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I thought I could handle him being a little rougher.  Cole liked to be in control, but I had no idea what I was getting into when I agreed.

Cole’s grip on my hair changed, him suddenly wrapping his finger to the root and pulling my head up and back.  I could feel my pussy growing wet as the ache began again.  I loved the feeling of being manhandled by him.  Repositioning himself above me Cole instructed me to open my mouth and his cock slowly pressed forward into the gap.  I closed my eyes and took in the sensation of his cock slowly rocking in and out of my tiny mouth.

I sucked and teased him with my tongue as his rhythm grew faster.  Cole began to pull me forward, and as his cock dove deeper, I fought the urge to cough and gag.  I would have told him that it was too deep, but I couldn’t move, let alone speak.

“Relax baby, just relax and try to take it down.”

I wanted to please him and I tried my best to follow his directions.  His dick pressed harder against my throat and I fought my stomach as it clenched.  My eyes began to water and I could feel myself beginning to drool.  The excess saliva coated his thickness and when he pressed again hard into me I felt my throat begin to expand around him.

“That’s a good girl.  Now try to swallow it down.”  Cole urged me.

I felt my pussy pulse with raw desire.  I did as he said, trying to imagine swallowing a big bite of something.  As the muscles in my throat struggled to bring him in I could feel him growing tense and he moaned in pleasure before pulling back and letting me recover.

“One more try, I know you can take it.”

With my mascara streaked down my face I looked up at him and nodded once more.  I’d do anything to make him cum, anything to please him.

His hands pulled me forward again and this time I used my own body to press myself forward.  I swallowed aggressively and could hear him gasping and moaning as his cock slowly slid further and further until my lips reached the base of him.  I pulled back, needing to breath, needing to cough, but he held me there and pumped hard against me.  I was just about to panic when he finally released me.  Part of me was angry that he’d been so hard on me, but then, the space between my thighs was even wetter than before.

When I caught my breath I opened my mouth once more, letting him enter me as he pleased.  I stared up into his face and could see the pleasure in the smile as he drove his dick down into my tight little throat.  His hips were forceful now, but my reflex to gag had dulled and this time, I felt the pleasure of his shaft as it slid deeper.  I swallowed around him and reveled in the sounds of pure ecstasy that came from him.

Cole thrust into me harder and harder until finally his entire body tensed and I felt the tip of his dick throb hard inside of me.

“I’m cumming baby, don’t stop,” he grunted.

I could feel the thickness of his cum as I swallowed down every last drop of his pleasure.  My own fingers had made their way down to my own pleasure spot and I was fingering myself as he pulled himself away and sat down on the bed in front of me.

“I like that,” Cole said softly as he pointed to my fingers with his chin.  “Why don’t you crawl back up on the dresser and show me the way you like it?”

I blushed cherry red, as I thought of it.  Could I really finger myself for him like that?  If that was what he wanted, then I thought I could at least try to please him.  I sat back on top of the dresser and waited for his commands.

“Spread your legs and put your feet up.”  Cole licked his lips as his own hand slowly stroked his cock.

I complied, slowly spreading myself, trying not to let my ego get in the way of pleasure.

“Now, why don’t you show me how you like to be fingered?”

I licked my fingers and slowly traced my body from my nipples down to my clit.  I started there, rubbing soft circles into the swollen pink flesh.  I let my head fall back a bit and as my body responded to the touch I began to explore.  My tiny middle finger traced my slit as my index and ring split the delicate petals.  I let my hips rock as I slowly began to finger myself.

Closing my eyes made it easier to forget I had an audience, and my body came to life as I slowly forgot to be ashamed.

I bit hard on my lips as my fingers dove deeply into my velvet and let out a whimper.  Just then Cole’s finger slid inside with mine.

“Oh baby.”  I whispered, not having heard him get up.

He used his strong arms to guide his fingers deeply into my wetness.  And once he was there it was like fireworks as he twisted and tugged the needy flesh within me.

“Fuck my fingers baby, show me how you want to ride my cock.”

I couldn’t help myself, I could hardly sit still with the intense pleasure he’d been giving me.  I wanted to fuck him now and wished he’d give me what I needed already.  I worked my hips hard on his finger and our lips met and tongues tangled.  I sucked on his bottom lip and whimpered desperately.

A strong arm wrapped my waist and he lifted me, carrying me back to the bed and lying down with me on his lap.

“Here baby,” he grinned, throwing a condom my way from the nightstand.

I fumbled with the wrapper as I slid my slickness up and down his cock.  I didn’t want to bother with the damned condom and suddenly regretted not getting on the birth control pill like we’d talked about.  I was afraid of the side effects; but now as I felt the frantic urge to have his flesh on mine, the last thing I wanted to do to have to fiddle with a condom.

FUCK IT!”  I thought to myself, guiding him inside of me as I fiddled with the wrapper some more.

I lost concentration as he slid deeply into my pussy, opening me up wide.  I bucked up and down on him a few times. Having already had so much foreplay, it wasn’t but a few seconds before my body told me it was ready to go.  I tried to keep focus, but my body overruled my concentration and I rode him hard as my body gave in to desire.  My muscles contracted hard and fast and I let out a moan as I felt myself cumming on his bare cock.

“I’m sorry baby, I couldn’t stop myself,” I explained through desperate breaths.

“It’s alright baby…  Put the condom on now and let me finish inside of you.”

I followed his orders, my own body weak with spent pleasure.  I took my time, rolling the condom down his thick cock and taking my place over him.  This time my body could handle the intensity, and having just spent my energy on my own orgasm, I focused on him.

We’d planned to break the new the next week after we’d met up with mom and dad.  But today, I had something much more pressing to do.  I held the tiny applicator stick between my thighs and peed onto the opening.  In five minutes, we’d know.

Cole paced anxiously about the room as the clock slowly ticked.  I didn’t know what he was thinking, but his nervous behavior only made me afraid.  My gut told me that I was pregnant, but I prayed that it was just a fluke.  My period had always been on time, but who knows…  I had been stressed about explaining to mom and dad, maybe that had something to do with it.

At three minutes Cole picked up the stick and looked at it.  I clenched my eyes tightly and prayed.  The lines still hadn’t developed.

“Look Cindy,” Cole began, his voice wavering and unsure.

It wasn’t like him to sound this way, and I feared what he was about to say.  It seemed clear enough, he wasn’t ready for this, for any of it.  I knew he was going to tell me that we’d made a mistake.  My heart was heavy with grief as the options flew through my head in a millisecond.  I couldn’t get an abortion, that was just wrong.  I’d have the baby, and have to find a way to take care of it on a waitressing salary.  I’d barely been able to scrape by myself, I couldn’t dream of what it would take to care for a baby.

“This isn’t how I imagined any of this going…”

“Oh no! Here it comes, don’t make a fool of yourself, don’t shed a tear for him.”  I told myself firmly.