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«Excellent.» Sebastian's voice dripped with molten steel at the mention of Jeff's name. «You're a very efficient woman, a skilled doctor, and a good friend. I thank you for the care you've given Christina and the assistance with her conversion. Part of you is part of us now. We'll always thank you for your sacrifice.»

«What are you two talking about?»

Christy's voice was small, tired and a little miffed. If these two had secrets, she wanted to be let in on them. And why was one of her best friends so chummy all of a sudden with Sebastian? If she didn't know better, she'd think she was jealous, but it seemed impossible to be jealous of a man she'd only met twice before. Christy knew something was odd about the way she felt, but was too tired to ponder it at the moment.

«I'll explain it all to you soon, little one. For now, we must away.»

She chuckled. «No one talks like that.»

«I do.» He smiled down at her, something shining in his eyes she didn't dare name. «There's something about having a damsel in distress in my arms that brings out memories of my former self. You must forgive me if I slip into the speech patterns to which I was born.»

He walked on, nodding to Marc as he held the door for them.

«There's nothing to forgive. What woman wouldn't be thrilled to be romanced by a real English lord?»

He paused by the side of a waiting luxury car. «And how did you know I was noble born?»

«Oh, come on, Sebastian. You have aristocracy written all over you.»

He raised one eyebrow. «I must endeavor then, to fit better into my present circumstances.»

«No need to do so for me,» she said, yawning and settling her head against his shoulder. «I like you fine just the way you are.»

She thought she heard him growl as he handed her into the wide backseat of the waiting car, but she was too tired to take in much. She had a vague impression of Lissa seated in the front seat with her husband, Atticus, driving. In the darkness before dawn, Christy wanted to ask more questions, but she was too tired and too befuddled by all the amazing revelations of the past hour.

The last thing Christy saw before sleep claimed her was Sebastian's handsome face. She felt warmed by his regard and it lulled her into a deep, healing sleep.

While she slept, Sebastian kept busy, making decisions and arranging things. He placed a difficult call to his good friend Matt Redstone and checked in with Christina's friends to keep tabs on her soon-to-be ex-husband. He also placed a call to his lawyer and had her start looking into every facet of the couple's relationship.

There had to be something more as to why Jeff had snapped and attacked Christina so brutally. From all accounts, the relationship had been going south for a while now. He had to have known divorce was the next logical step. Which led Sebastian to believe there was something Jeff feared would come out as a result of the divorce. Fear of discovery could have set him off on his murderous rampage. Sebastian would bet that money was at the root of Jeff's unpredictable behavior, and Sebastian's lawyer, Morgan, would sniff out whatever it was Jeff was trying to hide.

Jeff was in jail now, but he probably wouldn't stay behind bars for long. The man was too slippery for that. Sebastian had never understood how someone like Christina could have married a snake like Jeff Kinsey in the first place. But knowing of the wealth she'd brought to the marriage from her family, Sebastian suspected Jeff was nothing more than a gold digger. Her friends said Jeff had been a handsome youth when he'd seduced Christina in college, but hadn't worked a day in his life since hooking up with her.

Still, from what he'd heard from her friends, the marriage started well enough. It was only after Christina's parents died, leaving her in control of a great deal of money, that Jeff had started acting like a real jerk. When he'd gone too far during an argument and knocked her down, Christina finally woke up and started talking about divorce-but only to her friends. Jeff had made her afraid of his reactions and it took a great deal of courage for her to speak of her desire for a divorce to him. Her anxieties had proven true when Jeff snapped and beat her within an inch of her life. The very thought of it set Sebastian's teeth on edge. He could still read the horror in her lovely eyes.

Jeff had taught her to fear. Sebastian would teach her the opposite. He'd show her nothing but care and compassion, and give her confidence in her new abilities. He'd strive to help her overcome her anxiety and banish it for all time.

He'd find a way to neutralize Jeff and repair the damage he'd done to Christina's self-esteem. She had a beautiful soul and it was a crime to see her so damaged-both physically and emotionally. It was up to Sebastian to help her. He was her maker. He had to both keep her safe and figure out how to salvage the situation. She was changed, but would she be strong enough to overcome her past and start a new future, stronger than before? It was Sebastian's job to make certain she was ready.

In a hotel room across town, Altor Custodis agent Benjamin Steel began filling out his latest series of reports. He'd been sent to check out Kelly LaTour's friends. As the new wife of the Master Vampire of this region, she was most certainly changed now, but she'd been mortal until a few months ago.

Steel's boss at the AC wanted her friends investigated to see if more than one conversion had taken place. This group of bloodletters was notoriously hard to trace. Marc LaTour was an old one, and therefore cagey as hell. It was a tribute to Steel's record that he'd been selected and sent on this particularly difficult mission, but he knew his skills and was comfortable with the idea he was the best investigator the AC had right now. Steel would accept no less from himself. He was a man driven to excel, and since he'd been violently awakened to the real nature of the world, he'd redirected his energies to scouting for the Altor Custodis.

It was a far cry from what he'd done in the SEAL Teams, but it was work. And keeping tabs on the freak show supernatural was as good a job as any for a retired spec ops warrior.

Only he hated the paperwork. Resigned to his fate, Steel dug out his notes and began to compile them into some sort of order. He wouldn't file the report until the mission was completed, but he might as well get started. The paperwork wouldn't do itself.


Christina woke in slow increments, like a kitten just learning about the world around it. Sebastian watched her from the side of the large bed, waiting for the moment when she'd realize she wasn't alone.

«I bet you're hungry.» He was enchanted by the sleepy look in her eyes as she met his gaze. Rubbing her tummy, she looked like she was considering his words.

«I feel strange.»

He nodded and moved closer, sitting on the edge of the bed. «That's to be expected when you're newly turned.»

«Then it wasn't a dream?»

«No, my dear. It was most certainly real.» He dipped his head closer, smiling so she could see his fangs. He was hungry too, it seemed. «You've been deep in healing sleep for more than two days. That's longer than most of the newly turned, but you were gravely injured, so I encouraged your sleep.» He tugged at the sheet that covered her, inching it away. «I've decided on a course of action some might consider reckless.» He paused. «Do you trust me?»

She seemed to think that one over before answering. «I think so.»

«What I'm going to ask of you will seem strange, but I need you to believe it is for your own welfare that I've even considered this.» He pulled the sheet a little lower.

«Now you're frightening me, Sebastian.»

«That's not my intent. But I need you to know that what comes next is necessary for your future. I want you to be strong enough to deal with Jeff Kinsey on your own. I believe standing up to him-and winning-is the only way to face the rest of your years, now that you are immortal. If you let him win, even the smallest confrontation, it will set a tone for your new life that could prove disastrous.»