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Matt knew Steel hadn't learned the truth about the supernatural world until his final mission for the Navy into the rainforests of South America. Hastings had a file on Steel he'd let Matt read. It seemed Steel's SEAL Team had run into a rogue band of werepanthers in the rainforest and Steel was the only one who'd made it out alive. He'd been a changed man after that. Not too much later, according to his file, he'd been recruited by the Altor Custodis.

«Make yourself at home,» Matt said as they entered the media room. It was buzzing now with Hastings' agents, all busy filtering through various feeds of information. Matt perched on a table as Cameron greeted Hastings and his men with hearty handshakes all around. The fey had manners, Matt would give him that. Meanwhile, Steel held back, observing.

He stood near enough that Matt didn't have to raise his voice to be heard by the human. «Cam's a special one, don't you think?»

Steel glanced at him, an eyebrow raised. «I've never even seen a fey before.»

«I figured he'd told you. The guy likes you for some reason.» Matt snorted with good-natured humor. «But he's not just fey. There are rumors he's some kind of elite fey warrior. From what I've heard, he can fight on magical and material levels simultaneously. Not many in our realm can boast that skill.»

Steel looked both knowing and curious. «Not even the vamps? They've got a lot of power – physically and magically – at least from what I've seen.»

«Good point, but no. Many of them don't have enough time in to know how to do both simultaneously at peak efficiency. At least that's what Ian told me. And he's got a few centuries on the others. He was a knight in the Crusades.»

Steel turned to face him, giving him all his attention. «I'm curious how a werecougar became so tight with a whole nest of vampires. I was told you guys didn't mix.» He gestured to the bustling room. «I mean, Cam told me about how Sebastian helped a werewolf way back when, but what about the others? LaTour doesn't seem like the warm and fuzzy type to me, and that Ian guy is a stone killer if I ever saw one.»

Matt barked out a laugh before he could stop himself. «Man. Sorry. You're so quiet, you caught me by surprise with that one. Yeah, Ian's intense and so is Marc, but you haven't exactly seen them at their best. Right now, the shit has well and truly hit the fan and they're in battle mode.»

Steel seemed to consider. «Okay. I'll give you that. But still, what gives with you and the vamps?»

«Well, it started with Sebastian. We've been friends for a while. My family was suspicious at first and some of the clan still doesn't exactly welcome him with open arms, but they know he's a good guy. When my sister was killed by her mate, he…» Matt felt a lump rise in his throat at the thought of his lost sister. He'd loved her and missed her still.

«He helped us track the rogue and helped me, personally, put the grief away long enough to get the job done. He was there for me and I'll always value his friendship.» Matt shifted on his uncomfortable perch. «So when he asked for my help with Christy, I couldn't say no. I'd do a lot for that man. And helping a woman who nearly died at the hands of her husband felt right. I could help Christy where I failed my sister.»

«I'm sorry for your loss.» Steel's voice conveyed his sincerity. Matt nodded, saying no more as Cameron came back to them.

They went through the information gathered that day, but when Matt asked if anyone was up for some dinner, Steel and Cam both nodded eagerly. They dined in the giant, state of the art kitchen that saw little normal use. Now though, it'd been taken over by a contingent of were who were turning out some tasty meals for those gathered in the house and prowling the grounds.

When the sun went down, Matt felt Sebastian and Christy stir in his mind. He balled up his paper napkin and threw it in the trash with deadly accuracy from across the room, then rose and rinsed his plate before putting it in the dishwasher.

«We'd better get back.» The others had finished eating long before Matt, but had stayed to savor coffee and a slice of pie. «They're awake.»

Cameron slapped Matt on the back as they headed back toward the media room. «I can only imagine how you ended up bonded with a vampire couple. I had no idea our Sebastian was that kinky.»

«It was sort of an accident.» Despite his usual candor about all things sexual, Matt felt some embarrassment on this one issue.

Cameron chuckled. «Oh, I'll bet. I don't believe any vampire, thinking sanely, would engage in a threesome with his One and a were friend-or anyone for that matter-before they'd actually bonded. There must've been higher powers at work, my friend. Of that, have no doubt.»

«You think?» The idea made Matt feel better…and worse. Better that fate had played a hand, and worse, wondering why fate would have interfered in such a way. What dreaded future role would their bonding play?

«Aye, laddie. Don't worry. The Lady works in mysterious ways. Value Her gifts, even if you don't understand them yet. She has plans none of us can fathom, but we all play our roles.»

As they headed down the hall from the kitchen, which was located on the other side of the spacious house, they ran into Lissa and Atticus first, then Christy and Sebastian. After exchanging greetings, they all proceeded together to the media room where the troops were gathering.

Hastings greeted them when they entered. «I've set up a conference call for later this evening with the Lords and left messages for LaTour and Sinclair at the numbers they gave me.»

«Excellent. They'll be here soon, then.» Atticus escorted his wife to a seat on one of the large couches, then turned to check over the data displays the weres had been working on all day.

Christy was content to sit and talk with Lissa while the men conferred. She could easily pull the details of what had been learned while they were asleep all day from Sebastian's mind. The longer they were together, the more comfortable she became with the ability, though at times his stray thoughts still startled her. It was odd to be privy to someone else's innermost thoughts.

«Sebastian says Sensei Hiro is coming over tonight, Lis. If you want to learn some self defense moves, you couldn't have a finer teacher.»

Lissa shifted on the couch. «I've never been very athletic, but I'd like to try. Only you can't laugh if I make a fool of myself, okay?»

Christy smiled. «It's a deal.»

A short while later, Marc and Ian arrived with an unexpected, but very welcome addition-Kelly. Christy hadn't seen her friend since that night in the hospital. They exchanged greetings and the men congregated around the computers while the women relaxed together.

«Christy, you're looking good. I've never seen such a sparkle in your eyes. Not since senior year.» Kelly smiled and Christy could feel her friend's very real happiness for her. «I had suspicions about Sebastian from the way he reacted when I got the call from the hospital. He was working at the house with Marc that night and he got really scary when he heard what had happened to you. I didn't think much of it at the time, but later I realized he'd insisted pretty strongly on coming with us to the hospital. Now of course, I realize why. Congratulations, sweetie. You've got a good man there.»

«I know. He's the best.» Christy watched him move across the room, working with the other men. To her, he was the most handsome, the most amazing, of them all. «I still can't believe he's in my life. It all seems like a dream.»