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«Things should be all right now, for a while at least.» Cam clapped him on the back, hugging him to his side for a brief moment. «You did good tonight, boyo. It was an honor working with you.»

«Thanks. Same here.» They shook hands and the fey warrior stepped back.

«With all the magic flying here tonight, it's a sure bet the enemy knows where I am. I'll teleport myself to the stone circle, just to make sure they've got a handle on things. Dealing with a mage of such power-even in death-is not an easy task. I'll set them on the right track, then 'port to Sebastian's house. Take Hiro with you and get some of your were brethren to guard your backs as you make your way to the estate.»

«Will do. We'll be all right, Cam. Go do what you've got to do.»

«Good man. Be safe, my friends.» Cameron sent Christy a smile and a small nod of respect.

Then with a flash of light, he winked out of existence.

«Man, that is some cool shit.» Matt marveled aloud at Cameron's abilities. When he turned his attention to Christy, she was looking fragile again. Poor mite had been through the wringer and then some in the past weeks, not to mention this hellacious evening.

Matt simply held out his arms and Christy walked into them, resting her cheek against his chest and hugging him.

«Thanks, Matt.» Her voice quivered. «When I couldn't feel Sebastian in my mind, I almost lost it. If not for you…»

«Ssh, sweetheart. I'm glad I could help. You and Sebastian are very special to me. I want you both to live long, happy lives together and tell my descendants about me long after I've passed on.»

«Don't talk about death, Matt. Not even remotely. I can't face any more tonight.» She sniffled and burrowed closer. «Just take me home. I need to clean up and so do you.»

«Yes, ma'am.» He kissed the crown of her head. «Your wish is my command.»

They walked around back to where they'd left the cars out of sight, picking up a small group of were along the way. Many of the land-based were wanted to decompress together after the harrowing events of the night and had already decided to act as guards during the next day or two at Sebastian's estate, just to be sure. His spacious grounds had the added attraction of being one of the few places were could run free and still be close to the city.

Hiro drove Sebastian's car from around front, and waited for Matt and Christy to hop in with him while a few carloads of were got in front and behind in an impromptu caravan. Hastings had given orders to his people, organizing them into watches. Some stayed behind to keep surveillance on the warehouse area in case any of Mario's associates came nosing around. Matt was glad, once again, to have the military-trained werehawk on their team. Hastings was on top of every aspect of the operation and always seemed to think three steps ahead.

Steel went back with them to the estate as well, having witnessed only a little of what went down in the warehouse compound. Like the were, he too had been immobilized by Mario's magic.

The mystery remained as to why Christy had been spared. Of all of them, she was the one Mario had gone there to kill. Why leave her able to move and immobilize everyone else?

Matt realized the answer almost before the thoughts finished forming. Like any sick predator, he'd wanted to play with his prey before killing it. The man had positively enjoyed Christy's fear in the moments before she got herself together.

He'd probably banked on the idea that with her past, she'd be easy pickings, regardless of the skirmish they'd had on the patio of Atticus and Kelly's home. Maybe Mario figured that on neutral ground-away from the serious protections around a vampire's lair-he'd have an open shot at the young woman who'd only been turned weeks before.

Lucky for them, he'd thought wrong, and his miscalculation had been his defeat. Underestimating Christy had been his first mistake. Underestimating her friends had been his last.

Matt felt satisfaction as he remembered the feel of the man's throat under his jaws. When he was in cat form, he reveled in the kill. More so, when it was as justified as this one had been.

The ride back to the estate was uneventful. Christy kept silent, staring out the window as Hiro drove. Matt sat with her in the backseat, in case she should need him, but she seemed to be holding up well. Just knowing that Sebastian was all right went a long way toward her equilibrium, he knew. The two depended so greatly on each other already, he marveled at the relationship.

Marveled and envied. Matt didn't ever think he'd be lucky enough to find a woman who could share his life. Many cats didn't. Chances were good that one of his brothers would find a mate and take care of siring the next generation. As the youngest, Matt didn't expect that task would fall to him, though after seeing Christy and Sebastian together, he wouldn't mind finding a partner to share his life and his love, if he should be so blessed. That was a rather startling revelation for a cat shifter who'd always been on the prowl. After seeing his friends and experiencing their love, it looked like his prowling days might just be over.

It took over an hour to get from the warehouse district to the estate. They pulled up and some of the were guards went ahead to be sure things hadn't been disturbed on the grounds or in the house before Matt and Hiro escorted Christy inside.

She went into the first bathroom they came to and cleaned up. When she emerged, she looked better, though tired. Matt led her into the living room and settled her on one of the soft couches. She seemed a little out of it still after the tumultuous events of the night. Not surprising, really, for a woman who'd only recently found courage to fight. Tonight had been brutal for her, considering her background.

Matt left her there with Hiro and went to clean himself up. He stopped in at the large kitchen and found a few of his were brethren had started cooking. He had to grin at that. Trust the were to want to chow down after a night watch. Matt found tomato sauce and pasta cooking on the stove. Nothing like carbs to reenergize.

But he decided to wait a while before eating anything heavy, grabbing a granola bar off the counter instead. His stomach felt a little off and now that the adrenaline high had faded, fatigue was setting in. It wasn't usual for him, but then, nothing about this night had been normal. Matt put the unsettling weakness up to the trauma of the battle and thought nothing more about it.

Christy appreciated Matt giving her some space. It was tough to come to terms with the things she'd seen and done that night. Thinking about it during the long ride home and now, sitting with Hiro in the living room, she was damned proud of the way she'd stood up to Mario.

It was a far cry from the way she would have reacted just a few short weeks ago. And it was all thanks to Sebastian. He'd saved her life and brought in Matt and Hiro to give her strength and knowledge. She owed all three men for her transformation, but most especially Sebastian. Without him, nothing else mattered.

Hiro sat silent sentinel across the big room, his quiet ways comforting. He watched over her without intruding on her thoughts, the sensei seeming to know instinctively when she needed to think things through.

«I haven't thanked you.» She spoke into the silence, meeting Hiro's gaze as he stood from his meditative pose and took one of the chairs opposite the couch she'd chosen. «Your training went a long way towards saving my life tonight. I'm in your debt.»

«You saved your own life, Lady Christina, I merely gave you the knowledge. You were the one who took it inside and let it guide you when there was need. You did us all proud tonight. Especially yourself.»

The smile he gave her went straight to her pride. Such simple praise had never been directed her way during her married years and she'd only realized since waking up in the hospital, she'd missed it terribly. Hiro was a kind soul, a gentle man with a big heart, but he was also a tough task master. He didn't give praise easily and his words meant all that much more because of it.