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«Did I mention you'd already scared me enough?»

Sebastian was glad to see a spark of humor in her wary eyes. It made him feel a little better about what he was about to do, though other aspects of his plan still made him uneasy. There was jealousy for one thing. It was likely to eat him alive before long. Good thing the task could be accomplished quickly. He knew he couldn't take too much of this.

«I'm sorry, Christina. What I propose will not hurt. On the contrary, it will bring you great pleasure, but it is somewhat…risquй. I know from your friends that you've never been very adventurous sexually. That will have to change.»

She looked wary, but receptive. «What exactly are you talking about?»

«Your body is fully healed now, and its chemistry forever altered. Now it's time for your lessons to begin.»


«I promised to teach you everything you need to know to survive in your changed state. Those lessons begin now, with our most basic needs?blood and lust. You need to feed.» He dipped his head, kissing her savagely. He didn't mean to do it, but her soft lips were so close, so inviting, he couldn't resist.

Sebastian reveled in the sweet taste of her, delving deep with his tongue as her petite fangs began to emerge. He ran his tongue over them, encouraging their arrival. He'd forgotten how it felt to kiss one of his own kind. It was beyond erotic. It was nearly orgasmic in itself.

When she jumped, he pulled back, looking past her beautiful, bare body to see what had scared her. Sebastian understood her alarm when he saw Matt. He'd come in and prowled right up to the bed, taking a seat near the foot as if he belonged there, while Sebastian had been distracted. It was a shock to realize he'd been so lost in her kiss, he hadn't even sensed Matt's arrival. Matt's knowing wink didn't go a long way to soothe Sebastian's self-recrimination, but it did make him smile. The lad was audacious, but Christina needed a little nudge to guide her on this path. Before the night was through, Sebastian knew she'd need to put all her inhibitions behind her and Matt Redstone was just the creature to help her do it.

«I invited a mortal friend to help you learn how to feed both bodily and psychically.» He waved one hand toward Matt, releasing her slowly. «He is were. You might note the difference in his scent from ordinary mortals. He'll make an excellent first feeding for you to grow strong and he's agreed to let us use him as our guinea pig for this evening. It's a rare honor. You should be thankful.»

Christy looked at the gorgeous, muscular man who sat on the edge of her bed and began stroking her legs. «Um, thank you?»

She didn't know what to think. On the one hand, she'd never slept around. On the other, she'd never been this horny in her life. It had to do with whatever Sebastian had done to save her life. She felt different in startling ways. Liquid fire raced through her veins and straight to her womb, making her yearn in a way she never had before.

Cunning topaz eyes smiled up at her. «You're very welcome, sweet thing. It's been a long time since I had vampire pussy.» He licked his lips, daring to smack them at her. She liked the sparkle in his gaze and could tell right away this handsome stranger was a bit of a tease. He drew her, but at the same time she was afraid of her own response. She didn't know this man. Was Sebastian going to sit by and let him touch her-perhaps even take her?just like that?

«Sebastian?» Her voice rose along with her distress.

Reassuring hands stroked her back, helping her sit up. «Don't fear anything that will happen here this night. A vampire's first feeding is one of the most important of her existence. That Matt has agreed to let you feed from him tonight is no small thing. A portion of his inherent cunning, agility, and strength will forever be passed on to you. Like I said, it's a great honor.»

«But is he going to um…» she felt heat stain her cheeks, «…will he want to have sex with me?»

Matt shifted to sit between her legs. «I'm going to fuck your brains out, sweetheart, and eat this pretty pussy 'til you come in my mouth.»

«Sebastian!» The objection came out on a shocked gasp.

To be honest, though, she had to admit the new hunger wasn't only for the blood she could actually hear coursing through this strange, savage man's veins. He was handsome and muscular in a way she'd never seen in person. His golden hair practically invited her fingers to run through it, and he had the most gorgeous, bright, inquisitive eyes.

«It's all right, Christina.» Sebastian's hypnotic voice soothed her. «It's only fair that Matt gain something from giving you his blood. By lapping your fluids, he will temporarily attain some of our healing and regenerative abilities to augment his own. It's a fair exchange.»

«Who is he?» She was upset both at Sebastian's cavalier attitude and his assumptions about her willingness to sleep with a complete stranger. But even more upsetting was her body's response. She wanted to know how that muscular body would feel over her– inside her-fucking her. The thought was deliciously forbidden and altogether shocking. She shook her head, but clarity refused to come. So she appealed to Sebastian-her lifeline in this world gone wild. «How do you expect me to be intimate with someone I don't even know? That may be normal for you, but it's not for me. Not by a long shot!»

«Sorry, ma'am.» Matt grinned and held out one hand for her to shake, still sitting between her thighs. «I'm Matt Redstone. Like Sebastian said, I'm were, and the youngest brother of the leader of the cougar clan.»

She shook his hand as if in a trance. This was probably the strangest situation she'd ever been in. Bar none.

«What is were? What does that mean?»

Matt Redstone shot an amused look up at Sebastian. «She doesn't know anything yet, does she?»

Sebastian shrugged. «She didn't know about us until she woke after being turned. She's got a lot to learn.»

«Stop talking about me as if I'm not here.»

That earned her a little slap on her pussy from Matt. She yelped in surprise, but it felt so startlingly good, her fangs dropped even further. She began to understand there was some correlation between her new fangs and her level of sexual excitement. If having two sexy men like these staring with palpable hunger at your bare body didn't flip your switch, she didn't know what would.

«To answer your question, I'm a werecougar.» She had no clue what he was talking about and it must've shown on her face. «You've heard of werewolves, right?»

She heard the words, but their meaning seemed preposterous. «You're not trying to tell me you turn into a hairy beast every full moon, are you?»

«Not at all. I can change at will, full moon or no. And I turn into a cougar. We have very soft pelts, if I do say so myself.»

He didn't look like a lunatic. And Sebastian seemed to take his words in stride. Then again, Sebastian was an honest-to-goodness vampire! So maybe there were werewolves in the world too. Both men seemed to believe it.

«There are other shapeshifter tribes,» Matt went on, «that share their souls with different animals. Sebastian has a few friends among them, so you may meet one now and again, though historically the were usually don't have much to do with your kind. Just like humans, there are few of your kind we trust, but I've known Sebastian a while. He's okay.»

«Glad you think so, cub.» Sebastian chuckled, though his eyes followed every movement of Matt's roving fingers playing through the neatly trimmed curls covering her mound.

Christy was glad she'd groomed shortly before Jeff had gone nuts on her. She liked to keep herself tidy, with a little thatch of curls at the top of her thighs. She liked the way it looked and felt, and if she was any judge, the werecougar sitting between her legs liked it too. She could smell his arousal. When she inhaled noticeably, Sebastian smiled.