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Castus waited until they were only a few strides away from him, then he launched himself forward. He closed the distance quickly, yelling, stamping ahead with his right foot in a lunging blow. Delphius gave a strangled cry, thrashing with his shortsword to try and parry. Castus feigned a high cut, then swung his blade in a wheeling arc and sliced up behind Delphius’s knee. He pulled the blade, and the man screamed as his hamstring parted. Throwing out his arms, Delphius tried to keep his balance, but his body buckled and he pitched sideways over the stone brink.

The falling man let out a harrowing shriek, but Castus was already pressing his attack against the spearmen. The wind whined all around him.

One blow, and he hacked through the first man’s spearhead, leaving him with a splintered stave. The second man darted in, and Castus knocked his weapon aside. The two attackers were crowding each other now, shrinking close to keep back from the edges of the walkway.

Another feint to the left, flicking his sword at the face of the man with the broken spear, then Castus took a long step forward and stabbed out with his arm straight. The man gasped, trying to fend off the blow, lost his footing and fell back sprawling on the stone slabs. The second made another weak lunge with his spear, and Castus dodged it, seized the shaft of the weapon in his left hand and pulled.

Stumbling, the second man tripped over the sprawling body of the first, letting go of his spear and grabbing wildly for a handhold to stop himself tumbling over the edge. Castus flipped the spear in his left hand and threw it – bad aim, but it made the man flinch and slip. He spilled off the side, fingers scrabbling, but managed to cling on before he fell.

The first man had crawled to his hands and knees now: Castus booted him in the ribs, then drove his sword through the back of his neck. He heard the crunch of bone as the man died, then without looking down he knelt and heaved the body over the side. Striding forward, Castus flicked his blade at the man clinging to the far side of the ledge. The man’s desperate pleading cries cut off suddenly, and he was gone.

Three down: how many more were there?

From the edge of his vision Castus caught movement below him and glanced over the side of the precipice. There were narrow ledges running along the sides of the next tier down, outside the span of the arches, and Castus could see men edging their way carefully along, clinging to the stones. Trying to get behind him, he realised. For a moment he wondered whether he could somehow swing himself down onto the lower tier, but the drop was twelve feet or more and the ledge only wide enough for a single man to stand pressed against the wall. Besides, the brief glance downwards made his guts roil and his head spin. He straightened up again quickly.

Shouts from behind him now. Castus looked back over his shoulder, and saw more men emerging from the dark scrub at the far end of the aqueduct. A stab of painful dismay: how long had they been there? Had they caught Brinno before he could get clear? They were moving out onto the stone walkway now, the man in the lead carrying a trident over his shoulder and swinging a weighted net, like a gladiator.

But the enemy were closing in again from the other direction too, and the man in the lead was the giant bodyguard, Glaucus. He strode along the summit with a heavy wooden club in his fist, as if he were walking down a city street and not perched two hundred feet above a dark valley.

Castus backed up, shuffling, keeping his eyes on the ex-wrestler. Blood was spattered over the stone ledge where the three men had died, but Glaucus paid no attention to it. He began swinging the club, wide swipes in the air. Castus waited, staying braced in his crouch with his sword levelled. He knew that the bodyguard could fight; no point trying to distract him with feinting attacks.

The gap between them narrowed. Castus risked another glance backwards and saw the net-man closing in, slow and cautious, with others coming up behind him. He was right out in the middle of the aqueduct’s span now, directly above the river.

‘Lay down your weapon!’ The shout came from the air, or so it seemed, but it was Flaccianus again. ‘Lay down your weapon and surrender – you won’t be harmed!’

‘Balls!’ Castus shouted. He found himself laughing suddenly. ‘You want this sword, you can come and get it!’

With only ten paces between them, Glaucus broke into a charge. An awesome sight; Castus stood his ground, clenching his teeth as the huge man bore down on him. At the last moment he realised that the bodyguard was going to crash into him and try to wrestle him to the ground. He threw himself forward, flinging out his left hand to stop himself from tumbling over the side; the big man’s club whirled over his head, and then Glaucus was right on top of him. Castus levered himself up, colliding with the other man’s chest. For a few heartbeats they struggled together on the brink, trying to shove each other backwards. Castus felt his boots grating and sliding on the smooth stone. His sword was still in his right hand, but the blade was too long to get inside Glaucus’s grip. The big man’s heaving breath was loud in his ear.

Dropping to one knee, Castus hauled the bodyguard off balance. Glaucus stumbled, and for a moment Castus felt himself hanging over the void, clinging to the other man’s body. He lost his grip on his sword, and heard it clink off the stone before it spun away into the blackness. Then he was rolling himself forward in a low crouch, onto the slabs of the walkway as Glaucus’s momentum carried him tumbling into a face-down sprawl and a slide that almost flung him over the edge.

Castus was first on his feet. He kicked at the fallen man, but Glaucus lay heavy and inert, hugging the stone slab beneath him. There was a whirling sound, and Castus flung out his arms as the ropes and weights of the net snaked around him from the darkness. Staggering, he tore at the ropes. But when he tried to move, the net dragged at his feet and he felt himself pitching over sideways.

Helpless, his arms trapped, he saw the vast gulf rearing up at him. Below was only empty air and then the rocks and narrow seam of water. His feet slipped across the brink and he was falling, tumbling into nothing with the roar of the wind loud all around him.

For three heartbeats, he believed he was a dead man.

Then the ropes tightened suddenly around him, dragging and swinging him, and he was slammed hard against the rough stones of the aqueduct. Only then did he let out a cry.

Someone had caught the net from above. When he opened his eyes Castus saw that he was dangling, entangled, head down over the terrible drop.

‘Aurelius Castus,’ a voice said. He managed to twist his neck, and saw Flaccianus standing beneath one of the arches of the upper tier, leaning out with an expression of amusement. ‘Aurelius Castus, you are charged with treasonous conspiracy against the emperor!’

‘You’re the traitor,’ he managed to say, but the words came as a pained gasp. He felt the ropes creaking, straining. ‘I’m loyal to Constantine Augustus.’

Flaccianus laughed. He was shaking his head.

‘Constantine is dead,’ he said. ‘He fell in battle against the Franks. Maximian Augustus is emperor now!’


Greasy stone, iron chains, and the echo of dripping water in the dark.

The sound tormented him. His throat was parched and tight, and his head felt swollen. He could still taste the filthy sacking of the hood they had pulled over his head the night before. Was it only the night before? Castus had no way of telling; no light penetrated his cell. But he remembered a faint radiance from the airshafts in the vaulted chamber outside, when the jailer had last opened the cell door, and guessed that only half a day had passed since his capture.

Rolling over on the rough straw of his bed, he pressed his face to the stones of the cell wall, trying to lick some of the moisture that sweated from them. But the stones were just oily, sour with moss and old filth. Castus coughed, then spat, then slumped down again on his side.