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Cameron was keeping tabs on Steel, but the mortal had been thanked and allowed to go on his way. The reports he would've handed in to his superiors at the Altor Custodis were now in Sebastian's safe. They'd be burned in the presence of Marc and Ian, as soon as the Master returned. Ian was keeping an eye on the former Altor Custodis agent and Christina's doctor friend as well-during the evenings, of course.

Sebastian had been in touch with Marc, but it sounded like he was enjoying his excursion in the countryside with his new wife. They hadn't had much of a honeymoon, so this little sojourn was apparently filling the gap. Marc didn't sound like he was in any hurry to return home, but then, the danger had passed…for now.

Cameron was waiting in the living room with a grim look on his face when Christina and Sebastian came up from their chamber. Sebastian took mental stock of the house and grounds. Usually he could pinpoint every creature in his domain. Right now, there were two were patrollers on the perimeter, Cam here in the living room, and Matt was still upstairs in one of the guest rooms. Everything seemed all right, but Cam's expression was troubled.

«What's wrong?»

Cam sighed. «The young cougar bit off more than he bargained for, I'm afraid.»

Christina moved into the room. «What do you mean? Is Matt okay?»

«He's upstairs, resting. He's been in bed all day. I checked on him earlier, but there's little I can do for this kind of malady.» Cameron shook his head, his eyes grave.

«What's wrong with him?» Christina was upset. Sebastian could feel her worry through their bond.

«It was the blood, wasn't it?» Sebastian asked, fearing the answer.

The fey warrior nodded.

Sebastian touched Christina's shoulder. «Remember how I went after Mario? With my hands. Not my fangs.» She nodded. «When someone is that evil, right down to their core, even their blood is tainted. It's like poison to one of us.»

«But Matt bit him. Oh, no! Is it as bad for were as it would be for us?»

«Not quite that deadly,» Cam drew her attention, «but still poisonous. It's something he'll have to work out of his system, but it could leave him impaired.»

«He looked so tired last night, but I thought it was just from the stress. I should've known something was up. He's usually so full of life and energy.» Christina turned back to Sebastian. «Isn't there anything we can do?»

The silence stretched.

«There is one thing.» Cam spoke in a low, serious voice. «Evil can only be overcome with goodness, purity of heart, valor, and…love. You care for him. He's bonded with you, for Lady's sake. You, Christina, could help purge the poison from his blood, both with your vampiric gifts and the love you hold in your heart for him. I know it's not the same as the bond you share with Sebastian, but what you both feel for Matthew is good and true. Most importantly, it could heal him. If you're willing.»

Christina looked confused as she turned to Sebastian. He opened his mind to her completely, sharing images of their first joining, when Matt had given her his blood, so she might grow strong enough to face her fears. Matt's blood had given her the agility to dodge Mario's attacks. He'd later helped her learn how to use the cat's grace and treated her with respect, and yes, a kind of love.

He shared their minds in a small way. He was a part of them, though not in the same way Sebastian and Christina were joined. Still, he was there, in their minds and hearts, not to be denied or left to suffer.

«We can help him,» Sebastian said. «If you're willing.» In their minds he showed her images of the three of them together. He knew when the spark ignited in her blood. They'd been good together. Healing Matt in such a way would be no hardship at all.

When it came down to it, Sebastian wouldn't share his One with anyone-except Matt. He'd been more than a brother to them, seeing both of them through danger and standing strong by their sides. He'd even been poisoned to save them. They could do no less than help him now. And if the road to health was paved with pleasure, then they'd just have to put up with it.

Sebastian sighed and Christina grinned.

She reached up and kissed him. «I love you, Sebastian.»

Matt was aware when the door to the guest room opened, but he couldn't find the energy to do much more than crack open his eyes. He was unsurprised to find Sebastian towering over him, with Christy at his side.

«What are you still doing in bed, friend?» the vamp asked.

Matt shrugged. «I just need some rest. Shouldn't you guys be sleeping? What time is it?»

«Cam said you slept all day, Matt.» Christy sat on the side of the bed, her beautiful eyes full of concern. «It's after dark.»

«You're kidding.»

«I'm afraid not.» One of her soft hands pushed his hair away from his brow. Her touch was magic. «Matt, you're sick and I think we can cure you.»

Matt's mind whirled in a foggy mist. Christy's touch acted on his senses, her tantalizing scent reaching out to fire his blood. He remembered how sweet she'd been to fuck and how much he liked her-even loved her, in a very special way. But he hadn't been invited back to her bed since that astonishing three-way when his mind had been touched ever-so-slightly by the joining of theirs.

«Sweetheart, you're with Sebastian now. I know you two are joined.»

«Yes,» Sebastian answered, drawing his gaze, «we are. And we will be for all eternity. But we're also connected-slightly-to you. We care for you, Matt. We don't want to see you suffer for having helped us.»

«And you think…this…will help?»

Sebastian nodded. «That's what Cameron said, and I trust him to know more about magical matters than any other being I know.»

«The old busybody.» Matt cursed. «Don't listen to him. I'll be fine with a good night's sleep.»

«Matt, you've slept more than thirteen hours already.» Christy sounded worried. She was such a sweet woman. He envied Sebastian for having her in his life. «Let me help you.»

«You don't have to do this.»

«We want to.» Sebastian's eyes flared and Matt couldn't tell if it was with ire or passion. In his weakened state, he couldn't work up the energy to fear either. «Don't we, Christina?»

She moved closer, stroking his cheek. «We do.» One of her hands rested over his heart. «Matt, you gave me your strength when I most needed it. You saved my life. Let me give a little of that back.»

«Let you?» Matt had to laugh. «I'd be a fool to say no, but I'd happily be the fool if it meant coming between you two in any way.»

«Only in the best possible way, brother.»

Matt was caught by both the unmistakable heat in Sebastian's gaze and the words he used. Sebastian had never called him brother before. Such words had significance among both were and bloodletters. They weren't used lightly.

«Are you sure about this?»

«Kiss him, Christina. Show him how sure we both are.»

Christy leaned forward and brushed her lips over Matt's. He remembered her delicious flavor and felt the immediate spark of her energy seeping into his body. When her tongue tangled with his, he felt stronger. He also felt the bond between them flare to life-the bond that linked all three of them.

Sebastian hung back and watched from beside the bed, much as he'd done that first night. But Matt could sense the other man's passion building, just as he had on those other occasions when he'd been with Christy. Only this time, the passion wasn't one of unrequited yearning, but rather that of the flourishing love between Christy and Sebastian. It was a powerful thing. A sacred thing. A beautiful thing to witness and even more special to share in, if only for this moment.