“We shall see,” said another jed, and then they commenced to fire questions at me. Of course they were simple questions that the most ignorant of red men could have answered easily, for the questioners had only the brains and experience of hormads after all.
“He is very intelligent,” said the Third Jed. “He answers all our questions easily. I insist upon having him.”
“We shall draw lots for him,” said the First Jed.
“We shall do nothing of the kind,” stormed the Third Jed. “He belongs to me. It was I who sent for him. None of the rest of you had ever heard of him.”
“We shall take a vote on it,” said the Fourth Jed.
The Fifth Jed, who had rejected me, said nothing. He just sat there scowling. I had made a fool of him by proving myself so desirable that many jeds wished me.
“Come,” said the Seventh Jed, “let’s take a vote to see whether we award him to the Third Jed or draw lots for him.”
“Don’t waste time,” said the Third Jed, “for I am going to take him anyway.” He was a big man, larger than any of his fellows.
“You are always making trouble,” growled the First Jed.
“It is the rest of you that are making trouble,” retorted the Third Jed, “by trying to deprive me of what is rightfully mine.”
“The Third Jed is right,” said the Second Jed. “None of the rest of us have any claim on this hormad. We were willing to see him rejected until the Third Jed proved that he would make a desirable guardsman.”
They wrangled on for a long time, but finally gave in to the Third Jed. Now I had a new master. He put me in charge of one of his own officers and I was taken away to be initiated into the duties of a guardsman in the palace of the Seven Jeds of Morbus.
The officer conducted me to a large guardroom where there were many other hormad warriors. Teeaytan-ov was among them, and he lost no time in claiming credit for having me chosen for the guards. One of the first things I was taught was that I was to fight and die, if necessary, in defense of the Third Jed. I was given the insignia of the guard to wear around my neck, and then an officer undertook to train me in the use of a longsword. I had to pretend to a little awkwardness lest he discover that I was more familiar with the weapon than he. He complimented me upon my aptitude, and said that he would give me daily instruction thereafter.
I found my fellow guardsmen a stupid, egotistical lot of morons. They were all jealous of one another and of the seven jeds who were only hormads after all with the bodies of red men. I discovered that only fear held them in leash, for they were just intelligent enough to resent their lot and to envy the officers and jeds who had power and authority. The soil was ripe for mutiny or revolution. It was just an undercurrent that one sensed if he had intelligence, for they feared spies and informers too much to voice their true feeling aloud.
I chafed now at every delay that kept me from searching for Janai. I did not dare make any inquiries concerning her, as that would immediately have aroused suspicion; nor did I dare go poking about the palace until I knew more of its customs and its life.
The following day I was taken with a detachment of guardsmen beyond the walls of the city out among the crowded villages of the common hormads. Here I saw thousands of monstrous creatures, stupid and sullen, with no pleasures beyond eating and sleeping, and just enough intelligence ordinarily to make them dissatisfied with their lot. There were many, of course, with less brains and no more imagination than beasts. These alone were contented.
I saw envy and hate in the glances that many of them cast upon us and our officers, and there were growling murmurs after we had passed that followed us like the low moaning of the wind in the wake of a flier. I came to the conclusion that the Seven Jeds of Morbus were going to find many obstacles in the way of their grandiose plan to conquer a world with these creatures, and the most insurmountable of all would be the creatures themselves.
At last I learned the ways of the palace and how to find my way about, and the first time I was off duty I commenced a systematic search for Janai. I always moved quickly, as though I was on some important errand; so when I met officers or hormads they paid no attention to me.
One day, as I came to the end of a corridor, a hormad stepped from the doorway and confronted me. “What are you doing here?” he demanded. “Don’t you know that these are the quarters of the women and that no one is allowed here except those who guard them?”
“You are one of the guards?” I asked.
“Yes; now be on your way, and don’t come back here again.”
“It must be a very important post, guarding the women,” I said.
He swelled perceptibly. “It is, indeed. Only the most trustworthy warriors are chosen.”
“Are the women very beautiful?” I asked.
“Very,” he said.
“I certainly envy you. I wish that I might be a guard here, too. It would make me happy to see these beautiful women. I have never seen one. Just to get a glimpse of them would be wonderful.”
“Well,” he said, “perhaps it would do no harm to let you have a little glimpse. You seem to be a very intelligent fellow. What is your name.
“I am Tor-dur-bar,” I said. “I am in the guard of the Third Jed.”
“You are Tor-dur-bar, the strongest man in Morbus?” he demanded.
“Yes, I am he.”
“I have heard of you. Every one is talking about you, and how you threw a hormad up against the ceiling of the council chamber so hard that you killed him. I shall be very glad to let you have a look at the women, but don’t tell anybody that I did so.”
“Of course not,” I assured him.
He stepped to the door at the end of the corridor and swung it open. Beyond was a large chamber in which were several women and a number of the sexless hormads who were evidently their servants.
“You may step in,” said the guard; “they will think you are another guard.”
I entered the room and looked quickly about, and as I did so my heart leaped to my throat, for there, at the far end of the room, was Janai. Forgetful of everything else, I started to cross toward her. I forgot the guard. I forgot that I was a hideous monster. I forgot everything but that here was the woman I loved and here was I. The guard overtook me and laid a hand upon my shoulder.
“Hey! Where are you going?” he demanded.
Then I came to myself. “I wanted to get a closer look at them,” I said. “I wanted to see what it was that the jeds saw in women.”
“Well, you have seen enough. I don’t see what they see in them, myself. Come now, you must get out.”
As he spoke the door by which we had entered swung open again, and the Third Jed entered. The guard shrivelled in terror. “Quick!” he gasped. “Mingle with the servants. Pretend you are one of them. Perhaps he will not notice you.”
I crossed quickly toward Janai and kneeled before her. “What do you want?” she demanded. “What are you doing here, hormad? You are not one of our servants.”
“I have a message for you,” I whispered. I touched her with my hand. I could not help it. I could scarcely resist the tremendous urge I felt to take her in my arms. She shrank from me, an expression of loathing and disgust upon her face.
“Do not touch me, hormad,” she said, “or I shall call the guard.”
Then I remembered the hideous monster that I was, and I drew away from her. “Do not call the guard until you have heard my message,” I begged.
“There is no one here to send me any message I would care to hear,” she said.
“There is Vor Daj,” I said. “Have you forgotten him?”
I waited breathlessly to note her reaction.
“Vor Daj!” she breathed in a whisper. “He has sent you to me?”
“Yes. He told me to find you. He did not know but that you were dead. He told me that if I found you I was to tell you that day and night he was searching for some plan whereby he might take you away from Morbus.”