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Jena was part of the middle group. She knew about vampires, but had no idea that most of the rest of the handsome men and women at the party were werefolk. She saw them eating, so she knew they weren't vamps, but as a doctor she noticed differences about them. They all seemed in robust health with hearty appetites. And they were all muscular, lithe and drop dead gorgeous-the men and women alike. She couldn't stop staring at them, wondering what made them stand apart.

«Curiosity killed the cat.» A deep voice spoke from behind her and Jena whirled to face the man she'd met earlier that evening, before the ceremony in the moonlit garden.

«Mr. Sinclair, isn't it?» She knew damned well what his name was. It was burned in her memory, as was the image of the most handsome man she'd ever seen in person.

«Call me Ian.» He lifted a delicate glass filled with blood red wine to his lips, holding her gaze as he sipped from the exquisite antique crystal. «I noticed you were sizing up the company here tonight. Not such a wise thing for a woman in your position.»

«I was doing no such thing.» She was trying not to let him see how he affected her, but feared she was doing a lousy job. She'd never been good at dissembling. «And exactly what do you mean by my position?»

«You know about us now,» he said in low tones, moving closer. His words only confirmed what she'd already guessed. He was one of them-a vampire. God only knew how many centuries a man had to live to get that sexy. His tone was seduction itself, but she did her best to resist. «And now that you know, you'll be watched. Probably for the rest of your life.»

«Is that a threat?»

Even his shrug was sexy. «We will protect our secrecy by any means necessary. Too many lives are at stake to let one mortal endanger us all.»

«I can understand your position, but surely you know I would never betray my friends, three of whom are now like you. I'd never hurt them or the men who've made them so happy.» Her gaze turned to the dance floor where Christy, resplendent in her designer wedding gown, danced in the arms of her new, beloved husband. Next to them were Kelly and Marc, beaming with a love that was almost tangible, and on the other side danced Lissa and Atticus, just as blissfully happy. Never would Jena jeopardize the happiness of her best friends, no matter what they had become.

A warm hand touched her shoulder.

«Dance with me.»

It wasn't a request, but regardless of the presumption, Jena found herself powerless to resist. She took Ian's hand as he led her out onto the dance floor and stepped into the dream.