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‘A terrorist group known as Babu Islam, hiding within the Indonesian archipelago, has in its possession an unknown quantity of a deadly nerve agent called VX. They also, according to our sources, have a drone — an unmanned plane — capable of delivering this weapon of mass destruction to a target that — again — is unknown to us at this time.

‘We believe it is quite possible, however, that the terrorists are capable of reaching our northern population centres. As such, we have declared a state of emergency and have instructed the legislature of the Northern Territory, along with the Australian Defence Force, to begin the evacuation of Darwin forthwith.’

Annabelle Gilbert, like the overwhelming majority of Australians watching their TV sets, listened in utter disbelief. She realised her mouth was open, literally gaping. There had to be some mistake. Surely it was a hoax?

‘…Indonesia is also at risk, with several population centres — including Jakarta, a city of ten million souls — a possible target, and the president of that country is making a similar broadcast to his people at this time.

‘Again, I stress to you, our knowledge of the precise details of the terrorists’ cowardly and brutal plans are uncertain. What is certain, however, is that action must be taken immediately to prevent what could be a human tragedy on a monumental scale.

‘I urge those of you in the southern regions of Australia who have friends or relatives in Darwin to open your house to them. We are calling now on the true Australian spirit of helping one another. Those of you who do not have friends or relatives in Darwin but would like to assist, we will, within the next few hours, have a billeting register set up.

‘The Australian Defence Force, in conjunction with our American allies, will be distributing limited numbers of protective clothing called NBC suits, at several dispersal sites in and around Darwin. The location of those sites will be announced within the hour. The people of Darwin, you are already seeing an increased presence of the ADF on your streets. The soldiers will be there to set up field hospitals and decontamination centres, as well as assisting the police to keep the evacuation orderly.

‘I will also take this opportunity to ask all people who are current members of the Army Reserve to report to your units.

‘If, for whatever reason, you are unable to leave Darwin, there are a number of preventative measures you can take to protect yourself against VX, and over the course of the next twenty-four hours, we’ll be relying on the television networks and newspapers to provide this information.’

The remainder of the prime minister’s address only dimly penetrated Annabelle Gilbert’s shock. The network’s normal programming returned and the anchor, whom she’d only met once, appeared to be visibly shaken. Producers and researchers would be on the phones and the Internet, frantically chasing down further information on VX gas, Babu Islam, unmanned drones and, of course, the reaction of the people in Darwin and Jakarta to the news of this latest terrorist threat. Annabelle stared at the television as her home phone, mobile and pager rang and beeped away in the background. Eventually, she picked up the mobile.

‘Annabelle, hi. Steve Saunders,’ said the voice down the line.

‘Steve,’ she said distantly, her mind still grappling with the prime minister’s words.

‘Are you watching TV?’


‘So you saw the prime minister’s speech?’


‘It’s chaos down here at the network,’ he said.

‘I thought it might be.’

‘Listen, Belle, we’ve got an assignment for you.’

‘Sorry?’ An assignment? Annabelle wasn’t a reporter, she was an anchor, and Saunders’ words threw her.

‘Yeah, I’ve spoken to management and it’s kind of your area.’

‘What is?’

‘The north. We’d like you to be on the spot.’


‘Darwin. You leave tomorrow.’

Australian Defence Force HQ, Russell Offices, Canberra, Australia

The transmission was cut, freezing the frame on Warrant Officer Wilkes for an instant, leaving Niven, Griffin, Greenway, Mortimer and Hardcastle to consider the operation they’d just approved on the fly. If it went wrong, Wilkes and Monroe were dead men walking. And all their careers would be finished. ‘If you go with this plan you could be sending these people to their deaths,’ said Mortimer, stating the obvious. He got up off the couch in Niven’s office and poured himself a glass of water. ‘And what about the legal implications?’

The Australian defence force commander nodded slowly. There was no time and therefore few other options. Revise that, he said to himself — there were no other options.

Griffin had already considered the legals. ‘There’s no way we’d be able to get any cooperation from Myanmar or Thailand within the time frame.’

‘So you’re saying we have to go, and worry about the consequences afterwards?’ asked Greenway.

‘Minister, I’m just saying that if we are going to go through with this, we’ll have to toss all niceties out the window.’

‘What about the plan itself, Spike? Do you think it has a snowball’s chance in hell of coming off?’ Greenway asked.

‘It’s risky and the timing is critical but, yes, Hugh, I think it has a good chance. And at the moment, it’s not like we’re besieged with alternatives,’ said Niven. The strategy had largely come from Hardcastle with some interesting refinements from Wilkes. ‘Colonel?’

‘Wilkes’s choice of ordnance is a touch of class, but the problem, as with any mission planned in five minutes with people who don’t have the appropriate training, is that the risk of failure compounds. Bottom line? Despite a crucial part of the plan coming from Wilkes, his lack of experience in this kind of warfare again makes him the weak link.’ The colonel massaged his chin. After a moment he added, ‘But with a lot of luck and good timing?’ A shrug finished his view on the matter.

‘Is anyone else available?’ asked Niven.

‘No, sir.’

‘Well it’s academic then, isn’t it, because the alternative is turning our backs on the one solid lead to Duat.’

‘Then we’d better get onto the Americans PDQ,’ said Hardcastle. ‘Last time I checked we didn’t have any AGM-154Ds in our inventory.’

Greenway turned to Mortimer. ‘What are your thoughts on that, Felix? The Americans? What do you think their response will be?’

‘I think they’ll play ball, Minister. We all heard the president’s recent state of the union address. It fits with the bit about the front line of freedom being wherever evildoers ply their trade and all that. General Trip is one mother of an evildoer and, as you say, he’s our only potential lead to the whereabouts of the WMD.’

Greenway nodded.

‘And we know we have the support of the CIA,’ added Griffin.

‘That leaves Tadzic,’ said Mortimer. ‘What about her?’ The AFP federal agent had submitted a separate report on the Myanmar drug lord on issues unconnected with Duat. Or maybe they were related at a level they hadn’t even considered. Mortimer didn’t believe in coincidences, only connections. One just had to root them out.

‘We could consider letting her go in on the second phase,’ said Griffin. ‘But we’d be putting her in harm’s way.’

‘Tadzic’s a big girl, Graeme,’ said the air marshal. ‘She’s on the team because we value her experience.’

‘With respect, sir, before you make a final decision, I think you should put it to Wilkes first,’ Hardcastle said.

‘Yep,’ said the CDF. That went without saying.