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The past hours had been a trial almost beyond bearing. Putting Christina deliberately in the path of danger had gone against every fiber of his being, but Sebastian knew it had to be done. When Mario had changed all the rules of their encounter and knocked Sebastian flat on his ass, he'd never been more frightened.

As he'd blacked out from the massive blow to his head, his last horrified thought had been that Christina must now face the monster alone. He could have wept then, if he could have remained conscious. As it was, when he finally woke up he couldn't move, and the inability to see what was going on from inside the mangled container had sent terror streaking through him.

Until he heard her voice in his mind. The link that nothing short of death could destroy, had reassured him and alarmed him at the same time. Knowing his love was in mortal danger, facing a mage the likes of which they had not bargained for, all alone, terrified him. There was little in the world that could scare a vampire of his age and power, but his mate brought that uncomfortable feeling all too close for comfort.

«You're so good to me, Sebastian.» Christina ran a gentle finger along his chin as she turned, dropping her silk robe. She climbed into the tub before he could waylay her, but she had his full attention. He could tell from the flirty look in her beautiful eyes and the connection they shared, that she was as needful of their joining as he was. It was nearly a physical ache. He needed to touch her, to be close to her, like he needed his next breath.

Sebastian shucked his clothes and stepped into the giant oval tub, settling behind her. She was tucked into the V of his thighs, her luscious bottom resting against him. For a moment he let the scent of lavender and Christina waft over him as he rested his chin atop her head and folded his arms around her middle, hugging her close.

«I love you more than life, Christina. I couldn't go on without you.»

«Same goes for me, Sebastian.» He couldn't see her expression in this position, but felt the tremors in her small body and the anguish in her mind. «When you pushed me out of that container and it went flying…and then you weren't in my mind…»

She hiccupped and Sebastian soothed her, rubbing her skin and murmuring soft sounds of comfort. «It's all over now, my love, though I just about lost it when I realized you had to face that bastard all on your own. I never wanted that to happen. I'm sorry I failed you.» Deep shame filled him. He'd failed to protect his mate for those agonizing moments. It was something that made him feel less of a man and incompetent to be trusted with her precious life.

Christina turned in his arms in the slippery water and cupped his face. «No, Sebastian. Stop that right now. You've done nothing but shelter me and protect me from the moment you came to the hospital. You prepared me for any eventuality, though I know you would have died before deliberately putting me in the position we were in tonight. None of us-not even Cam-could have known Mario was such a threat. This was something new and unexpected. You should be proud you planned ahead and taught me how to take care of myself. I know I couldn't be more grateful for your foresight.» She leaned forward. «And you were there, with me, when it really mattered. You saved my life again, Sebastian, and I haven't fully thanked you yet.»

She leaned closer, rubbing her slick breasts against his chest, locking lips with him and deepening the kiss. It was heaven, having his lady in his arms, safe and sound.

«My love, you honor me with your words and your love.» He stroked her cheek, tangling their legs beneath the water in the huge tub.

«As you honor me. Sebastian.» She lifted away to look deep into his eyes. «I know your heart. I know your soul. I know you. You're the man I will spend the rest of my life with, however long that proves to be. Any time with you-whether an hour or a century-I'll count as precious. Just as you're precious to me in every way.»

If Sebastian were a weepy sort of man, he would've cried at the way her heart shone in her eyes and conviction rang in every syllable of her words. But he'd been born a British nobleman, so he showed his appreciation for her without words or overt displays. He kissed her with all the passion locked inside, turning her in the big tub to straddle his thighs. Her heat enveloped him as he drove inside her, taking his time but leaving no doubt of his claim on her body, her soul…and her love.

Now that she was his, he would never let her go, even if he felt unworthy. He'd strive to be better than he was and with her to guide him and inspire him, he'd do his best to be deserving of her love forevermore. For he couldn't let her go. It just wasn't in him. He wasn't that strong.

He stroked within her welcoming heat, the scented water sloshing around them in undulating waves heady with fragrant steam. He felt enveloped both by her luscious body and by the comforting embrace of the water-the recipe that scented it a thing from his past, the woman in his arms, the best part of his future. It was a melding of old and new that was both symbolic and very real, cleansing in more than just the obvious way. While the salted water cleansed their bodies, the breakthroughs within cleansed his very soul, old, dark and sorrowful as it had become over the centuries of his quest.

Only now did he realize what he'd been searching for all that time. Her. He'd been searching for Christina-the One who would complete him and make him whole once more.

He rocked within her, knowing it would take little to bring her over the edge of ecstasy with him. It would be the first of many peaks he would bring her that night, in what time they had left before dawn claimed them.

Sebastian stroked upward while Christina writhed atop him. Some of the water swished out of the tub, but he didn't care. They'd worry about cleaning it up later. For now, he could only concentrate of the feel of his woman, loving him.

He reached up and licked the point of her pulse with his tongue, his teeth descending as his excitement grew. He felt her petite fangs against his skin. The feel of her scraping the delicate points over his neck drove them both higher.

With gentle strokes, he positioned the bite, judging the exact moment to press down and sever the skin, allowing the warm juice of life to flow onto his tongue. It tasted sublime. The wine of the gods, made just for him.

Christina bit down on his neck and the sensations multiplied as they went from him to her and back again many times over. They were sharing every thought, every feeling, every sensation as they shared their bodies and their blood. They were One.

Her core gripped him and he rode the feelings higher. When she cried out and began to pulse around him, Sebastian at last could loose the tight reins he'd held on himself, shooting into her hard, fast and complete, as just a few sips of her blood coated his tongue. Between mates, that's all that was needed to sustain each other's magic and life. Blood and sex, and the deepest kind of love in all the realms.

Christina wrung him dry and sapped his energy, all the while replenishing it with her love. The fireball of power went between them, filling their souls and renewing their immortal lives. They would be this way, together, forever now. For eternity.


When Christina and Sebastian rose the following evening, the house was quiet. Most of the werefolk had gone home, though a small contingent of Hastings' agents had set up a surveillance schedule to prowl the grounds of the estate. Sebastian made arrangements to hire Hastings' firm, though protection was only a side business for the busy private investigator. Still, the man had to earn a living for himself and his people and Sebastian had plenty of money to pay them with. Plus, Hastings' people were well trained in security, and had their natural were talents to call on. They'd also seen firsthand the threatening evil of the Venifucus, and knew Sebastian and Christina on a personal level. They were friends now. Comrades in arms. Sebastian trusted them to look after him and his lady, as well as the estate. It was a good deal all the way around.