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"You do that well, Amanda, but then, you've wanted to do it for a long time."

"Yes, yes," she answered, but her voice was garbled by the immense prick in her throat. He pulled his cock out of her mouth and looked at her. Her lips were damp and shining with saliva.

"I'm going to fuck you now, Amanda."

She started to rise. "No, I don't think I can…"

"Stay put," he replied and pushed her back down on the desk.

He moved down her body until his cock was pressed against her cunt. He parted her legs and positioned himself between them.

"Put it in, Amanda."

Timidly, she reached down and took his cock between her fingers and let the head of it rest for a moment against the soft hair covering her vulva. She wiggled her hips from side to side and spread her vulva apart and the tip of his cock speared into her. She closed her eyes and groaned. Catch slowly lowered himself, his cock inching into her.

"Take me!" she screamed.

With one violent thrust he entered her all the way up to his balls until their pubic hairs became entwined. She wrapped her legs around his waist and slid her arms around his neck. He began pulling his hips upward and then pushing back down. She met him thrust for thrust. Their movements were intense. Their passions were seething. She spread her legs wider apart and braced herself against the onslaught. She gasped with surprise as he raised her feet in the air and placed them on his shoulders and cupped her buttocks in his hands and began fucking her with long, hard thrusts, withdrawing his cock until only the head of it remained, then driving it back into her with a firm, steady pressure. Her sighs of pleasure had changed to screams of sensation.

"I'm coming," he roared. "I'm cooommmmiiinnnngggg."

Suddenly she felt a gush of searing hot liquid…

Miss Tyne cried out. She had let the coffee overflow and it had poured over her hand. Her dream was shattered. She was back to reality. She turned off the spigot and, using several paper napkins, mopped up the spill. Then dutifully, sadly, she carried the coffee cup to Catch's door and knocked.

"Come in, Miss Tyne."

When she entered, Catch was working at his desk, which was littered with papers.

"Better put it down over there, Miss Tyne," he said pointing to a side table and not looking up.

"Is there anything I can do, Mr. Callahan?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes, if you wouldn't mind turning up the air-conditioning. It's stuffy in here."

She did as she was told and left the office.

Catch was having trouble concentrating on the reports he had gathered about the country club. Included in the papers was information on everything from attendance at dances to dining room fare.

"Shit," he said angrily. He got up from his desk and went to get the coffee Miss Tyne had left for him. He glanced at the delicate cup and saucer with irritation. "Why the hell can't she rustle up some Styrofoam cups? I hate these prissy things." When he picked up the coffee cup, he noticed that it rattled. Catch knew what was wrong with him. He was horny. He hadn't been laid in nearly three weeks. He'd been too busy compiling his report. He always knew when it was time to get it off. He began dropping pencils and rattling coffee cups. If he didn't get it off, he became a terror to work with. He didn't want that to happen.

He finished his coffee and decided to take a break. Maybe if he took a swim in the pool that would calm him down… for the time being. He opened the closet door and pulled out a small leather beach bag which contained a bathing suit and some sun tan lotion. The report could wait.

"I'm going to take a morning swim, Miss Tyne. I should be back in about an hour."

"Very well, Mr. Callahan," she replied, disappointed that she would be deprived of his presence.

Catch left by the side door which led to a walkway and the changing room. He found a locker and stripped out of his clothes. He stepped into a pair of Navy blue nylon swim trunks, the kind that Olympic swimmers used. He liked them because they dried quickly and they concealed nothing from the public.

The pool was a large free form affair which resembled a transient amoeba. It was surrounded by a concrete area which was covered with chaise lounges. At the far end of the pool there was a lifeguard stand and beyond that an outdoor bar.

Catch stepped out into the sunlight and was momentarily blinded. He cursed himself for forgetting to bring his sunglasses and made his way toward the edge of the pool.


He shaded his eyes with his hands and looked down. It was a foot, a small shapely foot with delicately painted toenails. The foot was attached to a long, supple leg. Gradually the whole girl came into focus.

"I'm sorry, miss."

"That's all right. I should have been sunbathing on one of the chaise lounges, but I don't find them comfortable."

Her voice was low and husky and reminded Catch of intimate smoky nightclubs.

She raised her head and smiled at him. Her hair was long and honey blond in color. Her eyes were large, blue and intense. Her nose tilted upward slightly giving her a rather haughty look. Her lips were full and sensual. Her chin arrogant.

"Are you a member here?" she asked brightly.

"No, not exactly."

"Oh," she sounded disappointed.

"I work here at the club."

"Oh, really. On the grounds? In the kitchen?"

Catch laughed, "All over." He crouched down beside her and stared at her lovely young body and her smooth tanned skin. She was wearing a bright yellow bikini which was probably against the rules of the club.

She, too, stared at his handsome face and steel gray hair. She let her eyes wander down over his broad shoulders, slim hips and bulging basket.

"I'm Lila Ballinger. Who are you?"

"Catch Callahan."

"Catch Callahan? That sounds like a western movie star of the forties."

"Catch is my nickname. My real name is Kenneth."

"I'll call you Catch. It's much-well-catchier."

"Mind if I join you?"

"No, there's plenty of room here on the concrete. Anyhow, it seems like we're the only ones swimming this morning."

Catch glanced around the pool. It was completely deserted except for Douglas Raynor, a slender, simpering lifeguard, who was watching the two of them with a queenly interest.

"Ohhhhh," muttered Lila. "Why doesn't he go somewhere else and stare at people?" Lila lay back down on the smooth concrete and stretched. "Goodness, I came out here hoping I'd run into some young people, but the place is deserted. I couldn't even get breakfast. It wasn't being served yet."

Catch frowned. "It's supposed to be served from nine on."

"Well, it wasn't at nine-thirty."

"Do you live around here, Lila?"

"Yes, I live with my folks in River Oaks. I'm on my summer vacation. This year I decided not to go to Europe but just lie around. You know, just catch up on all the novels I've been meaning to read, get a good sun tan and-well-meet people. But this doesn't seem to be the place."

"You met me, didn't you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude, but where do all the young people go around town?"

"Oh, there are lots of places. Perhaps I could show them to you."

"I'd like that. I haven't been home for a long time other than for a few days here, a few days there at holidays. So I sort of lost touch with my old friends."

"You go to college?"

"Yes, in the north-Wellesley. Oh, there's someone."

A muscular, young youth appeared by the pool. He had dark hair, an exquisite build and looked to be in his late teens.

"Too young," Lila grumbled. "Much too young. How old are you, Catch?"


They both watched the teenager as he strolled on the opposite of the pool toward the lifeguard station.