I shrugged and sipped the booze.
By the end of 2016, IH-One had been literally buried and forgotten.
I stood and stretched and went to the window again. Lindsey was gone and the lights in her casita were on. I wondered if maybe she’d gotten snack food on her market run, or orange juice, or maybe energy drinks. Maybe a nice bag of brown potatoes. What was wrong with wishful thinking?
The barn lights were on, too, indicating Dale Clevenger and maybe Burt. By my casual estimate, Burt slept four hours a day.
Back at the computer I stared at the monitor until the screensaver came on. Rubbed my eyes and yawned. Considered another drink but told the bartender I was fine.
Bring this story to life, I thought. The living have their versions — but what about the dead?
What would they say?
You don’t even know their names.
I wanted names.
I wanted faces.
The Doctors Without Borders page had declined to publish names, nor had other mentions of the attack identified the victims. I went back to the links at the ends of the articles I’d printed, but nothing looked promising.
Change it up, I thought. Come at it another way.
I found mountains of government statistics of both military and civilian deaths in the Syrian Arab Republic. I narrowed to “air strike deaths” and found numbers but not names. I narrowed again to “drone strike deaths” and found the same. I bored an even smaller hole: “medical workers dead in Aleppo,” which took me back to the Doctors Without Borders releases.
The Free Syria group had its own version of the drone strike outside IH-One, but it listed none of the dead by name. Again, victims’ nationalities — Syrian, French, German, and Italian — were noted. Then something caught my eye, a link hidden in a thicket of them at the end of a Free Syria release:
Martyr Statistics — Published by the Syrian Revolution Martyr Database http://syrianshuhada.com.
I hit the translate button and watched English replace the Arabic writing.
On the home page was a map of Syria and a “martyr count” by province. The site listed a staggering 151,888 martyrs killed in Syria through April of 2016 — before the bloody siege of Aleppo. I thought about that number for a moment, knowing that the number of Syrians forced to leave their homes was many times more.
On the left side of the home page was a long table of contents. My heart sped up:
And on and on. I clicked on “Martyr Counts by Week,” found that forty-four civilians had died in the city of Aleppo the week of 4/24/2015. Of these, eighteen had died in “Bombardment by air.”
Next I went to “Martyr Counts in Aleppo City by Neighborhood” and found that Farafra — home of humble IH-One — had been the neighborhood of death for nine martyrs the week that the Headhunters had drawn down on Zkrya Gourmat.
My heart sped up, solid and eager.
On a separate sheet of paper I wrote down their Martyr ID numbers, then began in alphabetical order.
Monique Alaly was a twenty-two-year-old French woman with a black hijab and a winning smile. She was listed as a volunteer medical worker. A short video showed her in a classroom, teaching science to a roomful of girls.
Mhood Amin was a Syrian doctor. Male, no age given and no picture or video.
Ibrahim Azmeh was a forty-nine-year-old Syrian doctor with a sharp, ascetic face and straight black hair. In his video, the doctor sat in an outdoor café in what looked like Damascus, smoking a cigarette and looking calmly at the camera.
Noor Mofq was a forty-year-old Syrian nurse, female, no photo or video.
Dieter Njar was a thirty-year-old German volunteer medical worker. In his dark-framed eyeglasses he looked scholarly. The short video showed him kicking a ball down a soccer field.
Nurse Ahmad Radhah was Syrian and twenty years old, his face plump and cheerful. He sat astride a scooter on a dusty city street, his helmet too small and riding high up on his head.
Nurse Ramy Salim was bearded, twenty-eight, Syrian.
Omar Soad was an Italian volunteer worker, mustachioed and handsome. The video showed him smiling, his arm around a young woman. No age given.
Syrian volunteer Nady Warim was eighteen and wore a light-colored hijab.
I printed each martyr’s page, read them carefully, then again. I logged off syrianshuhada.com and on to my IvarDuggans site, on which I spent the next hour searching the nine last names. I set the search parameters for people eighteen to sixty years of age, hoping to snag siblings and/or parents who might have come to the United States. Only four of the last names came up nationally: one hundred fifteen Alalys, two hundred forty-five Azmehs, eighty Radhahs, and three hundred eighty-seven Salims. I ran Gourmat also: seven hundred thirty-two across the nation.
Making a risky assumption, I narrowed the search to California residents. This cut the list by roughly two-thirds. When I cast an even smaller net — restricting the search to five years or less of residence in the state — my third was halved in a keystroke. Which left me two hundred thirty-four men and women living in California who may or may not have been related to one of the ten people who died in the Headhunter drone strike on IH-One on April 22, 2015.
More risky assumptions landed me one hundred seventy-one people in Southern California: thirty in greater Bakersfield and sixty-six in San Diego County.
Next I cross-referenced all ninety-six individuals through the “known associates” search. As I expected, many with the same last names were family. Google Maps allowed me to see their homes and neighborhoods. I found clusters in Northeast Bakersfield and in El Cajon, east of San Diego. I wondered how many were on the walls of Taucher’s JTTF office.
Choosing four of the San Diego names at random, I printed out home address histories, aliases, email addresses and phone numbers, vehicle ownership, fictitious business names, and evictions. And again, I found familial interconnections where I expected to. The information came forth quickly. IvarDuggans was worth its salt on the easy things.
But it took me another full hour to search the criminal records of the four lucky people I’d chosen. The IvarDuggans criminal and court records databases are notoriously slow. I longed for my former Sheriff’s Department access to the state and federal agencies, the best data often being the bones the FBI threw your way.
By then it was after two o’clock. I stood and stretched, knowing that IvarDuggans didn’t have the tools to do the hard labor of separating terrorists from innocents. But I knew who did.
“Up kind of late, aren’t you, Joan?” I asked.
“Ford? Has something happened?” By the time she’d finished asking the question, her voice had gone from dull to sharp.
“We need to run some names.”
“It’s two fifteen in the morning, you ape,” she said. “Learn some manners.”
I told her about the Headhunters’ accidental catastrophe at IH-One in Aleppo. How that piece of bad luck had cost nine innocent lives. How Kenny Bryce’s conscience had clamped on and shook him like a bulldog for years. Lindsey’s, too. And probably Voss’s.