrior meant, he nodded anyway. «I'll drive.»

Energy sizzled along the edges of Christy's vision. She rolled away as a ball of fire swept where she'd been not a moment before. Her arm was singed, but she couldn't think about that now. If this man had his way, she'd be a lot more than just singed.

Rolling faster than a mortal could, she gambled and moved closer to the man. She had to jam him up. Running away would only give him a clearer shot at her. If she moved in close where he had no room to maneuver, perhaps she could save this situation after all. Or at least buy some time until Sebastian showed up.

She knew he was coming. She could feel him in her mind, silently advising and reassuring her even as he worried. He was flying but he nixed her idea about shifting shape to escape even before it had fully formed in her mind. She was too new to shapeshifting to depend on it in such a situation.

She rolled once more, a blast of fire making a crater where she'd just been. She used her forward momentum to rise not a foot away from the man. He gasped, shock and a bit of panic showing on his face as he tried to back away. But there were trees at his back. Big ones. Directly behind him.

«Now, what is your problem?» she demanded, angry now that this man would try to hurt her and Lissa. She'd had enough of men hurting her. She was done with that. Forever.

He tried to throw a punch at her, but she threw up a block with her forearm, the way Hiro had taught her. She was a little shocked when she heard the bone of his arm snap. His magical energy flew up into the trees, burning a path through the leaves, but it was otherwise harmless. The man screamed and cradled his arm. It was hanging at an awkward angle that made Christy's stomach turn.

But she couldn't let it distract her.

«Tell your maker. I'll be back, witch. I'll stake you all out for the sun.»

«I'd like to see you try, you bastard. I'm through taking this shit from anybody! I refuse to be anyone's punching bag ever again!» Anger rose once more. She was shaking with it. All the recent turmoil in her life had finally come to a head. The incident with Jeff the night before had started something inside her. She wouldn't be a victim again. Ever.

She moved forward, ready to trap the man, but he raised his good hand palm outward and she was just too distracted to duck. A pulse of power hit her, impacting against her whole body and sending her flying back. The side of the house stopped her cold. And very hard.

As she slid down the side of the house and onto the stone patio she saw the man turn and run into the woods, making his getaway. Christy thought about going after him, but she hurt too much to even get up. It was enough he'd left.

«Christina! Are you all right?» Sebastian's voice sounded through her mind.

«I think I'm okay. He only knocked the wind out of me.»

«Get into the house if you can.»

«I don't think I can move right now, but I'll grant you, it's a good idea.»

«Oh, love, I'll be there in a minute. Hang on.»

«It's okay, Sebastian. He's gone. I broke his arm.» She still felt a little sick at the thought, but perversely it also felt pretty good to know she'd been able to defend herself and inflict a little damage on someone hell bent on killing her.

«You did well, my love. I'm so proud of you, but this is all my fault. I should never have left you alone.»

«Sebastian, don't blame yourself. How could you have known this maniac would be able to attack us at Lissa's place? I mean, this vineyard is practically a fortress.»

«Still…» Sebastian sounded agitated, «…when it comes to your safety, I should never have taken the chance. You are too important to me, my love. Without you…»

«I know.» She lowered the feel of her voice, stroking him with her thoughts. «I feel the same way.»

A streak of fog shimmered in through the trees. Part of it went straight into the house through the open patio doors and another part congealed before her. A moment later, the mist became a man-her man. Sebastian knelt and lifted her into his arms. He wasted little time taking her into the house.