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“Call it what you want,” Nelson responded, “but I’m not interested in an armed conflict with these people.”

“It’ll be all right.” Sergio turned the television off impatiently and stood up. “Ortega will contact us. And then we’ll negotiate.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“Ortega is a businessman, Nelson,” Sergio replied. “Going after us would claim too many victims and cost too much money.”

Thursday, June 16, 2000

At eight thirty, Alex turned the computer off and straightened up her desk. She was the last one in the building besides the guards on duty. She and Mark still hadn’t uncovered any more information about the mysterious partnership called SeaStarFriends. The price of PBA had stabilized after the SEC got involved. But it was strange that the investigation had been called off after just two days. All of the events surrounding PBA were more than mysterious, but the deal with Blue Steel would go through in the coming weeks. Alex was just about to leave her office when the external line rang. She hesitated briefly, but then she picked up the phone.

“Alex Sontheim,” she answered.

“Hello, Alex, I was still hoping to reach you at the office.” The voice was unmistakable.

“Hello, Nick.” She sat down again. “You’re lucky. I was just about to leave. How are you?”

“I’m fine, thank you,” the mayor replied. “How’s business?”

“I can’t complain.”

Why was he calling her? How did he get her extension?

“I just heard that you declined your invitation to the awards ceremony for the outstanding citizens of our city,” Kostidis said. “I wanted to find out why.”

Alex had received a letter from the mayor’s office a few weeks ago, informing her that the City of New York wanted to honor her for her courageous rescue of Madeleine last year. Together with other extraordinary citizens, she was to be honored during a ceremony at city hall. Alex couldn’t attend, so she had her secretary call to send her regrets.

“Don’t tell me that you personally call everyone who cancels,” she answered quizzically.

“No,” he said with a laugh. “Definitely not. But then again, very few people ever cancel.”

“I believe that.” Her voice sounded sarcastic. “Most people love to see their name in the newspaper.”

“Maybe,” the mayor countered, “but they deserve it. All of the people who will be honored have accomplished something outstanding.”

“Listen, Nick.” Alex realized that this was turning into an unpleasant conversation. “I’d love to come, but I need to fly to Houston that day. I’m sorry.”

“Then there’s nothing that we can do about it,” Kostidis replied. “What a shame. But the reason that I was actually calling…”

Alex felt herself getting defensive.

“I’d like to invite you to a dinner at Gracie Mansion on July fifteenth,” he said to her surprise. “You’ll obviously also receive a written invitation. My wife and I would be delighted if you could come.”

“Thanks, but what have I done to deserve this honor?”

Kostidis didn’t let Alex lead him astray with her sarcasm.

“It’s a reception for the Canadian ambassador,” he said calmly. “We always like to invite interesting people to such occasions. The Downeys will also be there, and my wife suggested that I invite you. Mary is very impressed with you.”

Alex almost thought she could hear him smiling. Was he making fun of her? He had entirely different motives for inviting her, and it seemed just a flimsy excuse that this was his wife’s idea.

“I assume that this invitation is just for me.”

“Of course you can bring a guest,” Kostidis replied smoothly. Alex couldn’t help it, but this man simply provoked her to react in a sarcastic way.

“I’ll check my schedule to see if I’m free that day,” she answered coolly.

“Great. By the way, have you thought about our conversation?”

Aha. He’d finally gotten to the topic he wanted to talk about from the very start. This was certainly also the reason for his call.

“No,” she said, “I haven’t had time the past few months.”

This was a lie. She’d been thinking about it incessantly.

“Too bad.”

“Nick”—Alex lowered her voice even though she really wanted to scream—“I don’t like to think that someone is trying to use me. I’m truly sorry, but if you’ve got problems, please contact the FBI or the CIA. I can’t help you.”

“I’m sorry if you think I’m trying to use you. That wasn’t my intention.” He paused briefly. “Have you heard about the narcotics bust at the Brooklyn port?”

“Yes.” Alex was surprised about the sudden shift of the topic. “That’s all people are talking about right now. What does it have to do with me?”

“FBI experts believe,” Kostidis said, “that there will be an armed conflict between the Colombian drug cartel and the New York crime syndicates very soon.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

He was silent for a moment.

“Because I’m afraid that Mr. Vitali is involved.”

Alex shivered.

“I want to prevent anything bad from happening to you, Alex.”

“You’re really trying by all means possible,” Alex replied in a frosty tone. “I appreciate your concern, but as I’ve assured you before, I’m in no way involved with Mr. Vitali’s business.”

Nick sighed. “All right then. Will you accept our invitation?”

“I’ll let you know.”

Alex’s heart felt like it was about to burst when she hung up the phone. Why couldn’t Kostidis just leave her alone!

Saturday, June 18, 2000

The doorbell rang. Soon afterward, the key turned in the lock and Sergio entered the apartment.

“Alex?” he called. “I’m here!”

“I’ll be right there!” she yelled from the bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror. Her long, dark-blonde hair was bleached and cut to chin-length. She hoped that Sergio would dislike it as much as the skin-tight, silver Missoni dress that was far too flashy for his old-fashioned tastes. Alex couldn’t stand him anymore. The constant effort to disguise her feelings was nerve-racking, She had been postponing an important decision that she made weeks ago. Today she would end this relationship that had turned into true torture for her. She took a deep breath before she left the bathroom.

“Hello,” she said.

“Hi,” he replied, and his gaze slid from her hair down to the silver strap sandals and back up. He raised his eyebrows. He didn’t smile, but kissed her cheek.

“What have you done to your hair?”

“I was at the hairstylist.” Alex no longer felt that familiar pounding of her heart at the sight of him. “Can we go now?”

They rode the elevator down without saying a word. Luca was waiting in the lobby, and Alex nodded at him briefly.

“Since when do you need bodyguards when you go out with me?” she asked. Sergio’s face turned grim for a moment.

“So no one can steal you, cara,” he replied airily.

His limousine was waiting in front of the building with its engine running. Then Alex remembered Kostidis’s words about the narcotics bust at the port. I’m afraid that Mr. Vitali is involved in this…No, that couldn’t be. Sergio seemed as relaxed as ever, not exactly like someone who was expecting an armed conflict with South American drug dealers. Fifteen minutes later, the limousine stopped in front of Le Bernardin on Fifty-First Street. The owner of the posh French restaurant—whom Sergio called Jean—greeted them effusively. He escorted them to a table in a corner of the restaurant. Admiring looks followed Alex throughout the entire restaurant, and she registered that Sergio also noticed.