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She nodded but then silently pleaded with me to change the subject. I tried to figure out why, until it hit me, her chromesthesia. In addition to everything else, it probably made learning languages easier, which also explained why she spoke Japanese so well. Carter followed the entire exchange, although he was polite enough to let it go.

“I can probably make dessert,” he said instead. “You have everything for Bananas Foster.”

“Oh, please, please, Paul. Can we keep him? Can we?”

“Now you see why I have to do aerobics every day,” Kim said. “I’d gain a hundred pounds if I didn’t.”

“Can’t have that,” Carter agreed. Then he leaned over and kissed her. “I’d still love you, mon petit chou.”

“Aww.” Christy smiled as she watched them, and her hand found mine.

“Right,” Carter said to me. “Are you ready to learn how to make Bananas Foster?”

I blinked.

“Come on, it’s easy.”

“Oh my gosh, Paul, please! I’ll love you forever. I promise.”

* * *

We lingered over dessert, and then Carter asked me to help him clean the kitchen. He even seemed to enjoy it, which was a nice departure from Trip’s usual attitude about “women’s work.”

“Are you a bourbon man?” he asked when we finished.

My forehead creased. “No, why?”

“I noticed the bottle earlier.” He nodded toward the liquor crate. “Old Rip Van Winkle. It’s really good stuff. Pretty uncommon, so I thought you might be an aficionado.”

“No, that’s for Christy.”

“I thought the Jameson was hers. I mean, it’s Irish.”

“Oh, it’s hers too,” I chuckled. “She likes to try new things. New flavors, especially.”

His sandy eyebrows ticked upward, but he didn’t say anything.

“Do you want to try it?” I asked, another hint.

“The bourbon? Sure. I think Kim would like it. Let’s get some glasses for them too.”

Kim did indeed like it, and Christy absolutely loved it.

“Oh my gosh, remind me to thank the man at the liquor store.” She moistened her lips and glanced at me, and I had to bite my tongue not to laugh. She was wondering how the bourbon would taste with her favorite swizzle stick.

Carter caught the exchange and shot me a grin. I half-expected him to say something suggestive.

“That was excellent,” he said instead. “Thank you very much. But we shouldn’t drink all your liquor. Switch back to wine? Maybe we can run into town on Thursday,” he added. “I need to restock your supply after tonight.”

“You don’t have to.”

“But I want to,” he said. “That’s what friends do.”

“Then I’ll say thank you.”

We spent the rest of the evening drinking and talking and occasionally swimming. Kim got a little drunk for real, which made her giggly and affectionate. She was horny as well, and she started dropping hints about swinging. It was a good opening to talk about it, but Carter grew annoyed, although he was sober enough to keep it in check.

I thought he might snap at Kim, but he handled her well too. He leaned over and said something in her ear. His expression was pleasant enough, but she reacted like she’d been slapped. Her cheeks turned pink. I thought she was embarrassed, but her chest flushed too, with unmistakable arousal. She gave him a look that I’d seen from Christy too many times to miss—Yes, sir.

“Are you about ready to go back to the room?” he asked, although his real question was clear. Was she ready to get fucked?

She inhaled sharply and nodded with another “yes, sir” expression.

“I’ll give you a ride,” I suggested.

“Thanks, but I’m sure you’re tired too. We can walk.” He stood and pulled out Kim’s chair. She rose and swayed unsteadily.

“It’s almost a mile,” I said. “In the dark. And you’re both wearing flip-flops.”

He considered it and then said, “You don’t mind?”

“Not at all.” I glanced at Christy. “Come with us?”

“I’d love to.”

“I’ll get the keys.” I grabbed the ones for the Land Cruiser, since its back seat was bigger. “The Volkswagen is Trip’s,” I explained a little lamely. (Okay, so maybe I wasn’t immune to the lure of a cool car after all.)

“No, it’s all right,” Carter assured me. “This is much easier.” He helped Kim into the back and then climbed in after her. She sat beside him instead of sliding to the other side. He arranged his towel to cover his lap.

I suppressed a grin and spread mine across the driver’s seat and into the middle. I helped Christy up and then playfully swatted her bottom. Carter’s eyebrows rose with interest, although he didn’t say anything.

We drove to the main camp in a silence that swelled with sexual tension. I imagined having sex with Kim if they really wanted to try swinging. Did she enjoy giving head? Spit or swallow? Did she like it rough? Was she quiet or a moaner? Did she come easily or would I have to work for it?

My dick twitched at all the images running through my head. Christy looked at me, and I glanced down. She moved her hand and began teasing my cock with her fingertips. It filled with blood, and she began stroking it.

Kim giggled and whispered something to Carter. I watched in the rearview mirror as discreetly as I could. She said something else, and he kissed her. Then she shifted in her seat. Her arm moved, and I could easily imagine what her hand was doing under his towel. He pushed her away, gently but firmly. She reacted with a sigh of arousal and another “yes, sir” look.

We coasted down the hill into the main camp. I rolled past the clubhouse, turned around, and drove back to the first motel building. The engine slowed to an idle as I held my foot on the brake. Christy pulled her hand away from my erection, but I stopped her with a slight headshake. She put it back. Then the dome light came on as Carter opened the rear passenger door.

“Thanks for the lift,” he said.

I caught a brief glimpse of his erection as he hopped to the ground. It wasn’t enough to see how big he was or anything else, except that he was hard. He moved his towel to hide it and then helped Kim out. Some part of me hoped he’d glance through the open passenger window and see that I had an erection too, but he looked at me over the seat instead.

“You wanna hang out tomorrow?” I asked.

“I was hoping you’d ask. We like the pool more than the lake. And the company, of course.”

“Same here,” I agreed.

“Then we’ll see you tomorrow. What time?”

I glanced at Christy and grinned. “I usually go for a run in the morning—”

She closed her eyes and imagined my return.

“—but any time after that,” I finished.

“After breakfast?” he said.

“Ten o’clock?”

“Perfect,” he agreed. “We had fun tonight. Thanks again.”

“Us too.”

We said goodnight, and they went inside. Coincidentally, they had the same room that Christy and I had shared when we’d come for Gunny’s funeral. She must have been thinking the same thing.

“That was the first time we slept together,” she said. “Not for real, but you know what I mean.”

“Yeah. I still didn’t get a blowjob, though.”

“I wanted to, but…” She sighed. “I was still trying to be a good girl.”

“What about now?”

“I’m definitely naughty.”

“So… about that blowjob?”

“You read my mind.”

I chuckled and guided her head to my lap. I thought I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. And when I looked, I realized it had been the curtains in Carter and Kim’s window. So they’d seen Christy’s head disappear into my lap. I chuckled again and took my foot off the brake.

Christy sucked my cock during the short drive back to the Retreat. I parked behind the clubhouse and slapped her ass, harder than before.