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Gaius followed the slave through the courtyard. To his right, he noticed several stables that currently held four horses of expensive breeding. Two boys tended to the animals, taking the moment to glance behind them and stare at the soldier who walked through the yard.

Slave living quarters were set to the far left of the high stone wall that surrounded the whole property. The estate, like many in the city was built like a small fortress, meant to keep people in as much as out.

Six guards patrolled the grounds. One man, whom had a long scar running across his face, kept his eyes on Gaius as he stood in front of the main entrance. The men were big and burly, meant to intimidate on sight. Gaius noted that the man by the door had a brand on his inner right arm, indicating that he once was a gladiator; a normal practice by Rome’s wealthy elite to hire the famed champions of the arena as bodyguards.

The slave then turned before leading Gaius further inside, and held out his hands, palms up. “I will require you to relinquish your weapons, sir.”

Gaius was hesitant for a moment, but the slave’s old eyes were firm as he did not budge from his posture.

Gaius did as he was asked, first removing his sword from his waste, and then pulling his dagger out from behind his belt before handing each over to the slave carefully.

The man’s expression returned to his normal cheerful demeanor as he turned and handed the weapons over to a female slave who stood by the doorway.

“Thank you, sir. You are free to enter. Master Antony is expecting you and should greet you shortly.”

“What of the lady of the house?” Gaius asked.

The old man smiled oddly, as if he was in on some privet joke.

“Lady Julia is present.”

Gaius nodded as he stepped over the threshold, glancing behind him for a moment as the slave went back outside to his post, probably waiting for the rest of the guests to arrive.

The air was warm and comfortable contrary to the stiff breeze outside, and while Gaius had been in the house once before, ten years ago he was still easily impressed with the elaborate and tasteful decor of the interior, which seemed to have been remodeled, perhaps several times over since he last walked through these halls.

Gold-capped columns were placed throughout the large interior that received all guests. The cleanliness was heavenly as the stone marble floor gleamed brilliantly from the numerous torches that cast their flickering light across the open spaces. Opulent furniture, tables and statues were scattered throughout the front room, while a low-lying marble pool, touched with floating flower peddles center the floor.

Along the far wall, leading into another set of rooms were the death masks of generations past, decadents of Antony and Julia’s family. Gold and copper bowls of fresh fruit, and scented oils filled the room with a sweet aroma that swirled around Gaius, begging him to enter further.

“Gaius!” Antony called out as he turned the corner, where a cheerful chorus of voices could be heard behind him. A big smile quickly formed on his face as he raced over towards his waiting guest.

“It does my heart wonders to see my brother back in Rome,” Antony exclaimed with a beaming smile as he embraced Gaius; a full cup of wine in one hand, which he was careful to hold away from Gaius’ fine red cloak.

“It is good to see you as well, my brother,” Gaius replied. Antony stood back and shook his head, amused as he looked Gaius over, taking in every detail as if his eyes could barely believe what he was seeing.

“I still cannot get over seeing you like this. How can this be the boy whom I beat at every turn with our wooden swords?” Antony laughed with a delightful grin.

“Oh, your memory is deluded with fantasy, my friend. I do recall that I won more than my share of engagements,” Gaius smiled.

Antony laughed again as he clapped his arms around Gaius once more, unable to hold back his excitement to see his friend finally after ten years apart.

“I think that military stew has clouded your mind,” Antony added.

“Then perhaps we can test our skills again and renew our contest.”

“I would welcome the challenge. Come, you must regale me with the many marvelous adventures you’ve been on since last we saw one another,” Antony said as he escorted Gaius further into the house, leading him to where the other party-goers were gathered.

“There isn’t much to tell, I’m afraid. I eat. I sleep. I train, and then I repeat it all the next morning.”

“Oh come now, I’m certain there is more to a soldier’s life than that. The details of your womanly conquests alone must be worthy of tales written by Homer.”

Gaius couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the serious tone in Antony’s voice.

“Well, I suppose it would be worthy of a poem or two. There were the Brutus sisters a few winters ago.”

The two old friends continued to talk before Antony led Gaius to the arboretum, where a dozen men and their wives and daughters were gathered, talking, drinking and eating small morsels of fruit and nuts. However, before Antony took Gaius further, he stopped him and looked his friend over, seemingly searching for something.

“What is it?” Gaius asked.

“Oh, nothing; I’m just trying to see if you’ve brought a knife. After more than an hour with this crowd you’re bound to want to slice your wrists open,” Antonym used with a somber tone.

“It cannot be that serious, can it?” Gaius asked with a puzzled expression.

“Trust me. Drink as much as you can, or kill yourself now. These are my father’s friends, either by choice or by purse.”

Gaius managed a cheerful smile, wondering how much of his friend’s words was genuine.

“Gentlemen, I would like to welcome our new arrival, the finest soldier in Rome, Centurion of the famed wolves of Rome, Lucius Gaius, and my oldest and dearest friend I might add,” Antony announced with beaming pride as he escorted Gaius, presenting him before the gathering guest of his father.

“Rome’s greatest soldier, eh?”

“Well, behind you that is,” Antony smiled as he nodded towards his relative, Fabius Maximus.

“Sir, it is a pleasure to see you again,” Gaius said as he extended his hand, greeting his superior.

“Oh, have we met before this evening?” Fabius asked, trying to place Gaius’ face.

“Apologies, sir. You visited the camp of the Sixth Legion a number of years ago, and we spoke only briefly that day.”

Fabius laughed.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t say that I recall such a day. I do tend to see many of our legion barracks. Regardless, it is always a pleasure to be introduced to our next generation of officers. I’m sure you are making your legion proud and Rome as well.”

“I do my best, sir. And thank you.”

Antony took a big swig of his wine before he moved to the next group of guests, introducing Gaius to each of them. All personal friends and or patrons to his father, they greeted Gaius with pleasant smiles, most of which seemed false as they had little care to know one of Antony’s friends in detail. Regardless, Gaius kept his smile firm.

Gaius wasn’t introduced to the group of women who sat together, further down from the men; most of whom were younger or the same age as, he. They were the wives, daughters and concubines of Varro’ guests. Most were very beautiful and dressed in expensive gowns, adorn with jewels, silver or gold.

Many of the teenage ladies eyed Gaius with curious expression as they sized the youthful and handsome Roman officer up; wanting to remember his face, for future interest.

As Antony had been introducing Gaius to the party guests, his eyes had been secretly scanning each of the women’s faces, looking to see if he could identify Julia among them. He had no idea what she might look like. He barely recalled her face as it was. Ten years was a long time, and she would be sixteen now, a woman, so any one of the females of the party could have been her as far as he knew.