When the horse started to come, the pressure was too much for her delicate insides and she quickly moved up on her bed to relieve the pressure. She moved farther than she intended and when the stallion drew back for a thrust, his cock sprang free of her vaginal grip and began spewing semen the length of her body. She was soon covered from her crotch to the hair at the front of her head and she opened her mouth wide to catch what she could as her hands went to her pussy to complete her own monumental orgasm.
“I've heard about it, but I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!” The voice came from behind me and I spun around to see John standing about ten feet away. I remembered hearing the tractor motor shut off some distance away about ten minutes earlier, but hadn't given it any thought at the time as I was totally wrapped up in watching and taping Donna's tryst with the horse. John didn't seem angry, just stunned and it was clear he had seen the deep fucking Donna had been getting as well as the very wet climax.
I pulled her out from under the horse and lay her, panting, on the straw. I took John's arm and led him outside the barn. I apologized for our behavior and explained (truthfully) that the lady was a well respected teacher and couldn't stand the scandal if this were to get out. I asked him what it would take for him to forget what he had just witnessed. He smiled and said, “Look, I don't even know your girlfriend's name and she seems so nice I wouldn't want to see her get hurt. I don't suppose there's any damage to the horse, and I don't really want anything from you folks.” He thought for a few minutes and said, “I wouldn't mind seeing her get it on with the animals from time to time and, if she's interested, I would be more than happy to give her a little human loving.”
We visit John once or twice a month, now and he has willingly joined or little “party of preverts” as he calls it. Donna has developed a strong desire for bondage, discipline and mild S/M and she has never refused anything John or I have suggested as a new adventure into the limits of her sexuality John turned out to be a great guy and Donna loves to have him fuck her ass while I fill her pussy or she sucks me off. Our videotape collection has grown substantially and is kept in a safe place. Someday I will release them for the world to see.
The Curious Case of the Sex Circus and Other Depravities from the Roman Empire
The sex cirrus is not a modern innovation of the Hippies or Swingers. Its genesis is as ancient as the Roman Empire, and probably a lot older. Gabby old Petronius meticulously informs us quite a bit about Roman morals in general and prostitution in particular, and he does not hesitate to dip his quill into detailed acts of sex, including the two types of sex circuses, one in which only human beings participated and finally the Sex Circus in which humans and animals took part. Roman law was very two-faced but dogmatic about prostitution and prostitutes, even going so far as to prescribe the type of dress prostitutes must wear, so that they could be distinguished from “virtuous” women. Needless to say, a “virtuous” woman in ancient Rome was more than a non-drinker on Skid Row. Roman women who played-for-pay were not permitted to wear the stola, a loose-fitting garment which concealed the form, or the vitta with which Roman ladies bound their hair, they could not wear shoes or jewels or purple robes, as these were the insignia of virtue. Instead, whores died their hair red or yellow and wore the toga like the men! Instead of shoes, they wore sandals tied at the instep with leather thongs. Their dresses had to be of flowered material.
Theory of law is one thing; practice is another. Prostitutes did wear jewels tons of them and purple robes; and they did wear garments that more than revealed their ample curves, such as silken robes from Tyre, whose texture was almost as thin as air. Red hungry nipples and dark triangles of pubic hair could easily be seen through these robes.
Roman prostitutes were not strangers to venereal disease either, a fact that somehow escapes modern writers. We do, however, find later Roman writers referring to morbus indecens (indecent ailments) such as the rubigo, the elazomenae and morbus campanus. However, it must be admitted that the ancient writers do not directly attribute these diseases to sexual intercourse with prostitutes. Just what these diseases were, we will never know for certain. If they were not gonorrhea and syphilis, they very strongly resembled these age-old sexual ailments.
Sex Circuses were common, too, orgiastic activities which prostitutes gave for assembled customers and even for the emperors although in the latter case the whores were better paid and “better class” courtesans, offering their perverted services to only the patricians and disdaining the “common people.” In these harlequinades as many as ten couples would perform men and women engaging in every sexual perversion known to the human race. Men would fellate little boys and vice versa; there were acts of anal intercourse between men and boys, mutual fellatio in the sixty-nine position; tribal spectacles between women and little girls and adult lesbians. There would be living “daisy chains” of men, women and children, and often one woman would perform with four or five men, all the males doing different things to her at the same time.
There was the human/animal Sex Circus, and while such a sexual extravaganza was not held as regularly as the type involving only human beings, it was a thousand times more common than it is today.
Nubians (male and female) were very popular and prized in these filthy tableaus, the males for their huge organs, the females because it was believed that a Negress, having more lust, could perform better. One ancient writer even tells of a Nubian male even killing a she-goat with his tremendous phallus!
We have no way of ascertaining if sex circuses took place during the Middle Ages. The records do not say. Probably not, because the people were so moral or because of the insane attitude of the Church and since the priests and soul-savers fornicated along with the rest of the populace. Sex circuses were unknown because bestiality was so prevalent among the masses. Why pay to witness what was a part of daily living? The people thought like animals, lived with animals and screwed like, and with, beasts.
Morals were so debauched that even art depicted scenes of lust and licentiousness. It is a well known fact that the majority of the great works of Gothic architecture were so profusely adorned with lewd and filthy sculptures that, later, modesty forced their removal. Astonishingly, most of the subjects were taken from religious orders! In some cases, priests and/or monks were represented in carnal connection with nuns; still other sculptures revealed penitents undergoing flagellation at the hands of their confessors. Other bas-reliefs showed monks engaged in connections with animals; and there is one in which a naked nun is shown being raped by a monkey. Nor were such “artistic works” displayed in back streets and in gutters. No, instead they adorned the doors, windows and arches of many of the finest Gothic cathedrals in France, Germany and Italy.