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«You are learning his scent differences already, aren't you? Can you differentiate the subtleties? Can you smell your excitement separate from his…and mine? Concentrate, little one. Work out the scent trails in your head. Learning to control and use your newly enhanced senses will help you in the future. Eventually, you'll be able to actually smell a lie, with practice. If nothing else, learning the scent differences of were will help you know when you're in the presence of one of Matt's brethren. They're not always easy to spot, since they blend among humans so well, but their subtle scent differences are unmistakable.»

She was fascinated as the wafting fragrances filtered through her nose. It felt like she'd never really smelled anything before and only now, her senses were coming to life. She tried to listen to Sebastian's rich voice as he coached her, but it was hard to focus as Matt's shaggy head lowered and his long tongue darted out to lick her clit. Her thighs widened even further, seemingly of their own accord. She'd never felt sensations like this. Matt's skilled tongue rasped along her folds, driving her so high, she felt as if she might take flight. And she wanted more.

«Concentrate now, cara mia,» Sebastian whispered, nuzzling at her neck. «Listen to the pulse of his blood, the way it flows through his veins. He's got a healthy circulatory system. All were do. Sometimes that alone can identify them as were and not human to my ears. Do you hear it?»

She thought she understood. If she listened closely, her ears were telling her things they never had before. She could hear the swish of Matt's blood, so different from the gentle gurgle of Sebastian's. She could almost taste the wild scent of Matt's skin, subtle and musky, and altogether inflammatory, so different from Sebastian's enticing male fragrance. If she had to give it a name, she'd say Matt smelled like carnal lust while Sebastian was outright sin.

And she wanted them both. She shocked herself with the thought and with the knowledge that she could have them both. Tonight.

She'd fantasized about such things, but her sex life up 'til now had been rather tame. A late bloomer, she hadn't experimented much in college and married soon after graduating. Things had been good with Jeff at first, though he wasn't very inventive in bed. That had been a disappointment, but one she was willing to live with when she still believed the marriage could be saved. Then the real troubles had begun with Jeff, and they'd stopped having sex altogether over a year ago.

But Jeff was in jail for the moment, and she was…well, she was different. Just how different, she had yet to discover, but she was going to enjoy this freedom from reality while she could. Soon enough she'd have to deal with the fallout of her life and her embattled marriage.

She could never go back to Jeff. It was the one bright thing in this whole sorry mess. Well, that and Sebastian. If she were being honest with herself, she'd admit Sebastian had captivated her from the moment she'd first seen him at Lissa's wedding. He was so tall, dark and mysterious. What woman wouldn't dream of him?

And she had. Night after night, she'd dreamed of Sebastian and the pleasure he would bring her, but he always disappeared with the morning light, haunting her dreams but abandoning her days.

«Sebastian!» She cried out his name as she neared a peak, Matt's tongue seeming to drive right up into her. She clutched at Sebastian's shoulders, dragging him downward.

His lips found hers, his fangs bumping against hers but not breaking the skin. His tongue swept inside her mouth, stabbing in and out much like Matt's did below. She screamed deep in her throat as she came and Sebastian swallowed the primal sound as Matt swallowed every last slick drop of her climax.

As the lethargy of climax filled her, she felt herself being lifted and turned, to lie atop Matt's muscular body. She let her hands roam over his biceps and pecs, amazed at the solid build of the man. She'd never touched a man who was built like this.

«You must work out.»

Matt grinned. «My brothers and I own a construction company. I still work with the crews now and again, but running in the woods will keep a body just as fit.»

«I can't even imagine.» She smiled down at him as he lay beneath her, his hands stroking up her torso to fondle her breasts.

«It's like nothing in the world. But as you age, you might learn to shift. Many of your kind can do it, and you won't be limited to one form. You might be able to fly, sweet thing. I can see you as a graceful little owl, prowling the night. You'd be gorgeous.»

She blushed as he played with her nipples. The idea of flying made her think of Sebastian and she looked around to discover where he'd gone. She liked Matt, but she didn't want to be left alone with him. She needed Sebastian near. He was her comfort, her guide and her…well, she didn't quite know what he was, but he was important. She didn't think she could do this without him.

She knew they expected her to bite Matt and drink his blood, but the idea gave her the willies. Sure, she felt the hunger and her fangs were nice and long now, but she had no real desire to bite this man. For one thing, she didn't want to hurt him, and for another, she didn't quite know how to go about biting anyone.

Her fears calmed somewhat when she found Sebastian leaning against the wall at the side of the bed. He had a front row view of their naked bodies as she draped herself over Matt. Sebastian's eyes glowed red and the way he looked at her body made her unbearably hot.

«What now?» She asked Sebastian, but Matt answered.

«Now I get to fuck your sweet pussy.» He moved upward, supporting her hips exactly where he wanted them and found her center with his hard cock. He was built big and very solid, and when he pushed her hips down gently, she took him inside with a bit of caution. «Work it down slow and easy, sweetheart. Take me all the way.»

This whole experience was moving too fast, but she couldn't stop it. She wanted this, no matter how much it shocked her human sensibilities. There was another side to her now, an earthier side pushing her to take him and mark him, bite him and drink him down. She didn't understand the force driving her, but she was powerless against it.

Christy took Matt by degrees, pulsing to spread her lubrication on his hardness, wanting him inside her in a way she hadn't wanted a man in years, if ever. She'd never wanted Jeff this badly. Certainly not after he'd begun to get irrational. Even before, their sex life had never been this hot. Nothing could compare with this in her admittedly limited experience.

Sebastian's gaze followed all and made her belly clench as she took another man right in front of him. It was wicked and deliciously exciting. She'd never known she had exhibitionist tendencies, but this experience showed her all kinds of new things about herself and her shocking desires. She felt energy coming from Matt in a way she couldn't explain if asked, but she felt it washing over her, warming her and giving her strength. Her eyes met Sebastian's and he nodded as if in approval.

«You feel it too?» she gasped.

«It is what sustains us, Christina. The energy of life.» Sebastian's voice drifted across her senses, an additional caress.

She didn't fully understand his words, but now was not the time to ask questions. Matt demanded her attention, sliding home with a definitive shove. Seated fully, she let him steer. Matt was stronger than any man she'd ever known and he seemed content to thrust up into her while she concentrated on just how to go about biting him. Sebastian prowled near, his gaze burning as he watched Matt fuck her. With elegant hands, he positioned Matt's head and moved his shaggy hair out of the way.