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I shook off stirrups and stretched my legs, popping knees. Then, twisting in the saddle from side to side, I loosened my spine. I hadn’t ridden such distance on a daily basis for two years, and my body, on horseback for days at a time, was still deciding if it wanted to remember how all the parts fit together.

And then, for some incomprehensible reason, I looked at my hands. At the stumps of missing fingers.

Is that what it would take to fell the Sandtiger? To recognize and comprehend what it meant for a sword-dancer to have one less finger per hand to help steady his sword and then dance accordingly? I had spent almost every day of my life exercising since I lost those fingers atop the stone spire, among the madmen of ioSkandi. I worked my hands, strengthening fingers and the sides of my palms, training the stumps to close down onto the leather grip with as much pressure as they could. Several men had learned that I remained dangerous despite lacking those fingers. But for all my strength and will and training, I was at a disadvantage if the right man came along.

Or maybe it was more accurate to say, if the wrong man came along.

“Riders!” Del called.

I stopped looking at my hands and concentrated on what lay ahead. “Drop back,” I told Neesha, and he did so.

Four riders. I unsheathed my sword, knowing that Del and Neesha did the same. I fell in beside Mahmood on the lead wagon, with Del immediately across from me on the other side. “We’re close to Istamir, right?” I asked.

Mahmood nodded. “Not far to go.”

“Might these be borjuni?” If so, it was unusual; borjuni did not usually raid so close to a city.

“I wouldn’t think so,” the merchant said consideringly. “But who knows what may have happened here? I’ve been trading in the South. It’s been months since I came here.”

The riders came closer. There were no blades flashing in the sun, no ululations, no abrupt change of pace from lope to gallop. Of course all of that could change within a matter of moments. But I saw no tension in the horses, as if set to run.

“We’ll halt,” Mahmood said. He tipped his head to the sky and let loose with a bellow in Desert even as he began to slow his team, directing the others to stop as well.

I remained next to Mahmood on his high wagon seat, as did Del on the other side. I could not see Neesha, but knew he would let us know if anyone attempted to loop around to the last wagon. So far the four riders showed no signs of doing that.

They came on, then slowed to a trot as they rode close in. Four men, their coloring in hair and skin a mix from Southron dark to Northern light. They ranged in age, I judged, from late twenties to forties. Clothing was simple, unadorned burnouses—though they’d call them “robes”—bound with wide, plain leather belts.

“What have you?” asked the blond man I took to be a Northerner, gesturing to the lead wagon. I decided this was not a raiding party; borjuni never asked what you had, they just stole it.

“Silks and spices,” Mahmood answered.

“Ah!” said the blond, “You will be most welcome. We mean no rudeness, but we will escort you into Istamir. We have been beset by borjuni this past month, so now we ride out to help protect the caravans. So many have been lost while approaching town.” He looked at Del, then at me. There was no questioning look in his eyes as he saw Del; but then, Northerners were accustomed to independent women. “I see you are well-served already.”

“Yes,” Mahmood said, “but we would be grateful if you accompanied us as well.”

Very diplomatic of him. One man rode to the last wagon, two fell in one on each side, near Del and me, and the fourth took up the point. It was a relaxed ride into Istamir. Few raiding parties, if any, would attack a caravan with seven outriders, three of whom were obviously sword-dancers. Mahmood, atop his wagon seat, looked more relaxed than I had seen him at any point on our journey.

My companion, the youngest of them, Southron-dark, was very diffident. “May I ask a question?”

“You may.”

“Are you the Sandtiger?”

I very nearly smiled. Even so far north, the reputation preceded me. “I am.”

“Are you aware there’s a bounty on your head?”

Oh, hoolies. There went contentment. I gritted teeth. “Yes.”

“I only warn you,” the young man said on a rush. “There are sword-dancers in town. And there is talk of the bounty.”

Inwardly, I swore. “How many?”

“At least six, that I’ve seen.”

More swearing inside my head. “And they all of them know about the bounty?”

“Oh, yes. Tavern talk. They may form a cadre to look for you down south.”

Tavern talk. More often exaggeration or outright lies than not, but in this case, as sometimes happens, the truth.

I had two options. I could go looking for the sword-dancers from tavern to tavern, taking the offensive, or hope no one realized I was in Istamir before Del and I took a room at an inn. After all, if I kept a low profile trouble might well be averted. No one would expect me to be in the North.

At Umir’s private contest, I had taken on, one by one, more than six sword-dancers, and come out on top. But I’d just as soon not be required to do it again. I was neither foolish nor complacent. The latter had gotten Abbu Bensir seriously injured when I’d danced with him in Alimat, a seventeen-year-old boy with next to no skills. Abbu assumed I would offer no proper challenge. He let his guard down, and because I was big and fast—and lucky—he nearly died of a crushed throat from the strike of a wooden sparring sword.

I would not be like Abbu Bensir. I couldn’t afford to. Not when the swords were steel rather than wood.

I knew very well that, when next in a tavern, my newfound friend would be quick to spread the word I was in Istamir. There was always wagering when sword-dancers met; he would want to be the one to dole out the juicy news.

I looked at him, shrugged a little, and said with exquisite mildness that I was not a seeker of fame or wealth but would of course be prepared to entertain any or all of the six. We would not stay long, however, because of business elsewhere.

If all went well, we could shake him off before seeking an inn—preferably a place where we were strangers to the landlord. Sword-dancers knew me and I knew them. We were aware of nearly everyone who danced. Those who made their livings in more docile, domesticated pursuits rarely knew me. But with talk of Umir’s bounty, it wasn’t surprising some word had leaked out, and that word was always coupled with mention of my recognizable facial scars. It was difficult to miss them, just as it was difficult to miss the absent fingers. But that news, I thought, would not have spread so far. I had disappeared upon my return from Skandi. Eventually other sword-dancers would learn of it, but not yet.

Or so I hoped.

* * *

Istamir was rich in quarried stone. Unlike Julah with its mudbrick buildings huddling against the earth, this place was made of chiseled stone. It was gray on green earth, or deep brown where the soil was beaten by feet, hooves, and wagons, but featured also pale golden stone and white chunks veined with what appeared to be silver.

These were not the Northern longhouses of Staal-Ysta, Del’s home, floating on a lake in the midst of towering mountains. These were stone squares featuring walled privacy courtyards, with flowering tree limbs drooping over the walls to encroach on the roadways.